Partners for Africa's Emerging Leaders,                                                                         August 2014

In 2014 more than 2,000 leaders will go through Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry and over 100,000 students will encounter the gospel in schools--because of Reach Out's emerging African leaders.

Dynamic and Dangerous Ministry

Right now 263 Eagle Leaders* equip youth leaders in 13 countries. Today's report from Reach Out's Africa leader, Charles Juma: Enock and Joseph arrived in Uganda on their way to Burundi, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo to the news of an Ebola outbreak in DRC. Obadiah has returned from Zambia and will soon go to western Kenya. Fred travels to Ethiopia soon. And much more! Though facing many dangers, our Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Africa team provides training that youth leaders would not have otherwise. They are on the move!


*Eagle Leaders implement Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, and then mentor others to do the same. Through this process,

  Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry is multiplied.

Proven and Powerful Leaders

From a long list of proven and powerful Eagle Leaders these three represent Reach Out's emerging leadership.

Rosemary Amboka, and her husband Bishop Enock Amboka, serve as Eagle Leaders and missionary trainers in Burundi and Tanzania. A household name in the community, Rosemary equips other women to do what she does--raising up a generation of women leaders to share the gospel with younger African girls who face many challenges.     


Video of Rosemary: On a Mission to Reach and Disciple Young Women (1:09)


James Nyamae, with the African Inland Church, has moved from knowing nothing about Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry two years ago to now having applied it in his own church and training other churches. His leadership comes from passion for Jesus and young people, and from intense mentor- 

James and his young people

ing by Sylvester Onyango and Mark Juma (Charles' brother). James wants to do with the 100 pastors in his network what Sylvester and Mark did for him.  


Since receiving and implementing JFYM, my youth group has grown from 80 young people to 120. We disciple our young people and we reach out to schools. JFYM has given me the tools, skills and encouragement I needed to share the gospel with our youth and to teach other leaders to do the same. -- James


Harrison praying for
his leaders

Harrison Otiyo serves as a pastor to other pastors in the Pentecostal Assembly of God churches (PAG) in Kenya. As a pastor and professor of theology at the PAG Bible Institute, Harrison has emerged as an influential JFYM leader in the last four years. Early on he caught the spirit of JFYM. Now he trains 80 pastors under his direct pastoral oversight to do the same.


Before JFYM I had no idea what to do with the youth of my church. But thank God JFYM came to me. I now have the skills and tools to reach and disciple young people -- a big blessing to our youth group. Even better, now I am able to mentor other leaders under my care. JFYM is God's gift to me and to the churches of western Kenya. I envision every church in Kenya implementing JFYM! -- Harrison  

Prayerful and Generous Encouragers

What then is Reach Out really doing in Africa? According to Charles:

Reach Out is raising up a new generation of leaders who love Jesus and the youth of Africa,
and they are applying what they learn from us in their own churches, and then helping other churches do the same. As illustrated with Rosemary, James, and Harrison this is 2 Timothy 2:2 discipleship in its purest form.  



These emerging leaders, and so many others who await training, can continue to develop as leaders only when they receive your prayerful and generous support. Already this year we have sent $60,000 for training African leaders. The more prayers and funds we have, the more our leaders in Africa can do! Thank you for praying and giving!


Jesus is Lord,

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