February 13, 2015
In This Issue
Leisure Services Director, Auburn Taylor


It is with great esteem and honor that the City of Haines City recognizes Leisure Services Director, Ms. Auburn Taylor, for exemplifying the organization's core values of P.R.I.D.E (Professionalism, Responsiveness, Integrity, Diversity & Ethics). Director Taylor was selected by her peers as Haines City's 2014 Executive of the Year. 

There is not a task nor issue that Director Taylor does not handle with professionalism and vigor. She is an asset to the organization and is undoubtedly well deserving of such a high honor. Director Taylor always puts the organization first and is a leader within the community and amongst her peers, both locally and nationally. 


It is because of her exceptional skill set that she is named Haines City's 2014 Executive of the Year. 


(Left to Right) Account Specialist II Sabrina Jackson, Mayor H.L.Roy Tyler, Street Superintendent Gail Myhand
(Left to Right) Account Specialist II Sabrina Jackson, Mayor H.L.Roy Tyler, 
Street Superintendent Gail Myhand

Ms. Sabrina Jackson
Ms. Sabrina Jackson, Account Specialist II, demonstrates a thorough knowledge of her key responsibilities. She is always willing to share information and resources readily. Ms. Jackson goes above and beyond her job responsibilities to help with anything that is asked of her. She is always a team player and is capable of handling diverse assignments. Ms. Jackson maintains a positive attitude day in and day out regardless of what is asked of her. She displays our City's core values at all times. It is always a pleasure to work alongside Ms. Jackson. This is why Ms. Sabrina Jackson has been named as Haines City's non-exempt Employee of the Year for 2014.

Ms. Gail Myhand
Ms. Gail Myhand has been employed with the City of Haines City since December 19, 1996, and is currently the Streets and Stormwater Superintendent.  Ms. Myhand has shown great initiative in several areas beyond her normal scope of responsibilities. One example was by putting together three (3) grant applications from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. While there is no guarantee that we will receive these grants, it was a herculean effort to complete the applications on such a short notice. It is the first time that Haines City has applied and there is great competition for the funds. Ms. Myhand should be commended for her efforts in spearheading this item. Ms. Myhand is also known as "Ms. Stormwater" due to her knowledge of stormwater infrastructure, inspections relating to stormwater and maintaining records within her division. She has always done an excellent job in everything she is assigned, and this is why Ms. Gail Myhand, aka "Ms. Stormwater", is named as Haines City's exempt Employee of the Year for 2014.
WOW (Watched Outstanding Work!)

The City of Haines City would like to thank all of our excellent, dedicated employees and volunteers who help make the City a great place to work, live and play. If you have "Watched Outstanding Work" within the City, please let us know at [email protected].





Valued Merchants, Business Owners, City Residents, and Neighbors:


The City of Haines City has created an online survey intended to engage you, our residents, business owners and visitors. This survey is simply an opportunity for you to provide your input pertaining to City services and what you value most in Haines City. It is merely a tool for City Administration and the City Commission to hear your opinion on City Services, this is not a scientific survey. Your participation is critical to helping us move Haines City forward. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.


Please submit your survey no later than 5 PM, on April 10, 2015. Thank you again for your participation.   


Take the Haines City Community Value Survey Here. 


Respectfully Submitted,



Jonathan E. Evans, MPA, ICMA-CM

City Manager


Our Mission

"Our team of professionals will provide our residents and business community

with the highest quality services in a fiscally responsible manner

through cooperation, strong ethical leadership

with a lifelong commitment to enriching lives."





For just $35, you can purchase a custom-inscribed 4 X 8 inch paver at Haines City's Military Court of Honor. Newly purchased pavers are installed twice a year. Purchases made between now and May 8, 2015 will be installed by Memorial Day. Purchases made after May 8th will be installed by Veterans Day 2015.



City of Haines City
Court of Honor Paver
620 E. Main Street

Haines City, FL 33844



Ribs on the Ridge

The largest competition sanctioned by the Florida Barbecue Association, Ribs on the Ridge is also a Jack Daniel's qualifier, and is open to the public!


Date: Friday & Saturday, February 27-28, 2015

Time:  Friday 5 PM - 9 PM & Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM

Location:  Lake Eva Park, 555 Ledwith Avenue


On February 27-28, 2015, in affiliation with the Florida Barbecue Association, the Haines City Leisure Services Department will host Ribs on the Ridge at Lake Eva Park. This event will draw barbecue teams from across Florida and other states. Professional and amateur teams will compete for cash prizes, trophies and bragging rights. This is also an opportunity to expose local residents to the art of outdoor barbecue cooking. 


In addition to the professional and amateur barbecue divisions, other competitions planned are a sauce competition and a dessert contest on Friday evening, and Kid's-Q division on Saturday. These are open to the public and applications may be obtained from the City's website. Scheduled activities that include live entertainment featuring local bands will round out the festivities.


Whether you are a backyard cook BBQer, a professional, or would just like to enjoy good barbecue, we invite you to join us in the fun. 


For additional information please contact the Leisure Services Department at (863) 421-3700.

Up-Coming Events Calendar