Enewsletter Header
Issue: 10                     
June 2016  
In This Issue
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TRCS Annual Fund

This year, TRCS will be working to raise more than $70,000 towards our annual fund that helps with program costs, financial aid and technology.  Because of your help, we've surpassed our goal with $105,000!!! 

Your giving makes a huge difference in this community!  Click here to give online.

   Adopt-A-Student Sponsors


Please support these local businesses who are supporting our school and families:

Fundraise for TRCS using AMAZON SMILE! 


If you shop on Amazon frequently, please use smile.amazon.com, and select Three Rivers Christian School (still listed by Amazon as Longview Christian School) as your charity of choice!  TRCS receives a percentage of all purchases made through this link!  We thank you for your support!


EScrip, BoxTops and Soup Labels -- OH MY!


With all of the action of a new school year, don't forget a few of the small fundraisers that continue to help at TRCS:


  • Box Tops for Education & Campbells Soup Labels... please clip and collect those little rectangular things.  We get hundreds of dollars from them each year!  They can be turned in at the school front desk.  A couple of times a year we do "box tops and soup label drives." 
  • eScrip:  You can register your Safeway cards at www.escrip.com and help TRCS earn extra funds!


Fred Meyer Community Rewards 


 Sign up for Fred Meyer Rewards for TRCS!
It's not too late to sign up for rewards on behalf of TRCS.  This does not take away from your regular fuel and cash rewards program!

Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here's how the program works:

  • Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Three Rivers Christian School.You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number (81034).
  • Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Three Rivers Christian School earn a donation!
  • You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today.
  • If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store.

Simply click here to login to your Fred Meyer Rewards account, then select "Three Rivers Christian School" (Organization Number 81034) as your non-profit of choice.  The more you shop, the more dollars TRCS will receive from Fred Meyer!





Thank you for another great year at TRCS!  We've had an amazing season, full of blessings -- and we're so excited to see what next year can bring!

Please make sure to get your registrations in soon!  It helps us with hiring and planning for next year.

The elementary office will be open through the summer, Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and other times by appointment.  The high school office will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. through June 30th and then again starting August 8th.  If you need information any other time, please feel free to email us or use the contact form on the website!

Have a wonderful summer!  
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events: 
July 3rd:  "ONE BODY" worship service at Lake Sacajawea, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
July 2nd - 4th: 
Help out with the Food Booth at the lake.  Sign up here.
August 31st:
First Day of School!
September 5th:  Labor Day 
To view later dates, please check out the printable school calendar online or consult the website calendar
Please continue to check out our website for up-to-date info, and email us if you have questions or comments.   
Jog-A-Thon Raises Over $14,000!
Not only was our annual Jog-a-Thon incredibly fun, but it raised more than $14,000!  We're looking into using the funds for some improvements to the elementary playground.

It's such a wonderful thing to have our high school kids on campus for Service Day -- alongside a bevy of amazing parent (and grandparent) volunteers.  We are very blessed!  Thank you to everyone who made the event such a success! 
Message from the TRCS School Board
You are welcome to attend any of TRCS School Board Meetings which are held the third Tuesday of every month. We meet in the Annex at 6:30 p.m.  We would love to see you at any of our upcoming meetings.
Did you know we have time set aside at the beginning of each meeting where you can address the School Board to ask questions, seek clarification, and give input about issues? You are important to us.
Our monthly meeting minutes are posted on the TRCS website; just click "About Us" and "School Board." Keep abreast of what is happening and how God is blessing Three Rivers Christian School.
The Chenoweth Scholarship
Last year we had a series of tragedies hit our families at TRCS.  Often, these things are unknown by the greater population -- especially the impact that these tragedies can have on our students.

TRCS is able to offer a financial aid program that helps defray a significant portion of tuition for many families in need. However, in some situations, that financial aid isn't enough. When death, illness, or job loss happens, many families are forced to disrupt their child's education. When they need continuity and the love of their school family the most, the burden of cost gets in the way.

One of the most difficult things about tuition-driven schools is that issue of affordability. Jim Chenoweth, former TRCS Administrator, has always had a keen awareness of the sacrifice that families make to afford tuition.  The Chenoweth Scholarship Fund is a separate fund held by TRCS and distributed by a scholarship committee that will help students in duress to stay in school. The fund will be monitored by a scholarship committee that will collect tax-deductible donations and then privately evaluate need and awards. The name of the fund honors the heart of the man who has always known that these children are the center of the ministry - and the fund itself helps those children continue to have that ministry when they need it most.

This past year, we were able to distribute more than $10,000 in funds from this scholarship to help families in duress keep their children at TRCS.  Please consider becoming a regular donor to this fund. Your monthly gift of $25, $50, $100 or more can help a student's life be less disrupted when tragedy strikes.  If you'd like to learn more about how you can give to the Chenoweth scholarship, click here.

