November 2015

In This Issue
Caregiver Cottage Programs
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Our newsletter is filled with information on some of the wonderful programs and services we offer to caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, dementia or other memory impairment.  

This month we will be bringing you some great tips via our Monday Mojo and Wednesday Workshops! Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you don't miss a thing! And remember to check-out our Events Calendar and our Support Groups Calendar.
As always, our team is here to help ~ whenever you are ready to reach-out! 
Have a wonderful day!
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month


Alzheimer's is a complex neurological disease that is the most common form of dementia.  More than 5 million people in the United States have Alzheimer's and more than 10 million are caring for a loved one with the disease.

Many of us here at the Alzheimer's Care Resource Center know the devastation of Alzheimer's firsthand.  Our families, like yours, have had to make so many difficult decisions about a loved one's long-term care, financial assets and both physical and mental health.  Dealing with Alzheimer's is not an easy task and, because Alzheimer's affects each sufferer and caregiver differently, there is never one right way to cope.
As we honor our loved ones this November, Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, we would like to offer you the opportunity to arm yourself with the best information on Alzheimer's disease.  A better understanding of the disease can prepare you for the road ahead.  We have plenty of useful resources on our website and our YouTube channel that includes up to date information that will help if you are caring for someone with Alzheimer's. We also offer a FREE Family Caregiver Workshop each month discussing topics that are important to you, the caregiver. We hope that you find the information useful and that you gain a better understanding of this disease.
We hope that you have a happy and healthy November!
With warmest regards,
Elayne Forgie, 
Family Caregiver Workshop: The Journey of Caring for Someone with Memory Loss

Making Moments Matter
FREE Family Caregiver Workshop
The Journey of Caring 
for Someone with 
Memory Loss

Learn how to prepare for your journey and successfully navigate some of the most common challenges faced by caregivers!

Join Elayne Forgie, as she presents our  FREE Monthly Family Caregiver Workshop and shares some of the tips and tools, and tried and true techniques that she has successfully used with her patients and caregivers for the past 26 years! Topics include Preparing for Your Journey, Person Centered Care, Learning the Language, How to Connect Behaviors with Needs, Finding Meaning & Purpose for Your Loved One, Finding Meaning & Purpose for You. All family caregivers are welcome to join us free of charge. 

Workshop Dates:
November 17, 2015 from 10:00am - 12:00pm

Space is limited, so register today by calling (561) 588-4545
or click on the link below.

The Walk to End Alzheimer's Update

The Walk to END Alzheimer's was a great event! Our team, "Advocates for Alzheimer's" raised funds and had a great time walking with team members! The West Palm Beach Walk to End Alzheimer's put together 152 teams. That's more than 1,000 walkers! Our Southeast chapter was able to raise a grand total of $167,355. That's almost $17,000 more than our original goal.
What an amazing job everyone did by coming together and raising awareness and funds to end this horrible disease. We are so proud to be a part of something so impactful. Watching other walkers holding their colored flowers really reminded us why we work in this field. A blue flower represents a person living with Alzheimer's or dementia. Purple was for people who have lost a loved one due to Alzheimer's. Yellow represents  someone who is currently supporting or caring for someone with Alzheimer's (caregivers). And the orange flower is for everyone who supports the cause and vision of a world without Alzheimer's.

Here at the Alzheimer's Care Resource Center, we want to help, support and comfort the patients, caregivers (and their families) through their difficult journey with Alzheimer's disease or dementia.  We are definitely holding an orange flower!

Thank you to everyone that helped make our fundraising efforts a success!

Consider joining our Walk to End Alzheimer's team next year.
What Are We Thankful For?
The Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to step back from the chaos of day-to-day life and think about all that we have to be grateful for.  It's a time to remember that while things may not be all peaches and cream, each day is filled with its own little miracles. It is often the people in our lives we are most thankful for. 

This year, the Alzheimer's Care Resource Center feels indebted to the wonderful human beings who care for our clients day in and day out, happy days and not so happy days. They are our family in every sense of the word. For them, the job never ends. Even at the end of an exhausting 12-hour shift, they go home and worry about their dear ladies. We can only dream of displaying the patience and selflessness that they show every single day.

Finally, we are grateful for all the family caregivers without whom, we wouldn't be here. Without even realizing it, they've taught us patience, hope, and faith. They have taught us not to take anything for granted and has shown us how to appreciate every tiny, beautiful moment that we share. They've shown us that when you treat people with kindness, it comes back to you tenfold. And most importantly, they have taught all of us to love at a level we never knew possible.
We hope you're able to take some time this week to count your blessings. Even when circumstances are far from perfect, we can always find things to be grateful for. We're wishing everyone a beautiful, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving.

We're grateful for all that you do. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

National Memory Screening Week
National Memory Screening Day provides free, confidential memory screenings to individuals concerned about memory loss with the objective of early detection and intervention. The event encourages Americans to participate by offering screenings at no charge and in convenient locations in communities across the nation. National Memory Screening Day also provides a valuable opportunity to learn more about healthy lifestyle choices for successful aging.

