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Nip Impressions� is Paperitalo Publications' flagship publication.  Published every Thursday afternoon (US Eastern Time), Nip Impressions� is eagerly read by pulp and paper professionals around the world and is ranked the No. 1 website in the industry by Alexa.

23 Oct 13:  Navizon and LiFi








We were struck in the past week with some of the more interesting electronic gadgets announced recently.  We think they promise to help make pulp and paper mills more efficient and safer.


The first is from Navizon. It is the Navizon Indoor Triangulation System.  This combination of hardware and software tracks every smartphone, tablet and laptop within a facility or on a campus.  We think this will work beautifully with walk around tablet control (WATC).  We proposed WATC several years ago and now we have seen several implementations in recent years.  What Navizon will let a mill do, however, is make a tablet "smart" based on location.  For instance, stand in front of a refiner.  Navizon knows where you are and presents the correct screen to you.  Walk down a paper machine with your smartphone.  Because Navizon knows where you are, the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) in your vicinity (speeds, draws, temperatures, moisture level and so forth) appear on your phone.

In safety, Navizon can be used to keep people out of restricted or dangerous areas.  Start to walk into danger and your phone vibrates and tells you to stay out. 

LiFi is a light based WiFi system.  With LED bulbs designed to this standard, and devices equipped with LiFi, broadband speeds of up to 500Mbps can be achieved.  This will work well in areas where lights are on all the time.

In the LGMI Conference details we will be publishing soon, you'll find we are going to be featuring many of the items we will be showing you here this fall, as well as some which we will not have time or room to show you here.  These will only be available to on site participants, so start thinking now about coming to Atlanta for the 2014 LGMI Conference.


Summer survey links:


05 Jun 13 Overall Conference issues 

12 Jun 13 Woodyards 

19 Jun 13 Batch Pulping

26 Jun 13 Continuous Pulping
03 Jul 13 Recycled Fiber Prep
10 Jul 13 Forming
17 Jul 13 Pressing
24 Jul 13 Drying
31 Jul 13 Sizing & Coating Kitchens
07 Aug 13 Calendering
14 Aug 13 Reels and Winding
21 Aug 13 Maintenance
28 Aug 13 Energy
04 Sep 13 Effluent Systems
11 Sep 13 Stock Preparation

LGMI Design Practices
We are listening as hard as we can to what you want, so please take a few minutes each week to let us know what you think.

Results so far to Overall Conference Issues (please click above and take this survey if you have not already):

1. Conference Credibility often starts with a view at pricing. Too low--suspicious; too high not worth it. What is the just right number for a conference fee in your mind?

1/6 $100
1/3 $200
1/6 $300
1/6 $500
1/6 $600 

>Conference fee is not a factor.  I look for description of content relevant to my specialty
>Amount depends on theme or subject of conference
I will pay what I think a conference is worth either to me or to my client. That is variable of course. I also will look at the fee in regards to the total cost. If this conference was for the converting industry and held in Atlanta $300 would not matter. If I knew there were real decision makers and I could have real face time quite a bit more would be okay.
Realistic number is $300 per day for a reasonable return to the sponsoring organization

2. What is a comfortable length of conference for you?

5/8 2 days
3/8 3 days

>Subject matter, conference location all have a bearing
1 day for travel, 3 days for the conference, and 1 day for travel. Makes for a good, full week.
Two nights typically with about 100 people - for the number of networking opportunities.
Can't fit enough into 1 day - mills can't get away for more than 2 days

Many personally attend conferences for the unstructured time to socialize with others. How much unstructured time do you think should be built into each day?

3/4 a couple of hours
1/4 evenings only

4. Where should the unstructured time take place?

2/9 in conference room
4/9 in a break area
1/3 in a separate room

5. What are your favorite session formats?

(0 = lowest, 5 = highest)

Lecture                          mean  2.2    std dev.   1.9
Panel                             mean  1.9    std dev.   1.8
Interactive discussion    mean  3.0    std. dev.  2.3

You can still vote on this survey!  Just click it above on the 5 Jun 13 line.

As always, your comments will be appreciated.
Think light!


Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.
Executive Director




Jim Thompson

Send us your comments by emailing Brian Brogdon
or Jim Thompson!

Available for download: 2013 LGMI Conference Presentations.
On Nip Impressions and the Light Green Machine (TM) Institute.



LGMI Weekly Ideas are presented for your consideration and inspiration only.  It is solely your responsibility to check for engineering correctness, applicability, standards, insurance policy and local, national or any other legal compliance required before implementing.  Neither The Light Green Machine (TM) Institute, Paperitalo Publications, Talo Analytic International, Inc., nor any individual associated with these entities accepts any responsibility for your application or compliance issues.

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