August 2013
Friends of Africa's Younger Generation Leaders,
Starting strong, Charles Juma and Reach Out's other Africa leaders have already led 10 of the 26 Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forums we have planned.
From Reach Out's Africa Leaders
Catch the passion of our Africa leaders!
From Charles Juma
From July until January 2014 I will continue to prepare the African church and its leaders to eventually reach and disciple 75% of the African population--young people. Many young people have lost their parents to HIV/AIDs. Islam preys on teenagers as the main target for their radical agenda. Yet teenagers are highly receptive to the gospel.
Church leaders know they need help. Our goal is to equip and empower over 1000 of them in 13 countries in the next few months. We started well with 10 Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forums. In Kenya--Malindi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Bunyore, Butere, Nyamira, and Homa Bay. In Tanzania--Geita and Chato--and in Zanzibar. So far, we have trained 502 youth leaders this summer.
Next, several from our team of 188 Eagle Leaders will travel to Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Plus we will equip leaders in five more countries in the coming months.
From Malindi to Mombasa
In coastal Kenya--Malindi and Mombasa--a stronghold of Islam and "the Las Vegas of East Africa", church leaders gathered for our JFYM Forum expecting God to speak to them, and He did:

From Kisumu to Bunyore to Butere to Nyamira to Homa Bay
Obadiah Ogosi oversees over 30 churches in rural Kenya. A well-educated and effective pastor, he has given his whole life to the Lord's service. Obadiah, formerly my student, deacon and now one of our strongest Eagle Leaders, reported from Homa Bay.
Forty participants attended for the first time, and left with their personal Plan of Action for what they will do back home. Many more came for the second or third time. The alumni gave testimonies of how they benefited from previous JFYM Forums. They told of going into public schools to reach students with the gospel of Jesus. Many mentor other leaders through JFYM. Their youth ministries are growing. Of these, we certified 8 new Eagle Leaders who attended for the third time.
From Zanzibar Island
Zanzibar is the greatest mission field in East Africa with a 99% Islamic population. The church in Zanzibar is small and struggling--divided within and choked by Islam without. Spiritually illiterate, people are not prepared to deal with the ubiquitous presence and tentacles of Islam. Christians are persecuted and churches are burned.
At the JFYM Forum it became apparent that the Lord was answering many people's prayers. Each leader confessed the need for help, admitting their lack of skills to communicate their faith in the face of Islam, especially to young people who have been lured and captured by it. The Forum shed a new light for the 45 Zanzibar leaders. They saw that the church's future depends on reaching and discipling young people. Through Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, they discovered how to accomplish this.
We have started strong in Africa. Your prayers and gifts keep us going strong.
Thank you!