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Nip Impressions� is Paperitalo Publications' flagship publication.  Published every Thursday afternoon (US Eastern Time), Nip Impressions� is eagerly read by pulp and paper professionals around the world.

21 May 14: Methods 3: Recycling Collection



There once was a recycled newsprint producer that did a great job of training those collecting materials for them to hand sort and give them only high quality materials to the mill's specifications.  


This mill kept their stock preparation area a secret and all wondered what kinds of equipment they had in there.


Many years later, a recycled containerboard manufacturer came to the same area.  Their criteria for waste paper?  They said they would take "Anything that tears!"


Working in the same markets, this killed the newsprint manufacturer.  After all, what Boy Scout wants to carefully sort materials if they can get the same price by not sorting?


Today, we have MRFs (Municipal Recycling Facilities) to sort materials before they get to the mill.


But what if we could get even better sorting by incentivizing household waste generators to sort very cleanly themselves?  Surveys continually show that households take recycling very seriously. It appears they would invest the time.


Recycled mills would likely pay more for cleaner waste streams. After all, they can see the result in their yields.  It is easily measurable.


What do we have to do to make this happen? Should it happen?  It seems like it has the potential to make mills simpler.


We will be announcing our 2014 LGMI Conference details soon.  We have chosen a great location.  You may want to come and share your wisdom or absorb the wisdoms of others.  Watch for details.


Any comments?  Let us know by sending an email to [email protected]
with "LGMI Frontiers" in the subject line.



LGMI Design Practices
As always, your comments will be appreciated.
Think light!


Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director




Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

Available for download: 2013 LGMI Conference Presentations.
On Nip Impressions and the Light Green Machine (TM) Institute.



LGMI Weekly Ideas are presented for your consideration and inspiration only.  It is solely your responsibility to check for engineering correctness, applicability, standards, insurance policy and local, national or any other legal compliance required before implementing.  Neither The Light Green Machine (TM) Institute, Paperitalo Publications, Talo Analytic International, Inc., nor any individual associated with these entities accepts any responsibility for your application or compliance issues.

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