The Light Green Machine Institute

2 Nov 16: Rewarding Innovation
Our industry is known for its poor track record in innovation, particularly in recent decades. This is innovation and strategy month at Paperitalo Publications.  We will be exploring why we are not innovating and what we can do about it.
Let's just start here this week: it is not for a lack of ideas. Here at the Light Green Machine Institute as well as throughout academia, there are plenty of ideas to explore.
That leaves us with a hint as to where the problem is: in the investment community.
Any thoughts on this?  Any avenues you would like for us to explore?  Drop us a line so that we can get them in the queue for this month.
with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line. 

As always, your comments will be appreciated.

Think light!

Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director


Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

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