
 Have you ever been afraid of God?  Afraid of letting God down, or invoking his wrath?  Perhaps you have done or said something that you knew would just pass God pass the limits of his mercy to forgive.  What do we do when we feel like we've gone too far?  Join me this Sunday as we explore the Fear of Disappointing God.
Dr. Todd Jordan
Senior Pastor

Quick Links
In This Issue
Adult Class Information
Children's Ministries
Youth Ministries
SUMC Music and Fine Arts
Young Adults

Happy Birthday
Brenda Smith4/16
Kathy Reedy4/16
Lori Rose4/16
Pauline Worth4/16
Justin Williams4/17
Mark Kreischer4/17
Clayton Strube4/17
Cheryl Pinson4/18
Jackson Creech4/18
Katie Marvin4/19
Simone Belflower4/19
Morgan Lipstreuer4/19
Charlotte Gross4/19
Brady Fogt4/19
Paul Meriano4/19
Karen Wuellner4/20
Caden Kent4/20
Sara Sonnier4/20
Mackenzie Mitchell4/20
Ellie Wilcox4/21
Ethan Wilcox4/21
Evan Wilcox4/21
Liam Akins4/21
Kyra Vick4/21
Lillian Hood4/21
Kristin Stalnaker4/21
Sue McMahon4/22
Reagan Drees4/22
Pon Olonilua4/22
Tom Lowery4/22


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Adult Class Information
Adult Study-"Secrets of a Teenage Brain"
Join us in Room 210 on Sunday mornings at 10:00 - 11:05 a.m.   We know that parents of pre-teen and teens face challenging issues every day.  Join us as we talk about strategies and solutions regarding social media, communication, respect, bullying and other topics related to guiding this age group.
Questions contact Pastor Emily Bankston at
Men's Bible Study Class:    
Want to learn what Heaven is going to be like?  Along with teaching on the Book of Mark this Lenten Season we will be discussing what Heaven will be like. Join us in the Men's Bible Study Class Sunday Morning in Room 212 @ 10:15 - 11:00 a.m.
Contact Jerry Raymond at for further information.
Parents of Young Children:
The Parents of Young Children Sunday school class will be reading and discussing, The Five Love Languages of Children.  You don't even have to have young children in order to join us. We would love to see you in the SAC at 10:05 Sunday mornings!

If you are interested, please sign up in the hallway or let Cheryl Burnett know at so we can order enough books.
The Seekers Class:
All are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings in Room 151 at 10:05 a.m.  Questions?  Please contact John Paradysz at 

New Directions Class:
Come join us in Room 207, from 10:05 a.m.-11:05 a.m.  All are welcome to join us and if you have any questions please contact Jim Telljohann at
Children's Ministries
All children (Infants-4th grade) need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian when arriving for check-in to church events!

Sunday School
10:05 a.m.-11:05 a.m.
Attention 5 year olds -4th graders!
Children's Chapel
After the children's conversation  at 11:15 a.m. worship, children 4 years-Kindergarten, may attend Children's Chapel in Room 105.
Kids 1st
Kids 1st- is from 5-7pm. 
Join us on  the first Sunday of each month.
 $3 snack supper will be available. 
 Friends are always welcome.
 56 Ministries at SUMC
Sunday School: 10:05-11:05am 
  5th and 6th graders will meet in Room 200 for confirmation!  This will be their Sunday School for
Fall and Spring.
Mission 56
 5:oo p.m. -7:00 p.m. Sundays
Bring $3 for snack supper
Room 200
Mid High Power Hour
 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Meet in the Strawbridge Activity Center (SAC)
6-8th Graders
 We will take your children to school!
(Permission form must be on file prior to leaving SUMC campus)
Questions regarding Children's Ministries contact Pastor Emily at

