Introducing Africa Hope and our Eagle Leaders*
Friends of Africa Hope,                                                                                                 May 2014

Reach Out's Africa Hope ministry had the best year in our ten-year history... 
Charles Juma spite of the tragic murder of one of our Eagle Leaders, severe conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo, Islam's move to dominate and terrorize, and a national teacher's strike in Kenya! 

Though the depth and breadth goes far beyond what we can communicate here, Charles Juma, our Africa leader, and I give you a tour of what the Lord has done through our 263 Eagle Leaders.  
*Eagle Leaders implement Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, and then mentor others to do the same. Through this process Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry multiplies.

One Leader's Eyes
Joseph Chiteri
Each of our Eagle Leaders multiply our ministry in Africa, catch a glimpse of what one Eagle Leader sees--Kenyan Joseph Chiteri.

View from the Top

Through Eagle Leader's like Joseph, God by His grace brought about these outcomes through our Eagle Leaders from July-December 2013:
  • 1,657 leaders equipped in 13 countries totaling 3,707 since 2005.   
  • 32 Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forums, two more than we had planned
  • 75 new Eagle Leaders certified; total 263
  • 72,000 public school students encountered the good news of Jesus.   
  • 33,000 decided to follow Jesus and our Eagle Leaders follow up these students.   
Through the eyes of four Eagle Leaders
Sharpened Vision

For the first time we gathered a few of our Eagle Leader's from Kenya.  God met us and sharpened our vision.  


Bonding.  We came together because of God's call to bring Jesus to the youth of Africa, and to equip other leaders to join us.  We need each other for this noble mission!  


Encouraging.  As a result of implementing Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, several reported having experienced 100% numerical growth in their youth ministries.  Many had started discipling students in public schools.  We made a covenant to pray for each other and to make ourselves available to help each other.  We left encouraged!  


Strategizing.  Our rapid growth demands the unified strategy that JFYM provides.  We rejoiced that all of us read off the same Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry script.  And we planned toward the future.   


Through it all, we thanked God for His work through us in Africa -- favor with schools, churches, parents, government officials, open doors in every place, and for the love God has given us for Jesus and each other.

Charles Juma presenting six new Eagle Leaders with their certificates 

Keen Insight


The return on your investment
It does not take keen insight to see the needs of young people in Africa.  It does take keen insight to foresee the return on your investment in reaching and discipling them.  In 2014 Africa Hope needs $50,000 to equip 2,000 youth leaders and reach 100,000 kids in 13 East African countries.  Every $100 you give will equip 2 leaders in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry and  reach 200 kids with the good news of Jesus.  


Will you give generously so Reach Out can give African leaders and kids "Africa Hope"?   


Jesus is Lord,  

 Donate Now 

PO Box 870141, Stone Mountain, GA 30087