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Cobine Carmelson Newsletter, October 2012

In This Issue
On the Up - Intellectual Property month
5 Key Questions to ask when networking
2 minute Quote guide For Directors' and Officers'
20% more business in 10 weeks!

Quick Links






Intellectual Property IS marketing capital



Featured Video

Business Insurance - Olympic Risks: Are You Covered?
Business Risks - What do we protect? Two min video

Business Networking Tips.


5 Key Questions and How to Choose a Group that Fits. Download your FREE copy here

Monthly Risk Reduction Tips

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By George! Employee rights  share swap is not a solution.



WIN a complimentary seat at our sponsored seminar...Intangible or Intellectual, it it still my property! 





New photo Sept 2011
Jason Cobine

Welcome to our Company Reputation Newsletter.


It's a real nightmare for business owners when employees get upset. Wage disputes are one thing yet employee accusations can do real damage.


Business is Business, yet allegations of discrimination or mistreatment can be quite frightening, especially if word spreads that something untoward has happened. Just because someone is being vindictive?


Rumours can easily reach clients, and frequently do, so we often help business people plan to nip these issues in the bud. 


There are businesses up and down the UK whose insurer knows their contracts might be inadequate. Does the insurer care? Read our latest blog to find out about how to protect employees, the company and the Directors.  


Find out more about reputation risk, law updates, online risks and more >>>


Going up... Claims settlements!


This week we arranged for an insurer to settle a claim for �8,000, after they stated that they would settle for �4,300, so now our client is not out pocket. It all started when a contractor failed to complete the work he had been paid to do and caused a water leak.

[Our claim settlement service is only available for existing clients.] 

Coming Up - Intellectual Property Month


November is Intellectual Property month for us. Clients are about to launch their online businesses and we're launching the first in a series of seminars with Intellectual Property advice for delegates. Meanwhile, here's a quick idea about how to leverage Intellectual Property. We have partners that value Intangibles, it's a real eye opener.


Patents, Brands, Trademarks, Websites & Domains are all hot property. There's loads more advice coming; click here to follow us on LinkedIn to find out about dates first. There's a competition to win a complimentary seat and the chance to let fellow delegates know what sort of help is needed to bring Ideas to fruition.


Clients are growing fast - even the little ones 


Take a quick peek at our Quick Links on the left - Hidden gems include Top Tips and a client who helps Lawyers grow income by being smarter with their documents, not that they aren't smart enough.


Our not for profit client grows people - literally. The Young Actors Theatre   breeds confidence in youngsters and encourages them to take risks. If you can dig deep and help a charity today, and I mean dig deep today, click here to make a �100 donation - pledge today and pay in January.


It's my birthday in January so I'll pay mine out of my birthday money.


Next month we feature clients who trade online without borders.  


Take a look at our testimonials >>>


Take care,



Jason signature  



Jason Cobine

Not Just Insurance - Reassurance!

Cobine Carmelson

24 Avonmore Road, Kensington Village, London W14 8RR
Tel: 020 7371 2812 |



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Directors often end up "carrying the can"  


Request a quote

Shock! horror! Insurance doesn't always work! 



How long businesses survive when the worst happens is down to planning and continuity of cashflow. This has been the main concern of businesses we've helped this Olympic year.


Directors we've helped were often concerned about: 
  • Making mistakes (albeit innocently) in their duties  
  • Tribunals following allegations of discrimination  
  • Wrongful or constructive dismissal costs 
  • Copyright and other intellectual property infringements 

Check out our guide for Directors outlining who is most likely to take action against them and typical reasons. Or you can go direct to our immediate quotation service and find out about protection in just a few clicks.


Protection for business owners, Directors or those with responsibility is just a few clicks away Get an instant quote >>>  


Business Networking Not Working? Reply to reserve your Complimentary Place.


Beyond Networking logoResearch shows that 83% of us are influenced by word-of-mouth!


Turning up at business networking events, collecting business cards and developing an "elevator pitch" simply won't get the commercial networking results a business needs or help generate business for others.



Discover what Geoff Newman described as "unique, innovative and logical."


Some of those that attended our workshops went on to ask for our help in engaging with their current clients and prospects.


A Networking Seminar for your Contacts or Clients? >>> 


"We have gained both clients and more friends as a result of the excellent event."  Neil Mutton, CEO, Ablestoke  More details >>>    


A previous attendee commented: "Whether you are new to the art of networking or have been doing it for longer than you can remember (that's me!), Beyond Networking will give you the knowledge and skills to make it effective and rewarding (in all senses). Jason goes beyond the obvious and gives real insights that will make you think about what you do and how to do it better. Thanks Jason as always!" Stanley Beckett, Partner at Serenity Law LLP


The new economy is about working smarter, collaborating with others and sharing and spreading knowledge ... it's about mixing new web-based strategies and excellent communications.   



PS. We have prepared a special report on why networking doesn't always work!  Email Jason and get your copy today - worth �250 at the very least! 

Gift an Insurance Review to someone you know Free consultation


We give 1 hour of our time FREE. We do this because people we meet value our passion for  getting claims paid and often appoint us as a result of the review - not that we're saying everyone does - we know we're not for everybody. Further details >>>


Get an introductory special offer for you and your clients >>>


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