The Upstate Update for Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Kathy Neugent
The Bishop's calendar is an integral part of his ministry, telling him where to be, what time to be there and what's expected of him once he gets there.  It's updated continuously with information for each appointment. His calendar is currently booked through November of 2016.

Amidst congregational visits and meetings with rostered leaders, there are Churchwide, Candidacy and Synod Council meetings that have been scheduled as far as two years out and this doesn't include the multitude of committee meetings he attends each month. 

The Bishop's ministry is about his rostered leaders and congregations.  He's always anxious to learn more about them, what their needs are and how he can walk with them through their ministry.

To his disappointment, he's found himself unable to attend some events because the invitation was received anywhere from two weeks to two months before the event. With a persistently full calendar, having to decline an invitation is disappointing for him as well for those extending the invitation.  

As you plan events that you'd like the Bishop to attend or plan on inviting the Bishop to Worship, please be certain to extend your invitation as soon as possible (as much as six months ahead) so we can get it on his calendar.  We don't need all the particulars at that time; we just need to get the event on his calendar.  This will enable us to minimize disappointments for everyone.  

Thank you for your consideration and for your ministry among us.
Bishop's Appeal for 2016 
Bishop John Macholz
As you may know, at the moment seminarians are graduating with excessive debt loads these days.  In a conversation with one such person recently I was told that even though they will be paying off their debt for the long term future, they will never be able to pay it off entirely before they die!  This is a person who is responsible and well-grounded in an understanding of stewardship.

In order to assist folks like this, the Bishop's Appeal for 2016 will help to create a fund to offer assistance to those in need who become rostered in our synod.  We will set apart the year of 2016 to create the account, put in place requirements for receiving disbursements and solidifying a base.  The fund will then continue to exist in the coming years until it is no longer necessary; it will be an ongoing giving opportunity so that we can help new pastors in need and show our support for the larger church in the process.

You may make checks payable to the Upstate New York Synod and write "Pay Down" in the memo.  We will keep you informed as to process as we move forward.  In advance, thanks for your generosity and willingness to participate.
Calling ALL Golfers from the Upstate NY Synod to the 2nd Annual Bishop's Golf Tournament!  

Bishop John Macholz invites all golfers, the best and the rest, to tee off with him on Monday, July 11, Shadow Lake Golf and Racquet Club, 1850 Five Mile Line Rd., Penfield, NY.   Funds raised at the event will support the 2016 Bishop's Appeal that is focused on creation of a fund to offer debt assistance to new pastors rostered in our synod.  The day will begin with a shotgun start at 12:00 noon and follow a Best Ball format.  The tournament is limited to the first 32 foursomes, or 128 registered women and men players.  Registration is now open.  Click here to register.
Dinner will immediately follow play at 6:00pm.  Invite 3 others to join you, or register yourself by June 1, and get a discount.  Dinner-only guests are most welcome.  Contest, prizes, gifts and more!  Cost information is as follows:
  • $400 per foursome, includes golf, cart and dinner
  • $350 per foursome for early registration before June 1, 2016
  • Mulligans at $10 each, limited to 2 per player - $50/foursome if paid at time of registration
  • $30.00 for dinner only; please sign-up for dinner; special dietary needs will be honored.
Congregations are able to help support the tournament in two ways.  First please help us get the word out across the synod.  A bulletin insert will be available on the synod website later this week.  Second we have unlimited opportunities for churches, camps, and other programs to get involved and support this fundraising event with either a $100 hole sign or a $50 half sign. 
Volunteers and sponsors are welcomed!  Please contact Amy Irish to volunteer at 585-313-5068 or  Please email or call Keith Nickoloff at 585-749-4847 or for sponsorship availability.  

God's Work  Our Hands Sunday
September 11, 2016

Dear colleagues in ministry,

Mark your calendars for Sunday, Sept. 11, when congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will again have the opportunity to participate in "God's work. Our hands." Sunday and celebrate who we are as the ELCA - one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

If your congregation cannot participate Sept. 11, please consider another time. The 2016 dedicated day of service will also mark the 15-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. 

"The world can be a dangerous place. But there are some who, when disaster strikes, run toward the danger. These are first responders, firefighters, police and EMTs, who live out their baptismal vocation in service to their communities in times of intense need. They do God's work with their hands." - ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton

"God's work. Our hands." Sunday service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ - every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life - flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God's grace. View the video to learn how some ELCA members organized their 2015 day of service.

T-shirts will once again be available from Old Lutheran at Old The deadline for ordering your congregation's personalized shirt is Aug. 19.

We look forward to doing this work together. Visit for the 2016 toolkit and more.

God's peace,
Christina Jackson-Skelton
Executive Director for Mission Advancement
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

P.S. Need help planning? Find new resources for your dedicated day of service.

The New York State Council of Churches invites you to our first annual luncheon and fundraiser on Thursday, May 12, 2016 from 11:30 to 1:00. The luncheon will be at First Lutheran Church, 646 State Street in Albany. The deadline for purchasing tickets is April 28, 2016.

