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The OperationsInc Navigator
October 16, 2015
Recent Poll Says 50% of Employees Have No Idea What Their Managers Want 

A recent Gallup poll found that half of all workers worldwide do not know what is expected of them by their supervisors. Business News Daily reports that this disconnect stems from managers not communicating expectations frequently or clearly enough to their teams. To hedge against this disconnect, Business News Daily suggests that managers set goals that clearly define expectations, hold employees accountable when expectations are not met, and make themselves available to help employees solve problems standing in the way of meeting expectations. 




Playing Hooky Has Reached a 10 Year High


A CareerBuilder survey recently found that 38% of all employees called in sick at some point this year without actually being ill. CNBC reports that this number is up from 28% last year, and is at its highest level since 2005 when 43% played hooky from work. While this is an indication that employees are feeling more secure in their jobs, CNBC warns that 33% of employers have checked in to confirm that employees who have taken a sick day are in fact ill.




Kickstarter Ends Unlimited Vacation Time for Employees

Crowdfunding startup Kickstarter has ended its unlimited vacation time policy, and has instead placed a cap at 25 vacation days per year in an effort to encourage more employees to use time off. Fast Company reports that the organization "cited the need for clearer guidelines on how to better separate work time from personal time". Fast Company says that Kickstarter hopes that by setting concrete guidelines around the number of vacation days employees can use, employees will then feel more comfortable taking time off from work. 



Connecticut Expands Employee Whistleblower Protections 

Earlier this month, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled "that private sector employees who make whistleblower statements pursuant to their official job duties are protected from employer discipline". JDSupra Business Advisor advises all employers, especially those in Connecticut, to review and update policies and training programs related to whistleblower compliance, as well as ensure that all employees understand how to investigate and respond to these types of complaints. 

Interview Skills Video: How Did the Candidate Increase Sales and / or Profitability? 
Avoid "One Size Fits All" Non-Disclosure Agreements

Companies with "one size fits all" Non-Disclosure Agreements (OSFA NDAs) could be exposing their business to unnecessary risk, and as such it is recommended that employers have different Non-Disclosure Agreements in place to match different situations. Without specific wording in place, information that is proprietary in nature, such as Trade Secrets, can lose its confidentiality obligation with the expiration of the OSFA NDA. 



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