Followers of Reach Out's Unique Opportunities,                                                           February 2015

Coming from Reach Out's most fruitful year ever in 2014, already in 2015 we have seen God's favor in several unique opportunities.  

Women's Conference in Denver    


Enjoying Speaking with Lawanna

Lawanna serves on the Board of Passionate Heart Ministries in Denver. She asked me to speak at their Women's Conference with her. I said "no...too intimidating!" She said "Yes!" And I'm so glad I did! We had an amazing time with our friend Sharon Sands, who leads PHM, and her leaders. Lawanna and I told our story--how the Lord brought "beauty from ashes" out of the deaths of our spouses, Carol and Dave. Our story continues to amaze us after fifteen years of marriage.  


Surrounded by Women with Passionate Hearts!
Black, Pentecostal Church in Mobile

Jeremy and Jeff--Good Friends
Three years ago at Lee Grady's "Bold Venture" conference Lee introduced the speakers. One tall, handsome black man walked across the floor. I said, "Now there's a real man." That was Jeff Thrash. Since then we have become good friends. He and Sandra have pastored Goodwill Church for 26 years. Located in the poorest section of Mobile, God has built Goodwill, a black Pentecostal church, into one of the most vibrant, joyful, mature, disciple-making churches I have ever seen. They inspired me-- spending time with Jeff and Sandra, Jeremy, their youth pastor son, speaking to their very sharp young leaders, and then speaking to a most receptive audience on Sunday morning! And you too will be inspired by listening to Jeff's incredible message on "Fatherlessness"!


Leading the Lively Goodwill Disciple-Makers
Five Forums in Cuba

Spanish JFYM Sign 
Reach Out's ministry in Cuba continues to explode with depth and growth. Our leaders, Pino and Elio, and our team of 50+ Eagle Leaders operate with exceeding resourcefulness in a country where people work for $30-40 a month. In February alone our Cuba team has led 5 Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forums, added two more Reach Out resources to the 12 already printed in Spanish, and launched an evangelistic camp opportunity that will bring lost kids to Christ in 20 locations.

2015 Maisi Forum in Cuba
First Forum in Colon, Panama

Lazaro Leading
In Colon City, Panama Alfredo, one of our Eagle Leaders, and Lazaro, Reach Out's Panama leader, conducted our first JFYM Forum ever on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal. Now we need the Lord to raise up more strong leaders like Alfredo and Lazaro.

We praise the Lord for this Forum! The most significant part for me was the leadership of Alfredo--who organized and promoted everything. - Lazaro
Dinner with Mentors in Atlanta

Roland Martin, Jim Moye and Me
After Wilton Sanders, my lawyer friend, did some time- consuming legal work for Reach Out, I asked him to send Reach Out the bill, knowing he would not. Instead he suggested that we take Jim Moye to dinner. We did. Jim has mentored Wilton and me, along with many others, for years. And I mentored Jim's son, Jim Jr. as a youth pastor, who later launched a highly successful mentoring ministry to young leaders in Ghana that still thrives after he died of a brain tumor. Jim brought Roland Martin, from Liberia, to dinner. Roland is like a son to Jim, a good friend of mine, a highly influential leader in Liberia, and hopes to bring JFYM there. What a delightful night of pizza, stories, laughter and talking about Jesus--Jim's favorite subject!

These unique opportunities did not happen by accident. Each one came about through God-created, consistent and sustained relationships. Your prayers and gifts give us the opportunity to build and sustain these relationships. We thank you!


Jesus is Lord,

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