Re-Elect Steve McShane
Salinas City Council
District 3
20 Dickens Circle
Salinas, CA 93901

New Website!
For more information on the Elect McShane campaign, please check out our brand new website! Here, you can find Steve's biography, campaign platform, endorsement list, and much more!

It is with great pleasure that I present you with my new newsletter as City Councilman for the City of Salinas.  This newsletter will go out monthly and serve as a valuable resource for presenting new ideas and news. You are receiving this because I consider you a friend and important contact for such material, that being said, you can choose to opt out of receiving these emails at any time.

I welcome your feedback and any information you would like to submit to be included. Please hit reply to this email to email me directly at
Your ongoing support of my public service is greatly appreciated and I look forward to growing our community, state, nation, and world together.

Looking forward to working with you!


Steve McShane
Salinas City Councilman
District 3
McShane Plans Re-Election for 2014
It is with great excitement that I have begun the process to seek re-election to the Salinas City Council. I have been approached by a large number of businesses and community leaders prompting me to begin organizing for what will likely be a banner 2014 election year. On Tuesday, January 28th, a group of family, friends and business associates met at my house to plan the immediate steps ahead to announce and launch a successful campaign. Thank you to those that attended that evening! 
Upcoming Events
McShane Campaign Announcement
Thursday, February 20, 2014, 1:00pm

It is planned that Steve McShane will announce re-election to Salinas City Council on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 1:00PM in front of the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas. You are invited to join us for what is expected to be an impressive assembly of friends, family, and supporters.


Click here for more information



RSVP to Facebook event 

Wild West Fundraiser for Steve McShane
Friday, March 28, 2014, 6:00-9:00pm

Salinas holds strong ties to the wild American West. The team behind McShane for Salinas City Council has planned its first "Western Style" themed fundraiser for Friday, March 28th, 2014 from 6PM - 9PM. Guests can expect great BBQ, music, and some very special guests. 


Click here for more information


 RSVP to Facebook Event 

How You Can Help
Please Donate to the
McShane for City Council Campaign

An effort to seek political office is not cheap. We would truly appreciate any amount of financial support you can pledge to Steve's campaign. You can donate today by clicking here.

Please Endorse Steve for Salinas City Council

Lending your name in support of Steve is very important to showing a public message that you believe in his leadership and vision for the City of Salinas. Please click here to add your name to the many supporters behind his cause. 

Please Join the McShane for City Council
Strategy Team

A group of dedicated friends and community leaders are meeting on a regular basis to direct efforts to get Steve re-elected. We would love to have your support. Please click here to join what we call our "Kitchen Cabinet." 

Closing Message From Steve

Again and again, there is no greater honor than to serve the community as a local elected official. As my parents, pastor and mentors have taught me, "to those much is given, much is expected." It is with this idea that I continue in public service. 

It takes a village to successfully support someone to office. I ask that you help to spread the word and invite others to join this newsletter and get involved in my campaign to seek re-election. - Steve

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