The Light Green Machine Institute
Check out Nip Impressions weekly
Nip Impressions� is Paperitalo Publications' flagship publication.  Published every Thursday afternoon (US Eastern Time), Nip Impressions� is eagerly read by pulp and paper professionals around the world.

11 Feb 15: Applications in Use 9: Should you remove installed spares?


I (Jim) says, "Absolutely."


Installed spares are dangerous, no matter when they are installed.  It is best never to have installed them in the first place, but if you have them, it makes all the sense in the world to take them out.


The problem with installed spares has nothing to do with when they were installed, it has to do with their existing at all.


Installed spares create a false sense of security. Just because they exist.


The fallacy of installed spares is the idea that they are ready to be turned on at a moment's notice.  If you have worked in a pulp or paper mill for more than a week, you know this is not true.  They have parts robbed from them, they have seized up or corroded, something is wrong.


Installed spares give you a false sense of security and cause one not to pay attention to the primary installed unit, no matter what it is.  


If I have a spare, I would rather have it in a properly managed storeroom than out on the operating floor subject to water, temperature and careening fork trucks.  It has a better chance of being ready to use in the storeroom than anywhere else.


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with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line.  


Comments from last week's column about the redundancy of pipe and rebar:


Jim: One of your most interesting articles...


George Mead

Wisconsin Rapids, WI




The BelBaie and some Fourdriniers used their cantilever beams to convey couch vacuum to the drive side.  There were some corrosion issues with early examples, but the concept worked.  We need better pin-seamed wires and felts to really dump a lot of weight off machine wet ends.


Bryan Creagan

KSH Consulting




LGMI Design Practices
As always, your comments will be appreciated.
Think light!


Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director




Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!




LGMI Weekly Ideas are presented for your consideration and inspiration only.  It is solely your responsibility to check for engineering correctness, applicability, standards, insurance policy and local, national or any other legal compliance required before implementing.  Neither The Light Green Machine (TM) Institute, Paperitalo Publications, Talo Analytic International, Inc., nor any individual associated with these entities accepts any responsibility for your application or compliance issues.


The Light Green Machine Institute is a stand-alone non-profit Delaware Corporation.  

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