The Upstate Update for Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Calling ALL Golfers from the Upstate NY Synod to the 
Bishop's Inaugural Golf Tournament!

Bishop John Macholz invites all golfers, the best and the rest, to have fun, build new relationships with other Upstate NY Synod Lutherans, and help fund the Bishop's Discretionary Fund, which helps to support rostered leaders in times of need.  The Inaugural Golf Outing will be held at Shadow Pines Golf Course, Penfield, NY, September 19, 2015, and begin with a shotgun start at 1:15PM.  It will follow a scramble format, 18-holes, carts and a sleeve of balls included, maximum of two-putts per green, up to 8 mulligans per foursome can be purchased, prizes for the normal competitions - longest drives, closest to the pin - for both men and women, 

and make your wager for the first ever to Beat the Bishop's Best Drive.

Dinner with awards, auction, and a closing word from Bishop John, will             immediately follow play.  Invite 3 others to join you, or register yourself by August 17, and get a discount - $450/foursome, or $112.50/single (after August 17 price goes to $500/$125).  Dinner-only guests are also encouraged.  Please sign up your team (or yourself) and pay online at Bishop's Golf Outing Registration!  The Conference that brings the most golfers (outside Genesee Finger Lakes) will get to host next year's golf outing!

Volunteers are needed the day of the event (about 12). Please call Tom Johnson at 585.857.8533 (or Amy Irish at 585.313.5068) if you are able to volunteer -     the more the merrier (and you get a free dinner!).  If you know a potential sponsor, we have several activities and holes they could brand.  Please call Keith  Nickoloff at 585.749.4847 with any interested candidates.   Let's get to know one another, have fun and raise some money for the Bishop's Discretionary Fund! 


Portico Forums Scheduled

August 3, 4, and 5


Barbara Debski, Regional Portico Representative will facilitate an informational forum in 3 locations on the synod territory.  Come learn the latest information on Portico benefits. Bring your questions and be better prepared to make decisions during the annual fall health insurance selection process. Visit  Portico Forum Schedule.  Please confirm your participation by email with Patsy Glista, by July 30.     

  • Monday, August 3, 2015, 7:00 - 9:00pm in western NY at Trinity Lutheran Church, 4809 S. Newstead Road, Akron, NY  14007
  • Tuesday, August 4, 2015, 7:00 - 9:00pm in central NY at Luther Memorial Church, 435 S. Main Street, North Syracuse, NY 13212.  Please drive around to the back of the building to the parking lot or reach the parking area off of South Bay Rd.
  • Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 7:00 - 9:00pm in eastern NY at First Lutheran Church, 181 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203.  Please use the 646 State Street entrance and the parking lot at Cortland and State Streets.   



August 21 - 23, ELCA Churchwide Office of Research and Evaluation staff will be on the synod territory for a synodical Quadrennial Review.  They will meet with our Synod Council members on Friday evening, Aug. 21.  Congregation members and rostered leaders from around the synod are also invited to participate on Saturday!  The review is an opportunity to build on what we have learned so far from the Appreciative Inquiry Process and address questions around healthy pastors and healthy congregations. 


Three sites and various times have been arranged to meet with Churchwide staff.  Pre-registration is greatly appreciated!  Pastors are asked to bring at least one lay member from their congregation with them.  Sessions will be held at the following times on Saturday, Aug. 22 at all three locations:  9:00 - 10:15am; 10:30 - 11:45am; 1:00 - 2:15pm; and 2:30 - 3:45pm.   

 The locations are:


St. John's, W. Seneca

3512 Clinton St

West Seneca, NY 14224

(716) 668-2152

CW staff:  John Hessian


First, Albany

181 Western Ave

Albany, NY 12203

(518) 463-1326

CW staff:  Victoria Flood


St. Paul's

210 Hazel St,

Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 457-3210

CW staff:  Kenneth Inskeep

PLEASE register no later than August 19 by emailing Kathy Neugent, or by calling the synod office at (315) 299-4955. 


