The First Church in Belmont

THE UNITARIAN  April 2, 2013

In This Issue
Reflections from Rev. David Bryce
Music Notes from Alfa Radford
Cantastic Food Drive a Success!
Upcoming Events

Next Issue: April 9

Deadline: 3pm April 4


Wednesday, April 3

7:00pm   Communications. cl6.

7:00pm   LayPastoralTraining.

7:30pm   Finance Cte. cl5.

7:30pm   Nominating Cte. CR.

7:30pm   Women's Gr. Lib.

Thursday, April 4

6:45pm   Nova Choir. Sanct.

7:30pm   Caring for Adults. CR.

7:30pm   SGM. Library.

Saturday, April 6

6:00pm   All-ChurchPotluck.PH.

Sunday, April 7

9:25am   Sr. Choir. Parish Hall.

11:00am COA. Library.

12:30pm MythofUnivLove. Lib.

2:00pm   Kids w/Challenges.Lib.

4:30pm   OWL. Library.

6/7pm    YAC/YG. Parlor/UH.

Monday, April 8

6:30pm   Jr; 7 Chan; 7:45Youth

7:30pm   Parish Boad. Library.

8:00pm   Meditation. cl5.

Tuesday, April 9

7:30pm   Fiber Arts. cl4.

Wednesday, April 10

7:00pm   Children's RE. cl5.

7:30pm   Lay Pastoral. Study.

7:30pm   SGM facilitators. Lib.


Looking Ahead

April 12: Coffeehouse

April 20: Kal�ka Concert


Link to church calendar

This Sunday 
Music: April 7

Prelude: "Up Above My Head"

-Sister Rosetta Tharpe (20th c.)

The First Church Linden Singers:

Richard Curzi, John Howe, Paul Judge, Roger Read

Offertory: Gospel Song - "People Get Ready"

(inspired in part by the Civil Rights March on Washington)

-Curtis Mayfield (1942-1999)

The Linden Singers

9:00 Postlude: Mary Beekman, organ

11:00 Sr. Choir: The Angel Rolled the Stone Away

-Trad'l Spiritual

11:00 Postlude: Pasticcio

-Jean Langlais (1907-1999)

Alfa Joy Radford, organ

The flowers this Sunday are given by Dorothy Stoneman.  
Ushers: Members of the New Connections Ministry
Welcome & Announcements:
Leslie Kolterman and Beth Westlund

Social Action Corner


Grow Clinic! Grow Clinic!   

Mac & Cheese...Mac & Cheese...Mac & Cheese Boxes and boxes of thanks to all of you who made this year's MAC AND CHEESE MADNESS such a great success. Great job, team! Thanks!!!

All-Church Rummage Sale Saturday, May 4

Come and be part of the 71st year of hands-on social action, community building and fun!


The format remains much the same as last year. Set-up and drop-off begins on Sunday, April 28. Organization happens during the week.


Last day to drop off donations is Wednesday (until 9pm).


Sale for volunteers is Friday, May 4 from 6:30-9pm.


Main sale is Saturday, May 5 from 9am-2pm.


Please save your unwanted, but nice items, and check the volunteer sign-up boards in the Upper Gathering Hall, and the online registration for ways to participate. Working at the sale is fun and provides a chance to meet new people and to catch up with old friends. Recycle your abundance and provide low-cost items to the community. Proceeds help the work of the Partner Church, the Window Fund at First Church, the Social Action Committee, and other church initiatives. Questions? Email us at:

Caring for Older Adults

Thursday, April 4, 7:30pm, CR

Miriam Baker & Deb Blumberg

Many people are juggling jobs, families and their parents' or other family members' increasing medical needs, frequent emergencies and ongoing need for care. How do we cope with the needs of our loved ones and find some balance in our own lives? What do we need to learn as we take on this task? How do we find information and community? If you find yourself in this position, you are welcome at this group for discussion and support.

Looking Ahead:

The Development of an Artist - Julliette Carignan

April 15, 7:30pm, Parlor

Using visual descriptions of her painting process, Julliette will describe her developmental history as a professional artist, and what she has learned about the creative process.


The Author's Path - Dick Lehr

April 19, 7:30pm, Parish Hall

What made Whitey Bulger infamous? He has frightened and fascinated us. Boldly he hid in plain sight for many years and then he was captured. Hear Whitey Bulger's story told to us by First Church member Dick Lehr, author with Gerard O'Neill of the new book, Whitey. Refreshments and book signing. 

Can You Spare an Hour or Two?

Volunteers are needed for the Church Office from April 26 through May 3. If you have a free morning or afternoon, please call Susan Street, 617.484.1054 x201.

Spring Housecleaning 

At this time of the year we have a lot of activity related to our church annual pledges (thank you!). In order to keep accurate records, we need to know exactly which pledge period your check covers. Our current church year is July 2012 - June 2013, next year's pledge year is 2013-14. Please indicate on your check whether it's for the current church year (2012-13) or prepayment for next year's pledge (2013-14). Many thanks.

