For a private meeting at our suite at the Platinum Hotel, please Click Here - to make an appointment. Drivers are available to shuttle guests to/from the Platinum.
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Meet with Green Plug at the Consumer Electronics Show� Jan 8-11, 2013 Las Vegas

Why haven't fully programmable, digital controllers yet been incorporated into volume AC/DC power conversion applications?  Meet with Green Plug and our Power Chip development partners to hear about our innovative joint product development.  Full programmability will change forever the way these power devices are developed.  Most everyone agrees that digital contollers offer superior capabilities and a much more flexible development environment when compared with conventional analog controllers, but even a small cost increase is an obstacle for this price-sensitive market.
Together with our partners, Green Plug changes all that with the Green Power Processor (GPP) that features unprecedented flexibility, design reuse and many benefits of digital control for power management, all without increasing cost!

 GP IP Block Diagram 

 Green Plug Meeting Suite




Platinum Hotel and Spa
211 E. Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 365-5000



For Directions & Info:
Call (970) 461-3077
Please ask for: Paul



Meeting Hours:
Tues, Jan 8 at 8:00AM -
noon on Fri, Jan 11.




Click Here to Make an Appointment


Greater Control, More Benefits
Now, all major design elements are configurable in software in realtime using our embedded development tools.
  • OEM's need faster response times and more choices from their suppliers to their increasingly demanding specs
  • ODM's request more collaboration with their power device chip providers on custom algorithms that are optimized specifically for them
  • ODM's also need more parameterized features to lower the huge cost to experiment and prototype and to compensate for manufacturing and broad component tolerances
  • IDM power device suppliers want configurable platforms that make it easy and quick to create new product variants.
With Green Plug, you can optimize the efficiency curve of your power adaptor to suit each load more precisely. With full control of the multiple PWM outputs, you ensure the best trade off between EMI characteristics and power device switching dynamics, for each output power you need to consider. Change startup sequences, timing values, PVT thresholds and more with the click of a mouse button and see the behavior instantly, instead of after weeks of re-tooling with analog circuits.
Fully digital controllers will facilitate new power conversion topologies. Non-linear response and extensive voltage & current multi-sampling capabilities give you the freedom to build more efficient, cost effective power adapters beyond the scope of today's fixed linear controllers.

Greentalk-TM Communications

Take advantage of our comprehensive communications features enabling power source and sink to act cooperatively, as a system, instead of as disconnected entities.

Chip vendors - inquire about GPP licensing options.  Power Supply Designers - come see how easy it is to incorporate the GPP into your products for better control, flexibility and reduced time-to-market.