Enewsletter Header
Issue: 2               
October 2015 
In This Issue
Quick Links

TRCS Annual Fund

This year, TRCS will be working to raise more than $70,000 towards our annual fund that helps with program costs, financial aid and technology.  We've already raised over $17,500

Your giving makes a huge difference in this community!  Click here to give online.

   Adopt-A-Student Sponsors


Please support these local businesses who are supporting our school and families:

Fundraise for TRCS using AMAZON SMILE! 


If you shop on Amazon frequently, please use smile.amazon.com, and select Three Rivers Christian School (still listed by Amazon as Longview Christian School) as your charity of choice!  TRCS receives a percentage of all purchases made through this link!  We thank you for your support!


EScrip, BoxTops and Soup Labels -- OH MY!


With all of the action of a new school year, don't forget a few of the small fundraisers that continue to help at TRCS:


  • Box Tops for Education & Campbells Soup Labels... please clip and collect those little rectangular things.  We get hundreds of dollars from them each year!  They can be turned in at the school front desk.  A couple of times a year we do "box tops and soup label drives." 
  • eScrip:  You can register your Safeway cards at www.escrip.com and help TRCS earn extra funds!


Fred Meyer Community Rewards 


 Sign up for Fred Meyer Rewards for TRCS!
It's not too late to sign up for rewards on behalf of TRCS.  This does not take away from your regular fuel and cash rewards program!

Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here's how the program works:

  • Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Three Rivers Christian School.You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number (81034).
  • Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Three Rivers Christian School earn a donation!
  • You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today.
  • If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store.

Simply click here to login to your Fred Meyer Rewards account, then select "Three Rivers Christian School" (Organization Number 81034) as your non-profit of choice.  The more you shop, the more dollars TRCS will receive from Fred Meyer!






Don't forget these important dates: 


October 20th: ELC Fundraiser DUE

October 20th: School Board Meeting

October 20th - 22nd: School Pictures for ELC, Elementary, Middle School

October 28th: Elementary Student Council Elections

October 30th: Elementary BOX TOP$ competition ends!

November 11th: No School/Veteran's Day

November 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th: Scholastic Book Fair

November 14th: TRCS Christmas Shopping Festival

November 17th: School Board Meeting

November 20th - 24th: K  - 7th Conference Days

November 26th - 27th: All campuses closed for Thanksgiving

December 5th: Kelso/Longview Chamber of Commerce Holiday Parade


To view later dates, please check out the printable school calendar online or consult the website calendar


Please continue to check out our website for up-to-date info, and email us if you have questions or comments.   


Christmas Shopping Festival
Saturday, November 14th is our 7th annual Christmas Shopping Festival, and we're looking forward to another great year of fun and fellowship all supporting          Three Rivers Christian School!

We've got only a few vendor spots available!  Sign up as soon as possible to get the best possible space by calling Melissa at (360) 423-4510 or mpeabody@3riversschool.net

We're also looking for volunteers to cover an array of duties! Please call the office if you wish to help make this event a great success!

We're promoting the event on Facebook (click here to join), so make sure to invite your friends and family to join!

Our event this year will feature a hot soup lunch, a children's carnival, amazing shopping and more!  We look forward to another great year and THANK YOU for your support!

Melissa Peabody
TRCS Special Programs Coordinator


Elementary BOX TOP$ classroom competition ends October 30th! Collecting BOX TOP$ is a great way to earn extra money for our classrooms! We earned over $1,200 last year!

It's simple to help create funds with BOX TOP$:

  • Cut BOX TOP$ out of participating product packaging
  • Discard any expired BOX TOP$
  • Send BOX TOP$ to school

The winning classroom will get a special ice-cream party in November! 
Administrator's Message:  ACSI Convention (Or, Why do my kids have those two days off?)
Continuing professional development is the hallmark of any quality organization, and at Three Rivers Christian School, we take very seriously the responsibility of being "lifetime learners."  Our teachers participate in a week of classes prior to school starting, have early release once a month to work on program-centered projects, and also participate in the annual "Association of Christian Schools International" NEXUS 2015 conference.

