Spindrift Music Company banner - music by Pamela J Marshall  

Some local Lexington and Concord concert news:
  • Concord Orchestra plays concerts this weekend January 25 & 26. If you haven't planned your weekend already, please check out some exciting symphonic music in Concord!
  • On Feb 3, the Lexington Music Club presents its annual public concert, raising money for scholarships for Lexington High School music students.
Come if you can, to one or both of these concerts, and hear your friends and neighbors doing what they love, playing music for you!
Concord Orchestra: Young Artist concert with cellist Zlatomir Fung
Concord Orchestra, Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden St., Concord, MA 02420
Friday, January 25, 2013 8pm
Saturday, January 26, 2013 8pm
Free piano recital at 7:15 both nights

Variations on a Rococo Theme by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky for cello and orchestra
Leonore Overture No. 3 by Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 9 in E-flat Major by Dmitri Shostakovich

Our soloist, cellist Zlatomir Fung, is the winner of this year's Ehlers Young Artist competition. He's from Westboro and is a mature and expressive performer. You will want to hear him! Come early to hear the free pre-concert recital by another competition honoree pianist Seho Young from Brookline.

Orchestra concert tickets: Single tickets are $30 for adults, $25 for senior citizens, and $10 for students.  For tickets and information, call 978-369-4967 or visit www.concordorchestra.com.

To get your own Concord Orchestra announcements, join their mailing list here.
Lexington Music Club Annual Public Chamber Music Concert
Sunday, February 3rd at 3pm  at the First Parish Church in Lexington, Unitarian Universalist
7 Harrington Road, Lexington, MA on the Battlegreen

Performers and Friends of the Lexington Music Club:
Shaylor Lindsay, piano   Epp Sonin, soprano   Kathryn Rosenbach, piano
Marilyn Malpass, violin   Polly Oliver, piano  Janice Palken-Tervo, cello   Ellen Pi, organ  

Music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Fr�d�ric Chopin, Samuel Barber, Grazyna Bacewicz, Edouard Lalo

Concert is free and open to all. Donations accepted for the Lexington Music Club's Annual LHS Scholarship Fund. 

If you're interested in more of the Club's activities, come check us out and talk to me about joining.

Mailing List info
I have several mailing lists:
  • New England Concerts- sent when there are upcoming events
  • Spindrift News - quarterly, approximately 
  • Spindrift Commissioning Guild updates - progress reports about Guild projects 
  • Improvisation Workshops & Concerts - sent when there are upcoming events 
  • Recording Service - quarterly
You can choose the lists you want by clicking Update Profile/Email Address below. You'll get an email that links to a page where you can set your email preferences.

If you're getting too much email and you'd prefer I separate concerts of my own music from other local concerts, please let me know.

     Pamela Marshall
     Composer, Publisher and Handyperson at Spindrift Music Company Pam's Elusive Music Blog
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