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Strategic & Financial Arguments(TM)
for the pulp and paper industry worldwide

August 2014

Participating as industry experts in pulp and paper financing and M & A deals around the world  for over two decades, we continue to see the same mistakes made over and over.  This newsletter is designed to help you avoid costly mistakes we have seen others make.  We will be giving you one or two points each month to help improve your performance.
Tools for you...

Paperitalo Publications provides some basic tools for you.


Are familiar with the work we do monitoring the performance of stocks in the pulp and paper industry?
For more than 10 years, we have provided the PM40 (as in PaperMoney 40) Index.
The PM40 is trade weighted.  It consists of 40 stocks that are vital to the pulp and paper industry and which trade on the New York Stock Exchange.  This last requirement is to avoid any currency compensation calculations.
You can see this in several ways.  It is in a printed form on the first and third Tuesdays of every month on globalpapermoney.com
An audio update is available every day at 11:30 pm US Eastern Time or any time thereafter at pnpri.com  (Pulp & Paper Radio International).
There is also a more complete weekly audio update available every Monday morning at 7:00 am US Eastern Time or any time thereafter, also at pnpri.com .
Also, on our PaperMoney website, we update "Rearview"on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.  I have linked the latest URL, but you can find it on globalpapermoney.com any time.  The Rearview color codes the performance of individual PM40 stocks on a year-over-year basis.  It is in PDF form.  Zoom out and you can get the big picture.  Zoom in and you can get detailed stock performance.  It is quite handy.
Finally, more for the fun of it, we do a column we call "Disconnected Comparisons."  Here we take two PM40 stocks and compare their performance.  They often have no direct relation to each other.  An example can be found here.
If you have a casual question or a major deal, call me on my personal cell phone - 404-822-3412 or email me at jthompson@taii.com. We are here to help.




Jim Thompson, CEO
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
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JRT Banker's Engineer



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