Lost & Found

Please take a look at the Lost & Found table in the Lower Hall. All unclaimed items will be donated to the church's Rummage Sale.

Adult Programs Reminder

To receive a weekly reminder of the latest Adult Programs, email Lillian Anderson at


Click here for the AP Spring brochure


The Unitarian Newsletter 

Submission Guidelines


Please submit articles for the newsletter to Susan Street in the following format: 

- Times New Roman font, 10 point. 

- jpeg for photos

- pdf for attached documents 

- for e-mails.  

- avoid phone numbers unless their owners don't mind them being published on the FCB website. 


Quick Links


Social Media

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Join Our Mailing List
First Church Office
:: 617-484-1054
5 Things To Know This Week
  • 2013 Stewardship Update
  • All-Church Potluck, April 6
  • Second Friday Coffeehouse, April 12
  • Women's Unitarian Alliance, April 17
  • Rummage Sale, May 4
Sunday, April 7, 2013             

UUSC Sunday - Economic Justic

Rev. David M. Bryce


9:00 & 11:00 Church Service                           

Childcare for infants and young children


Like beauty, justice depends upon the beholder. That is especially true for economic justice. But surely there are things that are right and things that are wrong.   


** Next Sunday, April 14 **

Rev. David M. Bryce preaching


Sermons in text and audio format can be found at


Reflections from Rev. David Bryce, Senior MinisterRev. David Bryce

After Resurrection

In those parts of the world that experience spring, there are stories and legends of death and rebirth. The story usually involves someone entering into the realm of death and returning to the realm of the living. Whether the hero of the story is human or divine matters little; the point is that death is faced, even experienced, and is then conquered or escaped from.

     It has become common--almost a clich�--for people to develop a "bucket list," a list of things they wish to accomplish before they die.

     But what if you had experienced death and had returned from there? What if you knew that you had died and had been resurrected?

     How would you feel about life?

     Would you feel exhilaration, joy, gratitude? How would you express that?

     And what then would you wish to do or accomplish in your newly extended life?

     I want to remind myself to see each day as a new beginning, as a rebirth, as a gift of extended life.

     And this is not just about me. I want to remind myself to see each person in my life as someone who has just been reborn lest I fail to recognize the gift that they are.

- David

Alfa Radford
Music Notes from Alfa Radford

EASTER LILIES & CROCUSES to our Nova and Senior Choirs for beautiful, festive music on Easter Sunday!


And GOLDEN DAFFODILS to soprano, Shannon Rose McAuliffe and pianist, Ian Garvie for their stunning Offertory, "Let the Bright Seraphim" from Handel's "Samson." I'm sure we could all hear the sound of those "angel trumpets!"  It was such a grand Easter morning at First Church.

CD's of our Palm Sunday Music Service, Gounod's St. Cecilia Mass, are available at $15 - as a mini-fundraiser for the church coffers. To order, contact or call 617.484.1054 ext 206


CALENDAR ALERTS for CHOIR PARENTS: There are NO Children's/Youth Choir Rehearsals on Monday, April 15 and May 27.

SING IN CHURCH on these dates:

May 12: Chancel & Youth Choirs

June 9: Jr & Chancel Choirs

         Happy Springtime! Alfa

Stewardship Update
A HEARTFELT THANK YOU to the 192 members and friends who have pledged so generously during March to this year's Stewardship Drive! As of late last week our pledge total was closing in on the $500,000 threshold, and running nearly $40,000 ahead of the same date last year. This response is a wonderful statement of support! But to enable the entire range of programs we ask of our church, we still face the challenge of meeting a $588,000 pledge target. To get there, we will need to hear back from every active member and friend. All pledge commitments received by Wednesday, April 3 will be included in the revised honor roll of timely pledges, to be published along with next week's Unitarian. Please respond using the online pledge form at the Church's website, or reply by email directly to Susan Street at  
− The Stewardship Committee

Children's Religious Education Information

Sunday School Program Notes

Thank you to the winter term teachers - many of whom struggled in through drifts and snowy streets to teach Children's RE! We had 31 volunteers teaching our preschool through 8th graders this term. Heartfelt gratitude goes to Sarah Keniston for teaching 5th and 6th grades throughout both the fall and winter. Special thanks to Kathy Crawley, Lauraine Dalton, Deveaux Duckworth, Meredith Hughes, Marianne Leahy and Heli Tomford who helped out with our classes even though they do not have children in the program. Our cooperative RE program depends on the willingness of parent and congregational volunteers to teach, and it is heartwarming to see so many members of the FCB community reaching out to engage with our children.


Opportunities to Help

(Sign-up sheets will be posted during coffee hours)

Our spring term begins on April 7 and ends on June 9. We are in need of teachers for the 11 o'clock service in our preschool, 3rd and 4th grades, 5th and 6th grades and in our 7th grade Neighboring Faiths class. If you could help out, even for a morning or two, please let me know.


Cantastic Food Drive a Success!

The FCB community came together during March to donate food for our Cantastic Food Drive. We were able to donate ten bags of groceries to the Belmont Food Pantry and filled eight big containers with baby food and other goodies for the Grow Clinic. During the Major Music Service, children in grades 1 through 6 made Cantastic Robot Sculptures using the cans and boxes of food plus a few fun props. Look for our photo display in the Lower Gathering Hall! 


