We wanted to give you an opportunity to provide some early input into some activities we are planning for later this year and early 2016.
First, later this year, we will be holding the 6th Annual Light Green Machine Institute Conference. It will be at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, starting the evening of 20 Oct 2015. Please put it on your calendar. However, what we need from you right now is your thoughts about this conference, either as a presenter or attendee. We'll tell you how to provide that input just a bit further down this column.
Second, and this is a far out idea, the kind you have come to expect from the Light Green Machine Institute. We are pondering taking a small group, maximum of about ten people, to Guatemala in either late first quarter or beginning of second quarter 2016 for a week. During the day, we will be building a house for a needy family (under the auspices of Porch de Salomon, see http://porchdesalomon.org/) and in the evenings we will have discussions and lectures on how we see people building things simply in a place like Guatemala and how these ideas may translate to our own industry when we return home. Although Porch de Salomon is a Christian mission, this will be a secular trip. Cost will be roughly $1,000 per person (includes lodging, meals, and local transportation) plus your round trip airfare from your home to Guatemala City. The trip will last from a Saturday to a Saturday.
So, click here to give us your feedback on these plans.
Feedback from last week:
I think you have to question why you need the table in the first place. Just kidding, I enjoy reading LGM and the fresh perspective you fellows bring to the industry. Keep at it!!
Bryan Creagan