  • Chancel Choir
  • Wednesday Evenings from 7:0 0 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room (Room 154)
  • Come join us!
  •  Band members needed
  • for Orchestra
    Senior High, College
    or Adult
  • For further information contact Pastor Laurie at 
    Sunday School 7-week study on the Social Principles has begun come join us! 
    Sunday School 
     (Room 209)  10:05 a.m.-11:10 a.m.
    Community Group
    Every First Tuesday-Game Night

      Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m
    Sharing a meal, creating community and all are welcome!
    Contact Michelle Ashley at

    Strawbridge Security Policy Information
    Recently, staff members discovered unlocked doors and an unset alarm in the morning. Because such security breaches increase the risk of vandalism, theft and even assault, church Trustees have provided a binder for each group to sign in and out any time they use church facilities when the office is closed. One person should be responsible for each group. Groups are asked to use the door closest to the office for entry and exit. All other doors should remain locked. The last person to sign out is asked to turn off all lights, set the alarm and verify the door is locked and securely closed. 
    Please join our Pastors for our next Methodism Class in Pastor Todd's office to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and what we do. Everyone is welcome, but this class will be especially beneficial for guests and newer members. Sunday Mornings April 17th & 24th and May 1st and 8th at 10:05 am -11:10 am.
    2nd Sunday Sing-Out this month will be on the 3rd Sunday, April 17th from 2:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. for more information contact Pastor Laurie at
    Bordersville Ministry Outreach
    Everyone is welcome to join us once a month to take lunch to Bordersville and, play games, sing and hang out with the residents.   Our next date is May 12th, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. We are in need of these types of Bingo Prizes: Personal care items such as soap, lotions, powder, toothpaste, etc. Soft Toilet paper, facial tissue, laundry detergent, fabric softner, dryer sheets, dish soap, scrubbers, Gift baskets of combinations of above suggestions. If you have any questions or would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact Katie Marvin at

     Activity Corridor table reservations may be made by contacting Sandra Plilar in the church office 281-360-4500 or
    SUMC Prayer Shawl Ministry
    Compassion and the love of knitting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in
    celebration and joy.  Many blessings are prayed into every stitch.  (taken from www.shawlministry).
    If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please
    contact:  Karen (



    Habitat for Howard's House
    Saturday April 23 we will continue working on the siding for Howard's house.  
    Please sign up by calling or emailing as we need a headcount for the work and lunch.

    Detailed construction skills are not necessary, just a willingness to come together and get the work done.

    There are also opportunities to help with meals for the work crew.

    We meet at 7am at Strawbridge for those who wish to carpool. Lunch is provided and we wrap up around 3pm.
    Please sign up by calling or emailing
    Neil Ryan at  281-361-2333
    or by email at

    Wednesday Night Dinner
    5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. in the
    Strawbridge Activity Center.
    Adults and Youth $6.00
    Children (10 and under) $3.00
    (2 years and under free)
    $20.00 max per family
    Sign-up in Activity Corridor on Sundays.
    April 20th Menu: Chicken  Fajitas w/Grilled Peppers and Onions, Sour Cream, Fresh Pico de Gallo, Shredded Cheese, Mexican Rice and Frijoles Negros, Chips and Salsa


    will be going to the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Houston on April 22. Meet at the church, leave by 8:00 a.m. and return by 3:00 p.m. We will have lunch at Kelley's.   Sign-up in the Activity Corridor. This event is free but you will need to purchase your lunch.
    More information will be coming soon on both of these events. If you have questions please contact Jean Anderson at


    Youth Ministries 

        Strawbridge Youth are now on Remind 101.  
      Text "@sumcupdate" then call 81010.

    Sunday Mornings 
                  Breakfast & Discussion
      10:05 a.m. in Rooms 201/203

    Sign-up for AYM is now open.  Forms are on the Student website.  College applications can be found there too! 
    Contact Jon Ashley at
     for questions or location information

    Strawbridge United Methodist Church | 5629 Kingwood Dr. | Kingwood | TX | 77345