University of Scouting Registration Deadlines Rapidly Approaching
The first of our two Universities of Scouting is almost here. The first University of Scouting and Youth Academy is January 26, 2013 at Male High School in Louisville. January 14th is the deadline to receive the Early Bird registration fee of $25.00. After that date, the fee will be $30.00. January 14th is also the deadline to get the group registration discount (register four participants from the same unit submitted together; get the fifth person free). January 23rd is the last day to register on line or at the office for this University. Walk-ins are accepted. However, we encourage you to register as soon as possible to increase your chances of getting the classes you want as classes fill up quickly. View the course catalog, registration package and register online here.
The second University of Scouting and Youth Academy will be at the Christian County Middle School in Hopkinsville on February 23, 2013. Fees and discounts are the same as for the January University of Scouting. The Early Bird and Group Discount deadline is February 11th. February 20th is the last day for in office or online registration. View the course catalog, registration package and register online here.
If you have any questions contact Larry Arnold at 502-400-5373 or
Fifteen Scouters Honored with the Silver Beaver Award
The Silver Beaver Award is the highest honor a Boy Scout Council can bestow upon its volunteers for extraordinary service to youth. The National Court of Honor approves these Scouters who have given so much of their time, talent, and treasure to our movement.
The Lincoln Heritage Council is honored to announce the following recipients of this great honor for 2013:
Major General William E. Barron, Malcom Bryant, Cody Chapelle, Arthur A. Day, Dwight D. Elrod, Thomas C. Fenton, Tyrone Grinstead, Frederick "Chip" Hancock, Karen Harbeson, Robert "Bob" Long, Weldon "Rick" Moon, Richard Ribar, James Clay Smith, Nancy Scarbrough Upchurch and Gregory Waldrop.
The Council will recognize these Scouters at our annual Adult Recognition Ceremony on February 9, 2013. Tickets can be purchased here. Registrations will also be accepted at the Sam Swope Scout Center or by contacting Angela Greenwell, 502-361-3844 or
Your Scouts can earn their way to camp this summer!
Selling Camp Cards is an easy, no risk way to teach Scouts the value of earning their way. Going to camp is the highlight of every Scout's year. Shouldn't they understand the value of that experience?
The annual Camp Card sale is an opportunity for youth to earn money to pay for their summer camping fees and equipment by selling a value enhanced camp card. Each camp card contains discount offers from different vendors that are good during the 2013 calendar year. The approximate value of this card is over $200.
The cards sell for $5.00 with the youth earning 50% commission or $2.50 on each card sold. Click here for more information on how your unit can sign up for the 2013 Camp Card Sale.
Council Court of Honor to celebrate achievements of Scouts
The Council Court of Honor to honor over 300 young men and women who received the Eagle Scout Award, Venture Silver Award, Awards of Heroism and Merit and Venturing Leadership Awards in 2012 will be held on March 2, 2013.
The event will take place simultaneously at two different locations; Ballard High School Performing Arts Center in Louisville, KY and the LDS Stake Center in Hopkinsville, KY. The two locations will be linked electronically. Keynote speaker will be Distinguished Eagle Award recipient and retired CEO of Random House Publishing, Philip Pfeffer.
Each year we recruit individuals to serve as mentors for each of our recipients. We match recipients and mentors based on the career interests provided by the recipients. This allows the honoree to talk to someone who can provide in-depth information about their chosen area.
To help make this event as special as possible, we are looking for people who would be able to be sponsors for the event. Various sponsorship levels are available.
Registration forms for honorees, guests, mentors and sponsors can be found here. If you have any questions, contact Larry Arnold at 502-400-5373 or
Order of the Arrow Unveils Flap Design for Lodge Membership
Order of the Arrow members of Nguttitehen Lodge will be touting a new flap with a bold new look on their uniforms after the first of the year. This new flap highlights the totem of the recently merged lodge, which is fire.