National Memory Screening Week is
November 1st - November 7th

Name of Organization: Alzheimer's Care Resource Center
Location of Screening: 2328 10th Ave North #600, Lake Worth, FL 33461
Time of Screening: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Phone Number: (561) 588-4545

Who Should be Screened?
Memory screenings make sense for anyone concerned about memory loss or experiencing warning signs of dementia; whose family and friends have noticed changes in them; or who believe they are at risk due to a family history of Alzheimer's disease or a related illness. Screenings also are appropriate for anyone who does not have a concern right now, but who wants to see how their memory is now and for future comparisons.

Concerned about memory problems?
Register for a Free Memory Screening by calling (561) 588-4545.
We Need Your Old iPods
In September, the Alzheimer's Care Resource Center hosted a screening of the movie, Alive Inside, the story of MUSIC & MEMORY. It was a great success! Some participants even got to take an iPod home to try with their loved one. Our goal is to bring music to everyone who chooses to participate in the MUSIC & MEMORY program, but we're going to need some help.

Do you have a gently used iPod that you no longer need? Help us spread the music and find your iPod a good home for someone living with dementia.

Your iPod donation will go to a person with Alzheimer's disease or dementia to help improve their quality of life. Personalized music on an iPod revitalizes a person and restores a deep sense of self to those suffering from Alzheimer's. Please help us make a difference in the life of a loved one!

To send us an old iPod, please mail or bring it in to this address:

2328 10th Ave North #600
Lake Worth, FL 33461

Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting us
and the families we serve!
Volunteer Training Program
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer?

When you give us the gift of your time, you are helping caregivers of those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease cope with the challenging and heartbreaking journey of watching someone they love lose their memory.


The Alzheimer's Care Resource Center offers a variety of volunteer opportunities that help us meet the unique needs of Alzheimer's caregivers that live right here in our community. All of our volunteers complete an in-depth training program that will prepare and equip them to assist the Alzheimer's caregivers we serve.



If you are interested in volunteering, please click here  


Thank you again for taking the time to consider supporting the Alzheimer's Care Resource Center.

We know that you have choices and we hope that you will choose us!  
The "Did You Knows" of Dementia
Click on the Image to Play the Video


For more caregiver videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Honoring Veterans on Veterans Day
Many Americans mistakenly believe that Veterans Day is the day America sets aside to honor American military personnel who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained from combat. That's not quite true. Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor America's war dead. Veterans Day, on the other hand, honors all American veterans, both living and dead. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country.

November 11th of each year is the day that we ensure veterans know that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in the lives to keep our country free.

Veterans Day is an excellent time for veterans to reminisce about the memorable times serving our country. There are a variety of activities in which veterans living with Alzheimer's disease or dementia can participate in and enjoy. Below are some suggestions:

1. Hold a Flag-Raising Ceremony. Weather permitting, an outdoor flag-raising ceremony permits participation in a patriotic activity. The ceremony could include reciting the "Pledge of Allegiance" and/or the singing of the "National Anthem."

2. Play Patriotic Music on Veterans Day. A midday concert at home can be dedicated to your special Veteran. Create a playlist (on iTunes or YouTube) that includes patriotic songs, the songs of the various branches of the United Stated Armed Forces, or selections known to have been popular during America's wars.

3. Wear Red Poppy Pins. Provide red poppy pins to your loved one to recognize and honor him or her.

4. Attend a Community Veterans Day Celebration. Many communities hold parades and vigils on Veterans Day. Contact your local VA or local government for more information.

Home of the free, because of the brave. Thank you Veterans!
Affirmations for Alzheimer's Caregivers


For more great posts like this, follow the
Alzheimer's Care Resource Center's Facebook Page.
Paint for Fun Class for Caregivers and Loved Ones


The Alzheimer's Care Resource Center will host           
our monthly Paint for Fun™ class on 

November 20th from 10:00am - 12:00pm


There is no charge to attend!

Working step by step, with our instructor, you will create your very own masterpiece. During the painting class, participants will enjoy upbeat music, snacks, and refreshments in a fun and cheerful environment. 


When complete, all participants can keep their painting as a souvenir. Come join the fun!


Space is limited.
To register for the FREE class, call (561) 588-4545.

November Calendar of Events
Click on the Calendar to Enlarge or Print
Click on the Calendar to Enlarge or Print
About Us
The Alzheimer's Care Resource Center, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is the only non-profit organization in Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and St. Lucie county focused strictly on meeting the needs of Alzheimer's and dementia caregivers. We are so excited that we can bring these wonderful programs and services to the community and further our mission of helping caregivers to relax, renew and reach-out to help meet their own unique self-care needs.  
You can reach us at (561) 588-4545 or



Alzheimer's Care Resource Center