The Light Green Machine Institute

21 Sep 16: New ways of cooking pulp for linerboard production

Another innovation to be discussed at the Light Green Machine Institute Annual conference!

We have jam-packed program in store for you. You can see the program -- and sign up -- here.

There are some people we can rely on year in and year out to provide interesting presentations at the LGMI Conference.  One of these is Dr. Anders Hjort of Valmet in Karlstand, Sweden.  I have lost track of how many years he has made the trip to come to our conference and present breakthrough technologies in pulping.  This year is no different.
Title:  Linerboard Production Using High Kappa Number Cooking with Extended Liquor Impregnation
A technology shift has made it possible to produce pulp for linerboard by applying high liquor to wood and low temperature cooking. The cooking is preceded by an extended impregnation at low temperature (~100 C). The pulp produced has a low reject content and require less refining than conventionally produced pulp. 
This sounds very interesting and quite relevant to the demands of today.
After last week's discussion about 3-D Printing, we decided to make it even more interesting.  A supporting company, Talo Analytic International, has donated the funds to purchase a 3-D Printer (approximate value USD 1,000) which will be given to one lucky recipient employed by a paper or paperboard manufacturing company who registers and attends the 7th Annual Light Green Machine Institute Conference.  Time to register, folks. For many reasons you will not want to miss this conference!

You will not want to miss this presentation.  Sign up for the 7th Annual Light Green Machine Institute Conference today.  
We would like to hear from you. Please send an email to [email protected] 
with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line. 

As always, your comments will be appreciated.

Think light!

Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director


Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

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The Light Green Machine Institute is a 501C3 Delaware Registered Corporation. If you are interested in making tax deductible donations to our initiatives, please email [email protected] for information.