9 Jan 2013--Foundation Dependent Design Practice 
As we stated last week, we are going to be taking the ideas developed in this column over the last couple of years and developing them into design practices.  This is how it will work.  We will provide the basic narrative here for one design practice each week.  We will keep it open for comments for one month.  After that, we will finish it in formal form and offer it for sale at a modest price.  Here is where you come in.  If you make a substantive contribution to a standard, the organization for which you work will be granted a pro bono license to use that standard with its current issue number for as long as you like.

Here is the first:  Foundation Dependent Site Selection Design Practice. (LGM 2013.010.01 when issued)



It is generally agreed that foundations and structure represent about 75% of the weight of an installed pulp and paper industrial facility. Parameters for soils conditions are often overlooked when performing site selection activities.  




Elevate foundation conditions as a consideration in site selection.




Site selection often involves parameters such as logistics, utility access, skilled workforce availability and so forth. Soils conditions, and the necessary foundation requirements are usually given only a passing consideration. However, cases have been documented where foundation installed costs have reached as high as 14% of total installed costs. This is due to soils and hidden conditions.




Priorities in site selection should, of course, include logistics, proximity to utilities and workforce availability. However, these matters should be considered on a macro basis first, say within a radius of 60 miles (100 km).

Once these priority matters are narrowed as described above, several likely sites, taking into account primarily highways, rail and utilities should be identified.

Finally, soils conditions should be examined in some detail and an estimate made as to the cost of foundations within the several sites.  




Once the above matters have been thoroughly investigated, final site negotiations can begin. The negotiators now have a new tool, new information to use: soils conditions. Final site price should take into account soils conditions and reflect additional expenses, if any.


So, give us your comments by 6 Feb 13, please!

And we will be doing something else with the weekly ideas--we will be discussing many of them in a round table discussion at the LGMI Annual Conference January 27 - 29, 2013 here in Atlanta.  You can attend in person for free or online for a nominal costs.  You will need to sign up soon as openings are limited.  Sign up here.

As always, your comments will be appreciated.


Think light!



Brian Brogdon, Ph.D.


Executive Director


[email protected]






Jim Thompson




[email protected]







Send us your comments!


Join Pulp & Paper Radio International for Parts 1 & 2 of Hannu Melarti's Keynote Speech at the Light Green Machine Institute Conference in January 2012.  Just click  HERE.
You will not want to miss the 4th Annual Light Green Machine Conference

January 27 - 29, 2013

Atlanta, Georgia


Pre-registration is now Open!  

Sign Up Here



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the Light
Green Machine
The Light Green Machine Institute is currently supported by Talo Analytic International, Inc., a for-profit corporation.  As such, our ability to create and develop new initiatives is limited.  Should you feel so inspired as to assist in the financial support of this effort, we would be most appreciative.  Check with your tax adviser as to the status of any funds expended here.  You may help the LGMI by going here.

Please be advised, the Light Green Machine Institute is currently financially integrated into Talo Analytic International, Inc.  As such separate or public accounting is not available.  It is our aspiration that we can grow the Light Green Machine Institute into a standalone 501C3 corporation, however, we consider this speculative and highly risky at this time.



LGMI Weekly Ideas are presented for your consideration and inspiration only.  It is solely your responsibility to check for engineering correctness, applicability, standards, insurance policy and local, national or any other legal compliance required before implementing.  Neither The Light Green Machine (TM) Institute, Paperitalo Publications, Talo Analytic International, Inc., nor any individual associated with these entities accepts any responsibility for your application or compliance issues.