Thank You! from the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals

Thousands of Animals Thank You!



As we count our blessings this Thanksgiving, YOU, our supporters, are at the top of our gratitude list.


Your continued generosity, whether in the form of financial contributions, volunteer efforts, foster support, in-kind donations of supplies and services, or your consistently encouraging words, has enabled us to continue our life-saving programs this year, benefiting thousands of Little New Yorkers and the people who love them.


The Alliance, along with our community collaboration of over 150 partner rescue groups and shelters, has saved more than a quarter-million lives since 2003. We are projecting an unprecedented 80% live release rate from our city shelters through the end of 2014, and New York City continues to have the lowest euthanasia rate per capita of any major city in the country.


These groundbreaking achievements were made possible thanks to YOUR support.


Thank you for helping to make our community a better place, and for continuing to inspire us with your commitment to saving lives and finding loving homes for NYC's shelter animals.



Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday!


Jane Hoffman, President

and the Staff of the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals 






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Copyright � 2014 Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals, Inc.
244 Fifth Avenue, Suite R290    New York, NY 10001-7604    (212) 252-2350    [email protected]