Elementary School

Boosterthon Begins Today!
Elementary School students enjoyed a Fun Pep Rally to kick off the 2017 CCS Boosterthon Fun Run! Please
join us in welcoming our Boosterthon Team to campus ~  Hashtag Hannah & Cowgirl Kaitlyn.  They will be with us for the next week and a half.
This afternoon students brought home a BACKYARD BOX OFFICE pledge book! Students have been challenged to log on to FUNRUN.COM tonight to register and begin entering pledges online.(Carmel Christian school code is 592-221 or type in Carmel Christian School in the school box.) Everyone that registers on the website will receive a prize regardless of whether they enter any pledges or not.

Thank you for going outside of your own home and connecting your students with sponsors over the next week.  As a reminder, Boosterthon is our only fundraiser that reaches outside of our CCS families to engage FRIENDS, RELATIVES, NEIGHBORS... anyone who would be willing to support CCS and your child in this meaningful way.

Why Boosterthon? 
We are sensitive to the fact that you, our CCS family, have been asked to prayerfully consider a pledge to the annual fund as well as being in a season of re-enrollment for the next school year. The BOOSTERTHON is not intended to be a financial priority for your family. Instead we intend for this to be the ONLY fundraiser that reaches beyond CCS families to gain support from friends and extended family members across the country.

BOOSTERTHON is a critical component of the Annual Fund, directly supporting our annual operating budget and allowing us to maintain competitive tuition rates.   Last year, approximately 23% of Boosterthon pledges came from CCS parents and our goal is to DECREASE that number, using this as a vehicle to engage donors outside of our CCS community.  So, as you consider the Boosterthon challenge, please take the challenge to reach out, rather than reaching in to our own resources.