Have a great summer!   
Erin Hart
TRCS Administrator 

Debra Zandi Early Learning & Child Development Center

It is with joy that I greet each of you as we begin to prepare for the beautiful season of summer! We look forward to all the rewards of good weather, happy children and dedicated staff.
Congratulations 2016 Pre-Kindergarten Graduates!
"A Child in Pre-K"
By Barb Noel
I learn through all my senses,
be it hearing, sight or touch.
Piaget says I'm a scientist
exploring, oh, so much!
Howard Gardner says I'm smart,
but not the way you think.
There are 8 intelligences or "talents"
making me unique.
Although I'm very social,
I need self-regulation skills;
taking turns and keeping my body calm
are my biggest learning "hills".

You'll be amazed how much I've learned
as I've gone throughout this year.
When Pre-K graduation comes,
you're sure to shed a tear.
So as my primary teacher,
please help along the way,
to nurture and to guide me -
remembering to play.
Einstein said play is my research ---
exploring the unknown -
cementing neural pathways
so the knowledge is my own.
So when others ask about your child
and what they've learned along the way -
share with them our journey
in the land we call "Pre-K"!
Rejoicing and appreciating the gift of families and children!
Wishing you and yours a Glorious Summer...
~ Academically Excellent ~ Joyfully Christian ~ Culturally Relevant ~

Principal's Message
Wow, what a year!  As I look at the overall picture of the K-12,  2015-2016 school year, I am amazed at what took place.  Students, staff, and families worked so hard and God blessed us richly.  I'd like to highlight a few students who took their educational opportunities and made the "best of it!"  

Elizabeth McCarthy graduated #1 at TRCS with a 4.0 GPA.  She earned the title of Valedictorian!  She also excelled at LCC by earning the Outstanding History Student of the year and the LCC Scholastic Achievement Award.  What accomplishments she earned -- and she now plans on attending the University of Washington in September!

Anna Claunch also excelled at TRCS and LCC.  Anna was a the Student Council President and Key Club Vice President.  She also had a very impressive GPA.  Anna studied hard, sacrificed her time serving her school and church, and held a job!  She applied for many scholarships and in the end, Anna received over $30,000!  She will be attending Seattle Pacific University in September.

At the elementary campus, two students earned special recognition.  Gage Stout earned the Principal's Award for outstanding effort and improvement this year.  He had the courage to overcome obstacles, build character, and exemplify the meaning of "grit."

The Outstanding Student Award went to Aniya Conrad.  Aniya excelled in academics, effort, Godly character, kindness, and an overall servant attitude.  

Students who use the gifts that God has to offer bless their families, their community, and school.  It's been a wonderful year!

Blessings to you,
Randy Lemiere

tim carns
Athletic Director's Message

Congratulations to Selena Carns and Hannah Cathcart on their journey to the State Tournament in Tennis!  Go EaGALS!

Looking ahead to next years athletic calendar, there are several important dates and things to remember:

First, please make sure your student athlete has an updated physical. The physicals are good for two years. Please call your health care provider to ensure your child's physical is current. If the physical is not current please make an appointment ASAP. If you wait until the start of next school year, it is very difficult to get an appointment.

Next, make sure to have all forms on the website filled out and brought to the first practice. Forms can be found under the athletic tab. If forms are not filled out the athlete is not eligible to practice.

The Fall 2016-17 practice information is as follows: Middle school volleyball 5th- 8th grade girls. The first practice will be Tuesday, August 30th at TRC High School from 4:30-6:00 p.m. There will be two teams and TRC will be combining with St. Rose. The fee will be $100 for TRC athletes. Please give the checks to the front office. There will be a parent meeting after practice to inform you about dates, times, teams etc.

Cross Country and High School volleyball practices will start on Monday, August 22nd. More information will be posted on the TRC website on August 1. If you have any questions concerning athletic information feel free to email or call me. Don't forget the athletes must have 10 practices to be eligible. Please make practices a priority. I know our coaches appreciate it.

One last bit of business. Don't forget to sign up for the fireworks booth. The booth is open from June 28-July 4. This is our big athletic fundraiser and we need all families of athletes to help.

Blessings and have a great summer,
Do You Goodsearch?
This is EFFORTLESS Fundraising!


If you're not already doing it, take a minute to change your internet search window to default to www.goodsearch.com, and select Three Rivers Christian School as your charity of choice.  Did you know this simple act brings in hundreds of dollars to TRCS every year? 

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters."

- Col. 3:23 

Three Rivers Christian School | 2610 Ocean Beach Highway | Longview | WA | 98632