The Council is very pleased to present four awards to individuals who have distinguished themselves in offering leadership in the Council's areas of ministry.
  • Advocacy:Karen Magee, President, New York State United Teachers
  • Chaplaincy:The Reverend J. Edward Lewis andThe Reverend Edwin Muller
  • Christian Education: The Reverend Brooke Newell, Pastor, Potsdam United Methodist Church
  • Ecumanism: Bishop William Franklin, Episcopal Diocese of Western New York and Bishop Richard J. Malone, Catholic Diocese of Buffalo
If you would like to attend, please click here to purchase individual luncheon tickets. (Deadline is April 28, 2016)

Our luncheon speaker will be The Reverend Canon Petero A. N. Sabune, Director of New York Theological Seminary Masters Program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility.

Since this is our major fundraiser for the year, we are seeking sponsors for the luncheon. Please click here for more information: (Deadline is April 25, 2016)

If you have questions, please contact me at or  508-380-8289 or Karen Lapierre at or 518-436-9319. Also, additional information is available on our website at New York State Council of Churches.

Thank you for your support of the New York State Council of Churches. We look forward to being with you on May 12. With warmest wishes.

Peter Cook                                                                                                                        
Executive Director


Prayers of Healing:
  • for Pastor Don Willman
Prayer of Thanksgiving:
  • for Karen Brundige and John Eadon as they announce their engagement
The registration fee is $95.  Meal costs are in addition to the registration fee and are listed on the registration page.  
To get the latest information about this year's Synod Assembly, sign up for the Upstate Update by visiting the bottom of our home page at Upstate New York Synod. Information will also be posted on the website as it is available.  Registration will close on May 15.

Parochial Reports
The ELCA continues to encourage congregations to complete their parochial reports for 2015.  These reports are vital to the ELCA's commitment to improving its efforts of spreading the good news and are used in allocating the ELCA's resources to synods and congregations. Did you know that the information you submit (or do not submit) in your parochial report goes into your congregation's trend report, which is publicly available online? Seekers looking for your congregation can see not only the information you submit but also whether the congregation has submitted parochial reports.  You may access the on-line entry system for Forms A & C at the following link  For those reporting on-line, you will be asked for the congregational ID and password provided to the treasurer at the beginning of the year.  If you are in need of either of these pieces, please contact Karen Brundige at the Synod office.

Just a Couple of Quick Reminders:
1. Spring Work Weekend is THIS WEEKEND: Saturday, April 23 and Sunday, April 24. Part of Vanderkamp's stated mission is to provide opportunities for people to "respond in service." Please join us for fun and fellowship as we work together in Christian community on much needed projects that support Vanderkamp's outdoor ministry. Please RSVP so we can plan!
  • Volunteers are welcome to stay over in the lodges-donations requested but not required to cover utility & staff expenses associated with lodging.
  • Commuters welcome anytime SaturdaySunday or both days.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be provided free to our volunteers
  • No age limit-bring the family!
2. Summer Kamp Open House is NEXT WEEKEND: Saturday, April 30 from 1 - 5 pm. (Hence the urgency to get kamp looking "spiffy" during the work weekend!)
Read lots more!

80th Anniversary Celebration  1936-2016, Sunday, June 12, 2016
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Please join us for an enjoyable afternoon of giving thanks for what Christ has done through the years at "Camp ELBA"(Eastern Lutheran Bible Association), "Chautauqua Lutheran Camp," "Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Camp," and now "Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center."

Service of Thanksgiving and Praise at 4:30 PM 
Dinner at 5:15 PM    $8.00 13 yrs. & older / $6.00 6-12 yrs. / Free 5 yrs. & younger. Please RSVP by June 1 so we know how many meals to prepare.  Email or tel:716-386-4125. Visit our website.
ELCA Youth Gathering 2018
The ELCA Youth Gathering is primarily planned and led by amazing volunteers who serve on 15 planning teams. We are now accepting applications from individuals who would like to participate in the planning process. Applications will be accepted until July 1, 2016. Click here to learn more and start your application. Read more in our newsletter.

We present our ELCA Advocacy Update for the month of April. Please read below for important information on ELCA Advocacy efforts in Washington, across the country and throughout the world. To read the full version of the update and for more information on advocacy efforts from our Lutheran State Advocacy offices, visit our blog

Just 10 days left to take your Mayo Clinic Health Assessment AND help congregations across our synod save 1% on 2016 health care premiums.  
As of April 1 our synod was at 60% participation.  The goal is 65% - we need at least 5 more people to take the health assessment to reach 65%.  The deadline is April 30.  All sponsored plan members and their spouses or eligible same gender partners with ELCA-Primary health benefits can participate in the Mayo Clinic health assessment.  Please don't delay - take your health assessment TODAY!  EVERYONE BENEFITS!
Portico Benefit Services makes a number of other resources available through GO!Challenge and the Wellness Reformation  for a path toward a healthier you and healthier living in general.  

Please visit our website
Thank you for spending some time reading this edition of the Upstate Update. We hope, and pray, that you found it useful. If you know someone who could benefit from the Upstate Update, please forward it to them and ask them to sign up directly.
Kathy Neugent
Executive Assistant to the Bishop
Upstate New York Synod of the 
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Phone: 315-299-4955 Fax: 315-299-4981 
 Resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives.   

Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | 5811 Heritage Landing Drive | First Floor | E. Syracuse | NY | 13057