Caring Connection  

The Caring Connection is a group of Church members and friends who provide support to members of our community who find themselves in some difficulty and need short-term help. Please let us know if you could use some assistance, or know of someone who would benefit from our support. Contact: Laurie Graham at or Susan at the Church, 617.484.1054 x 201.

Among Us
Congratulations to:
  • Gabrielle, Steve, Esperanza & Luna Garschina-Bobrow on the birth of Ventura Garschina-Bobrow!
  • Donna Santagati, Scott & Dante Moorman on the birth of Gaetano Kobayashi Moorman!  

To submit your own virtual candle, contact Jim Staton at or call him at 617.484.1054 x207. Guidelines for these submissions are available on the Church website at

Thank You to Church Service Ushers for the Winter Term

Joanne Adamowicz, Cheryl Brown, Alan Cantor, Downing Cless, Charlie Conroy, Lauren Crocker, Connie DiCocco, Dianthe Eisendrath, David Fung, Laurie Graham, Nicole Griffin, James Hencke, Sam James, Karl Klasson, Kathy Lind, Judy McSwain, Veera Mylapore, Jeanie O'Farrell, Eva Patalas, Paul Santos, Ed Siegfried, Lanier Smythe, Jim Staton, Andre� Vezina, David Warner, Marion Westgate and  Sean Westgate

Ushers Needed for the Spring Term

Please consider volunteering for one of our teams for the spring term that runs through the end of the regular church year (June 9). Team members commit to ushering about once a month at one service. Ushering offers a wonderful opportunity to interact with members and visitors and to provide a valuable (yet time-limited) service to our community. If you would like to usher occasionally but feel uneasy about signing up for specific dates,you may indicate that preference and we will contact you as needs arise to see you if you are available. Here are the dates for each team for the winter term:  

Team 1A    9:00 service on Apr 14, May 5, May 26

Team 1B    9:00 service on Apr 21, May 12, June 2

Team 1C    9:00 service on Apr 28, May 19, June 9 


Team 2A    11:00 service on Apr 14, May 5, May 26

Team 2B    11:00 service on Apr 21, May 12, June 2

Team 2C    11:00 service on Apr 28, May 19, June 9

To volunteer, see the sign-up board at community hour or contact David Warner, 617.484.2002 or 

Upcoming Events: 

ALL-CHURCH POTLUCK DINNER - Sat, April 6, 6pm, Parish Hall
Savor a diversity of cuisines as varied as our congregation at this church-wide event sponsored by the Fellowship Committee. All ages are welcome. Come bring your favorite dish and bottle of wine to share, plus a healthy appetite. Show off your culinary talents, or secret recipe. Enjoy an evening of fine food and conversation at this fun evening together! Sign up at coffee hour, or just show up with something delicious. Volunteers needed for set up and clean up.


Edwin Taylor assisted by Lillian Anderson and Doris Hunter

Sunday, April 7, 12:30-2pm, Library. Refreshments provided.

"Love your neighbor as yourself," said Jesus. Is "neighbor" everyone? How much do we owe to our close and distant neighbors? Isn't our little jug of personal effort and financial resources hopelessly inadequate to fill the thousand empty flasks of desperate need around the world? How can we contribute to all our neighbors, not only responsibly but also without guilt? Edwin, Lillian, and Doris will launch a group discussion of these troubling questions. The idea for the topic was inspired by a NY Times article. Copies are available at coffee hour and by clicking here.


Sunday, April 7, 2-4pm, Library, Andrea Prestwich

Does your child have special challenges? Has he/she been diagnosed with Aspergers, ADHD, or sensory problems? Maybe he/she is just slightly "quirky." You're invited to an inaugural meeting of a new First Church support group for parents and family of kids with special needs, with a focus on neurological issues. We will offer support and share experience in a non-judgmental space. Childcare available. For more information contact

This month's Coffeehouse performers are Dan Glenn, a singer-songwriter based in Boston and a former Belmont resident, recently returned from 5 years in Vermont, and Jim Wooster & Paul Judge, members of Positive Energy and the Blood Mountain Brothers. This month's beneficiary is
The Barton Center for Diabetes Research. Click here to see flyer!

Wednesday, April 17, 12:00 Noon
All Women And Men Welcome!

On April 17th the Alliance program presenter will be Lanier Smythe, who will speak to us about her trip to El Salvador. If you were attending First Church twenty years ago, you may remember our involvement in El Salvador as a Sanctuary Church and the involvement of several of our members in the Belmont-El Salvador Sister City Project. The Alliance lunch begins in the Upper Hall at 12:00 noon and the program will take place in the Library at 1:00pm. To help us set up and provide for all attendees, please call Susan Street ahead of time (617.484.1054 x201) and let her know that you will attend and the number of guests you will bring. Please bring your own sandwich, and we will provide soup, beverage, and dessert. The suggested lunch donation is $0.75 per person.