January 2013
Partners for Coaching Newtown Youth Leaders and Beyond,
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs121/1101736442887/img/1547.jpg?a=1112153409876) | Newtown, CT |
In Newtown, CT, Reach Out will lead a Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum on February 9. By God's divine providence, we scheduled this Forum five months before the shooting.
Walnut Hill Community Church, the largest evangelical church in the area, held five of the shooting funerals. Ryan Ventura, their youth pastor, and Reach Out's first Eagle Leader in New England,
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs121/1101736442887/img/1548.jpg?a=1112153409876) | Ryan Ventura |
will host us. Our role in the midst of their overwhelming grief is small, but we believe we can have significant influence because of our ongoing strategy to equip, resource, and coach the area youth leaders. Please pray for the Newtown Forum February 9! Beyond Newtown, God has given us a compelling vision and strategy for New England and other parts of the United States.
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs121/1101736442887/img/1549.jpg?a=1112153409876) | Discussing younger generation needs |
1 Message: A Radical Return
Newtown has revealed our nation's need for a radical return to Jesus and His way of doing ministry! It brought to light what was already important, but now is most urgent because...
- our culture is unraveling,
- our churches seem impotent in making culture-changing disciples,
- our younger generation has more pain and needs healing more than any generation in recent history.
i2--Incarnation and Internet Strategy
Reach Out's specific plan to meet the "radical return" need in America follows what we call our i2 strategy--incarnation and internet.
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs121/1101736442887/img/1550.jpg?a=1112153409876) | i2 Strategy |
- Incarnation--conduct one or more "on the ground" JFYM Forums each month.
- Internet--lead one or more "in the air" online JFYM Forums each month.
Implement JFYM through coaching churches who attend a Forum.
- Incarnation--coach younger generation leaders and teams face-to-face.
- Internet--coach leaders and teams using social media and Skype.
Multiply JFYM by using the i2 approach with our Eagle Leaders. Using technology, they can invest in more JFYM coaching relationships.
As a result, more people move through the introduce, implement, multiply process more quickly. Therefore Reach Out's influence increases significantly.
3 Locations
As i2 has evolved, the Lord has shown us three places to apply it: New England, Arkansas and Texas.
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs121/1101736442887/img/1523.jpg?a=1112153409876) |
New England Youth Leader's Summit
New England In Nashua, NH in October, I met with 10 key leaders who have caught the i2 JFYM vision. That resulted in the Newtown, CT Forum and the Rutland, VT Forum (February 9) with three more coming later in 2013.
Texas At Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas 5 key youth leaders from Dallas/Ft. Worth met with me at Lamar Slay's lake house. (They have a combined 135 years of experience in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry!) As a result, our veteran Eagle Leaders--David Grant, Randy Riggins and Rick Eubanks--will host the Irving, TX Forum (April 4) and the Burleson, TX Forum (April 27).
Arkansas Six of our Arkansas Eagle Leaders have engaged in regular Skype calls to pray and discover the plan for i2 JFYM in Arkansas. The result: high enthusiasm for a Little Rock, AR Forum (January 26) led by Grant Medford, Dustin Sams and Bill Newton. This group will host another Forum and 3 JFYM Introductions in three other regions of Arkansas in the spring.
![](http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs121/1101736442887/img/1524.jpg?a=1112153409876) |
Arkansas JFYM Forum
Our Eagle Leaders in these three locations have embraced the vision and leadership. They have moved quickly ahead. With enthusiasm and eagerness we anticipate how the Lord will unfold the rest of the story!
I invite you to attend a Forum close to you, pray for increased fruitfulness, and give so that churches in places like Newtown can experience "a radical return to Jesus and His way of doing ministry!"
Jesus is Lord,