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6 Aug 14: Technology 8: Electrostatic Forming?



We keep thinking someone must have tried this, but if they have we are not aware of it.  If any of you readers know of any research in this area, please let us know.

What is "this"?  Putting a charge on the stock in the headbox and using this charge to drive drainage.

Why not?  It would be something like electrostatic dip painting, a long proven technology, in reverse. The forming elements could be given a negative charge.

This would induce the water to flow to the forming elements.  But what would happen to the stock? It should be mechanically separated from the water just as it is now, and left lying on the surface of the forming wire.

Another possible way to do this would be to manufacture a forming wire with a top that could transmit electricity, then, next in the z-direction and insulating layer, followed by a bottom that could transmit electricity.  Then a circuit could be made between the top and bottom, resulting in a flow of water through the wire in the z direction.

Again, anyone heard of lab work along this line? What are your thoughts? Could this eliminate vacuum pumps?


Any comments?  Let us know by sending an email to jthompson@taii.com
with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line. 




LGMI Design Practices
As always, your comments will be appreciated.
Think light!


Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director




Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

Available for download: 2013 LGMI Conference Presentations.
On Nip Impressions and the Light Green Machine (TM) Institute.



LGMI Weekly Ideas are presented for your consideration and inspiration only.  It is solely your responsibility to check for engineering correctness, applicability, standards, insurance policy and local, national or any other legal compliance required before implementing.  Neither The Light Green Machine (TM) Institute, Paperitalo Publications, Talo Analytic International, Inc., nor any individual associated with these entities accepts any responsibility for your application or compliance issues.

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