Medina Community Recreation Center Newsletter

February 2015 



The 8-week Healthy Medina Fitness Challenge that started January 15 has already become a big success. In the first four weeks of the program, 100 residents have been participating in the program, logging 3100 exercise minutes, 82,000 steps and 6,000 servings of water. There have also been over 5,000 check-ins on the new website

15 Myths and Surprising Facts About Your Heart!
By Marc Gillinov, MD, and Steven Nissen, MD 

Confused by the news about heart health? Drs. Marc Gillinov and Steven Nissen, top heart docs at Cleveland Clinic, the nation's #1 heart hospital, aren't surprised. As they write in the opening of their new book, Heart 411: The Only Guide to Heart Health You'll Ever Need, "Weekly health headlines skim the surface of the medical ocean - take fish oil, pass on heart scans, throw away your aspirin - but what do the studies really say? What is the message for you and your heart? We decided to explore the science behind the headlines and to explain clearly but completely the evidence supporting our plan for your heart health." Here, they tackle 15 claims to help you get to the heart of the matter.


Meet the Docs
Marc Gillinov, MD, is a staff cardiac surgeon at the Sydell and Arnold Miller Heart and vascular Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Steven Nissen, MD, is the chairman of the Robert and Suzanne Tomisch Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Cleveland Clinic.

Adapted from Heart 411: The Only Guide to Heart Health You'll Ever Need by Marc Gillinov, MD and Steven Nissen, MD (Three Rivers Press, 2012)

Spotlight on the MCRC Fitness Room:

Cybex Machines

The Cybex machines in the MCRC Fitness Room can provide excellent results for beginners as well as the very seasoned exercisers. It is always important to consult your physician before starting an exercise program. This is particularly true if any of the following apply to your current medical condition:

  • Chest pain or pain in the neck and/or arm
  • Shortness of breath
  • A diagnosed heart condition
  • Joint and/or bone problems
  • Currently taking cardiac and/or blood pressure medications 
  • Have not previously been physically active
  • Dizziness

If none of these apply to you, start gradually and sensibly. However, if you feel any of the physical symptoms listed above when you start your exercise program, contact your physician right away. If one or more of the statements listed above applies to you, see your physician before beginning any exercise program. An exercise stress test may be used to help plan your exercise program.

MCRC Fitness Room Attendants are trained to assist patrons with the proper operation of the machines. Be sure to ask if you have questions. On certain Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 5 pm, MCRC offers orientation classes to learn about proper use of the machines. A Fitness Room attendant will take patrons through the equipment and show the basics of adjusting the equipment, performing the exercise, selecting a program and fitness room etiquette. A sign up sheet is located at the Fitness Room desk. 

If you're looking for more assistance, we have contact information for several certified trainers you could contact. Just check at the Front Desk for a Personal Trainer Profile Sheet. 

Each machine is specially designed to isolate a specific muscle group and focus on that particular group to work out. If the machine is adjusted improperly or you are positioned in the machine improperly, you will not get the full benefit and could possibly put extra strain on the wrong part of your body. "The old saying, no pain no gain does not apply here," says Kurt Gehring, MCRC Recreation Supervisor. "Sure you might feel some soreness and discomfort the next day after working out a particular muscle group that hasn't seen that kind of work. But if you feel pain, particularly in a joint or muscle, stop that exercise immediately and make sure you are performing the motion properly."


In This Issue
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Monday thru Friday
Saturday  8:00a-8:00p
Sunday 10:00a-6:00p

The MCRC Operating Calendar does not correspond with the Medina School District Calendar. The MCRC will remain open for business during school vacations, teacher in-service days, some holidays and snow/calamity days.
Mike Wright
Recreation Center Director

Susan Becks

Recreation Leader

Jessica Birch
Rascal Room Supervisor

Darlene Donkin
Aquatics Manager

Maureen Dowell

Programs Specialist

Kurt Gehring

Recreation Supervisor

Nita Justice

Programs Manager

Michelle Kwiatkowski

Office Administrator

Linda Loveless

Marketing Coordinator

Christy Moats

Finance Assistant

Sandy Tomazic

Rental Coordinator

Julie Worsdall

Pool Manager
Comments? Suggestions? Concerns?


19 - Senior Euchre - 10 am in the Cafe
19 - Healthy Medina Walk & Talk - 6-7pm - Keep Your Colon Healthy, Lisa Laguardia, RN, BSN
20 - @ 10:30 a.m - Senior Lecture & Lunch Series - "What's for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner- Thinking Outside the Box!" - Jonathan Meyers, Mustard Seed Market & Cafe. Lunch provided by Life Care Center of Medina (Senior Pinochle to follow lunch)

26 - Healthy Medina Walk & Talk - 6-7pm - Label Reading 101, Gillian Culbertson, RD
27 - Senior Wii Bowling - 10 am
3 - Senior Bunco- 10 am in the Cafe
5 - Healthy Medina Walk & Talk - 6-7 pm - Know Your Numbers, Rachel Baldi, MD
6 - @10:30 am - Senior Lecture & Lunch Series - "The Wildest Places on Earth with Miles Reed!"
Lunch provided by Emeritus of Medina & Camelot Place
20 - @10:30 - Senior Lecture & Lunch Series - "Health Talk' A specialist from Medina Hospital/Clinic Clinic, Lunch provided by Willowood Care Center

For information on these events and how to register, click here to view the MCRC program brochure