The Light Green Machine Institute

10 Aug 16: 7th Annual LGMI Conference at NCSU in October--abstracts continue

As we mentioned last week, the Seventh Annual Light Green Machine Institute Conference will be held 16 - 18 October in Raleigh, North Carolina, in conjunction with North Carolina State University.

We'll start with a reception on Sunday evening, 16 Oct 16, and wrap with a tour of the Paper Science and Engineering Department.

We have jam packed program in store for you. You may see the program and sign up here.

New this year, we will have a student competition and a table top exhibit area.

From now until the conference, we'll highlight some of the talks to be given.

We will have a second paper on wood sources presented by Dr. Peter Hart of WestRock.

Here is his topic and abstract:

Status update on development of eucalyptus plantation program in the southeastern United States and higher elevations of southern Brazil.
WestRock Forestry has been actively pursuing the establishment of cold- and frost-tolerant eucalyptus plantations in southeast Texas and in the higher, frost-prone regions of southern Brazil for several years. Currently, the major species being examined is Eucalyptus benthamii. Interspecific crossing efforts, cold tolerance established from field trials, and intercountry cooperation in this program are discussed. The ability of the southeastern Texas program to return value to our collaborators in southern Brazil and other locations is reviewed. Pulp and papermaking properties of the cold-tolerant species are also reviewed. Currently, E. benthamii plantations in southeast Texas are producing trees with a density range of about 460-523 kg/m3, suggesting some degree of genetic variability within the bulk seeds currently being employed. Good pulping yields of around 48% on o.d. wood have been obtained in laboratory studies. For comparison, this yield is about 3 percentage points higher than for traditional mixed southern hardwoods. In general, the physical properties of pure E. benthamii are inferior to those of mixed southern hardwoods. When used in a blend, the differences in physical properties are substantially mitigated.

Cold-tolerant plantations established on currently unproductive land or land readily available to a mill site during inclement harvesting weather will reduce overall fiber supply costs.
We would like to hear from you. Please send an email to [email protected] 
with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line. 

As always, your comments will be appreciated.

Think light!

Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director


Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

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