This white background lodge flap is our Standard Membership Flap that is open for all members to purchase. The ghosted '2013' represents our charter year, not an 'annual' designation that will be continued. These can be ordered at the Winter Banquets for $3.50 each including postage. The ongoing 'pick up' purchase price will be $3 at the Lodge Trading Post.
The dark background is our Charter Member flap. These will initially be exclusively available to all early 2013 Nguttitehen members, and limited to 2 per member at $5 each. These can be ordered at the Winter Banquets or purchased at Lodge Trading Post for the same price. Celebrate Boy Scout Sunday  Boy Scout Sunday is February 3 (or an alternate Sunday in February). Please ask your faith-based chartered organization if your unit can participate in some way. Ask your Scouts and their families to attend that special service to show their appreciation. Here are some suggestions/ideas: - Ask Scouts and Leaders to wear full uniforms and sit together (ask the church to mark off seats or pews if possible).
- Invite Scouts to serve as ushers (assist with collection of the offering and/or pass out bulletins).
- Ask a Scout or Scouts to read scriptures or a prayer.
- Ask church members who were in Scouting or had sons in Scouting to stand.
- Present any church, adult leader or youth religious awards.
- Ask if a Scout Leader can update the church congregation on their service projects and a brief update on unit facts.
- Ask if the pack or troop can sponsor a breakfast before worship or a dinner after worship.
- Have a display promoting Scouting, the local sponsored units and religious emblems.
The safety of our youth is not to be taken lightly. Let's get everyone Youth Protection trained immediately.  The safety of our youth is of prime importance in the Scouting movement. Youth Protection Training is required of all registered adult leaders. Training must be taken every two years. Any Scouter, who took Youth Protection Training on December 31, 2011 or earlier, will need to take the training prior to December 31, 2013. Why not do it now and refresh your youth protection awareness? Youth protection training can be completed here. This link will connect you to the MyScouting sign in page. If you have an account, simply enter your user name and password and the sign-in button. This will direct you to the MyScouting home page. Once you are on the home page click on E-learning under the training menu on the left side of the page. You are now in the E-learning Center and can take Youth Protection Training. If you do not have an account, click on "create an account" and follow the instructions. Youth Protection Training takes approximately 30 minutes. There are two versions of the training; one for Cub and Boy Scouters and one for Venture leaders. Anyone registered in a troop and a crew must take both versions. If the online option does not work for you, get a copy of the Youth Protection DVD and Facilitators Guide from your District Executive and use it to do the training as a group. As soon as the training is complete, please send us a list of the individuals who were trained so we can get their training recorded into the system.
Earn an award for Outdoor Program
Don't miss out on your chance to earn the 2013 Journey To Excellence Incentive Award for Outdoor Program. The following awards will recognize packs and troops:
2013 Journey to Excellence Gold Troop If your troop meets the criteria below, you will receive a limited edition Council Shoulder Patch for your Senior Patrol leader, Scoutmaster and Troop Committee Chairman. Click here for more information.
- At least one member of your troop attends the 2013 Summer Camp Kick-offs on February 2, 2013.
- Achieve Gold Standard on Journey To Excellence.
- Hold a troop Summer Camp Promotion night at a meeting or Court of Honor.
2013 Pack Incentive Award Cubmasters and Pack Camp Promotion Chairs don't have to have competed in the Olympics to win a Medal for performance. They are encouraged to compete in our Medal Challenge, the Pack Performance Incentive Program, and earn a medal for the Day and/or Resident Camp portion of the Journey to Excellence (J2E) Program for Packs! Click here for more information.

Resident Camp Staff for Roy C. Manchester Interviews will be held on January 19, 2013 and February 23, 2013 at the Roy C. Manchester Camp Office. Please keep in mind that Resident Camp Staff for Roy C. Manchester will also serve as Roy C. Manchester Summer Camp Staff. Click here to download a staff application. If you have questions, contact Ben Senff, 2013 Camp Director, at 502-400-5366 or at