This year, we were privileged to act as a host site for this event.  Faculty from six other Christian schools joined our 32 staff members to participate in live-streaming instruction from some incredible minds:  Jon Bergmann (he literally wrote the book on flipped classrooms), Alan November (a Google genius), Cynthia Tobias (learning styles), David Kinnaman (on spiritual formation), Kristin Barbour (on learning disabilities), and others!  It's a rare opportunity to have such focused, quality speakers -- and our teachers come away inspired and informed about cutting-edge learning techniques.

Not only is this conference informative, but it gives our teachers (and students!) a chance to take a breath during that "roller-coaster" first month of classes.  Again and again, I heard teachers saying how many "wow" moments they took away from the conference.  Kristin Barbour helped us to better understand how students with learning disabilities approach the written page by immersing us in exercises that made it difficult for us to read and interpret things we would normally take for granted.  Jon Bergmann's tips on using recorded lectures in innovative ways will certainly find its way into our tech-savvy high school.  It's thrilling to see how these experiences are not just two days of "feel good" seminar, but are actually impacting directly how we teach and the quality of our programs.

So, we know it's sometimes inconvenient to alter that weekly schedule, but rest assured that this is worthwhile -- and that those two days are directly impacting the quality of your child's education at Three Rivers Christian School.

Debra Zandi Early Learning & Child Development Center

We need your help and invite you to support our school fundraising efforts by purchasing and sharing the opportunity to purchase the ever popular America's most loved BELIEVE GIFTS and Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough! All proceeds from our fundraiser will be used for new toys, learning materials and classroom equipment for all ages. A reading loft as well as a learning touch screen discovery station for our Early Literacy library is on the "wish list" from proceeds.
It is parents like you that bring success to fundraising and make a positive difference at TRCS!
Please contact the front desk at 360-423-4510 to order today!
We ask that all orders be received by October 20th!

School pictures are coming! Bell Studios will be here October 20th to take infant and toddler pictures and will return on October 21st to photograph our preschool students. Schedules will be posted for your convenience and individual payment envelopes will be sent home by October 11th.
Upcoming Events:
October 22nd:  Pre-kindergarten Rooms 5 & 6 field trip to the Pumpkin Patch 
October 20th: Infant and Toddler Picture Day
October 21st:   Preschool Picture Day

Principal's Message

I'd like to welcome, Mrs. Nortness as the new Assistant Principal at the elementary campus.  Mrs. Nortness will help with student discipline as well as other administrative duties.  She will still be teaching the STRIVE Program as well as 7th grade math.  Other duties will be to oversee the technology and library classes.  Mrs. Nortness is very gifted and flexible! Thanks Mrs. Nortness!

At the high school, our Honor Society and Key Clubs are busy serving others.  The Honor Society is preparing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Students are collecting small items that children around the world will be receiving this Christmas.  The Key Club is serving at the Community House after school on Fridays.  Members work with the children with crafts and tell them of the love of Jesus Christ.  Our students do care about people in our area as well as around the world.

Thanks for all of your prayers.  Only God can do the things he has done for the TRCS ministry.  Please keep the prayers rising!
Randy Lemiere
TRCS Athletic Update
A Message from Athletic Director, Tim Carns
tim carns
Three Rivers athletes are off and running. I mean that in a literal way! The cross country team continues to have great success under the wonderful coaching and guidance of Kevin Rentner. The middle school runners took first in the team Harvest Classic Run and in the Rainer Invitational and are competing well at each event. The future for TRCS cross country is very bright. If you have a student interested in  running please contact Kevin. He is not just an excellent coach, he also incorporates many fun activities both in and out of season.

The varsity girls volleyball team continues its tradition of winning. Under the supervision of Lisa Caddel, the Lady Eagles are again in first place in league and have high hopes of returning to State. The team is being led by last years league MVP Jessie Caddel. Selena Carns is the only other returning starter and she continues to be one of the top players in the league. The eagles are getting great contribution from a number of other players and are the deepest team in the Coastal league.
 Please check out the schedules on the school website. Come on out and make some noise and support TRCS athletics.

Do You Goodsearch?
This is EFFORTLESS Fundraising!


If you're not already doing it, take a minute to change your internet search window to default to www.goodsearch.com, and select Three Rivers Christian School as your charity of choice.  Did you know this simple act brings in hundreds of dollars to TRCS every year? 

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters."

- Col. 3:23 

Three Rivers Christian School | 2610 Ocean Beach Highway | Longview | WA | 98632