In preparation those attending might want to consider the following questions:

  • What do you believe God is calling the congregations in the territory of the Upstate NY Synod to be/do in the next 3 - 5 years?
  • What are your congregation's primary strengths or assets?
  • What are the significant challenges facing your congregation?
  • What has the synod office done well in the past?  Where does it need to improve?
  • What do you believe should be the top priorities of the synod bishop and staff in the next 3 - 5 years?
  • What advice would you give to the synod bishop and staff as they work to achieve the priorities you identified in bullet #5
  • What do you believe the synod bishop and staff can expect by way of support from your congregation? (Investments of time, moral support, financial support, etc.)

Upstate New York Synod

Women of the ELCA Convention


"Called to Mission" will be held September 25-27, 2015 at the Millennium Hotel, 3040 Walden Ave, Buffalo, NY (Exit 52 NYS Thruway).  Registration information and forms as well as information about the workshops and Ingathering are available now at Women of the ELCA Convention.  Registration before September 5 and save $15 on your registration fee.   


God's Work, Our Hands Sunday

is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran  Church in America - one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.  The date for the 2015 dedicated day of service is Sunday, September 13, 2015.  Mark your congregation's calendar today! In speaking about his congregation's 2014 experience, a 10-year-old member from St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Whittier, Calif., puts it best: "It feels good to give."  Congregations can learn more and find resources at

Synod Ministerium

September 21 - 23 at Notre Dame Retreat House, 5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, 

NY  14424.  Register at Ministerium Registration

Stay Informed About Annual Open Enrollment 

Portico knows the church wants to care for its leaders. We hear it often: "We just want to do right by our leaders." But we also know the cost of benefits can be difficult for many congregations to manage. While specifics about 2016 rates and plan details won't be available until early August, you can prepare for the conversation about next year's health benefit options now by thinking through how you're using this year's health benefits. Have you gotten preventive checkups or screenings? Met your deductible? Are most of your out-of-pocket medical costs prescription drug copayments?  Portico will be preparing organizations for this conversation. Over the next few months, Portico will send EmployerLink registered users a series of important emails. If you're registered on EmployerLink, watch for them. If you're not registered, ask your organization's EmployerLink user to share them with you.  More information will make it easier to speak confidently with your organization's decision-makers about the value these benefits provide, and to advocate for what's best for you and for the church.

FEMA Resources for houses of worship available

Rev. David L. Myers, Director, Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships, U.S. Department of Homeland Security invites faith leaders to prepare their house of worship for disasters and emergencies, and to implement practices that will mitigate damage, including in active shooter events.   Visit for helpful information and to access the "Guide for Developing High Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship."  September is National Preparedness month - a great time to take this first step.

God's Story, Our Voices

We continue to invite congregations to share their God stories - ways that you are serving as voices of God's story in the world.  Please share them with us in 2 - 3 paragraphs (350 words or less).  Submissions may be sent to Kathy Neugent, and we will feature them in the Upstate Update as received and space allows.  You may also share 1 or 2 pictures to accompany your story.


Faith Week of Action

As part of Social Security's 80th anniversary celebration, faith and community leaders from across the country are invited to participate in Social Security Faith Week of

This special week will highlight America's most successful social program and encourage individuals to take charge of their financial future by creating a secure my Social Security account at  


Read the July 2015  issue of ELCA Global Links. Learn about the many ways that the ELCA is involved in ministry around the world.

Please visit our website
Thank you for spending some time reading this edition of the Upstate Update. We hope, and pray, that you found it useful. If you know someone who could benefit from the Upstate Update, please forward it to them and ask them to sign up directly.
Kathy Neugent
Executive Assistant to the Bishop
Upstate New York Synod of the 
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Phone: 315-299-4955 Fax: 315-299-4981 
 Resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives.