Friends for "Looking Back...Living Forward",                                                                                     January 2016

My friend and Reach Out's Board member, Bill Williams, wrote about "Looking back...Living forward" after his wife, Regina, died in September. Since then, I have embraced those words for Reach Out.

Reach Out's Ten-Year Vision: 2,000,000 Teens Reached and Discipled to Follow Jesus
Donors: Thank You!
We exceeded our $200,000 year-end goal!
Thanks to all who gave, year-end and monthly.
God provides through you!

Looking Back -- 2015

God was on the move in our ministry in 2015! I started a list of the great things God has done, but it got so long, so fast, I stopped writing. Brief highlights:

Vision Acceleration Plan. Our vision for doubling Reach Out's growth by 2026 came with Spirit-led clarity.

Country Teams and Team Leaders. Our teams carried out visionary, God-sized plans that equipped and influenced thousands. Two examples:

In Siberia--1800 Church of Russia Pentecostal churches are in the process of receiving Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training through Pasha Koryakin and our Siberia/Russia team.


In Nepal--Kim Bearden began equipping youth leaders in June. He has translated 5 Reach Out resources into Nepali. His team of youth leaders is implementing JFYM, discipling 200 teenagers weekly, and preparing to equip other churches in Nepal and Bangladesh in March.  


USA Teams and Team Leaders. In Texas, Arkansas, Washington, and with Anglicans for the first time--hundreds more leaders and churches received needed equipping in JFYM.

One snapshot: Kevin Miles, Youth Pastor, First Baptist Stephenville, Texas--The last two years Reach Out has enjoyed investing in Kevin. His church has applied JFYM. As an Eagle Leader, recently Kevin led a JFYM Forum for youth pastors in his area. His Leadership Team and students led the sessions. No one has ever done that before!

"I cannot say enough about how Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has changed my life and the way I do ministry. We are becoming the unique and dynamic Youth Ministry that Jesus called us to be!" -- Kevin Miles

First Baptist Stephenville Student Leaders

"Attending the JFYM Forum taught me how to be a great leader. I never realized learning how to serve God better could be so invigorating!" -- Katie Pierce, 11th Grade
Living Forward -- 2016

Living forward builds on the past. Thus our potential for ministry multiplication in 2016 is substantial!

New Leadership. Identify, recruit, and train new leadership to increase our internal capacity for expansion.

Country Teams and Leaders. Multiply our training with more country teams and regional leaders in Africa, Cuba, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries.

National and Global Expansion. Expand our training nationally and globally--to Nepal, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Botswana and Lesotho, and Ethiopia, and to more youth leaders in the USA.

Online Training and Resources. Utilize cutting-edge technology to enhance our training and relational influence by creating Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Online, and by pursuing electronic publishing of our resources for global distribution.

Newly Discipled Teens from Kim Bearden's First Trip to Nepal
Thanks so much for engaging with us in "looking forward!"

Jesus is Lord,     
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