The Light Green Machine Institute

9 Mar 16: Helping the Light Green Machine Institute Grow

Time out on ideas this week to report on the latest step in the growth of the Light Green Machine Institute.  We have been accepted by Amazon for their Amazon Smile program.

This means when you shop at Amazon through, you can select the Light Green Machine Institute for your charitable gifts.  This does not raise prices on anything you buy, it is just Amazon's way to give back.

We will keep the ad block to the left and at the bottom of the page on the newsletter here so you can easily get to it.

This is a big deal!  For in order to get accepted by Amazon, we first had to become registered with Guidestar.  Guidestar has very stringent registration requirements--only non-profits that have their affairs in order with the IRS can be listed there.  It has taken us close to two months to qualify (most of that being waiting time for the wheels of the Guidestar bureaucracy to slowly turn!).

We have many things we want to do to advance the causes of the Light Green Machine Institute. With your help, we will now begin to have a steady income stream to help with budget planning.
We would like to hear from you. Please send an email to [email protected] 
with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line. 

As always, your comments will be appreciated.
Think light!


Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director




Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

Support the Light Green Machine Institute every time you shop at Amazon.

We have been accepted by Amazon for their program.  Every time you shop at Amazon on the site, you can support the LGMI.  Just follow this link to set this up.
The Light Green Machine Institute is a 501C3 Delaware Registered Corporation. If you are interested in making tax deductible donations to our initiatives, please email [email protected] for information.