In This Issue
Recruiting Tool
Banker Insight
Quote of the Month
Deal Highlight
Customer Testimonial
More Options

Volume V, Issue II

We hope your first quarter has gone well and that your year is off to a great start. In this month's edition, we want to highlight a new recruiting tool, produced by PPCLOAN, that is available to Allstate Management.
Recruiting Tool 
Value Index Editorial
In the most recent Allstate Agency Value Index release, PPCLOAN included a special editorial which examines the value proposition of becoming an Exclusive Agent with Allstate, as well as the trends of Allstate agency values over the past 15 years. We've seen a lot of excitement over this release and wanted to provide a copy for you to use in your recruiting tools. If you would like any of the previous Value Index releases or Editorials, they can all be downloaded from our website.
Banker Insight
Do you have a relationship with your lender? 
It is important for agency owners to have an established relationship with a financing source that they can utilize to grow their businesses. Agents are in the best position to grow when they have quick access to capital to take advantage of implementing a new marketing initiative, hiring additional sales members, expanding/renovating their office location, or acquiring a new agency. Over the past 15 years, thousands of agents across the country have leveraged PPCLOAN as their growth partner for all of their financing needs.
Quote of the Month
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at something that doesn't really matter."
-D.L. Moody
This is a great reminder that all hard work is not created equal. The aim and end goal of our work is equally as important as the effort we put towards it. As small business owners, Allstate agents must make sure that all of their systems and processes are set at achieving success in the most important areas of their business. And as managers of agency owners, it is important to help them discern what these priorities are and encourage them to keep the course.
Deal Highlight
Outside buyer in New Jersey
PPCLOAN provided a loan to purchase a $3.7M earned premium agency. The loan from PPCLOAN covered 88% of the purchase price and the difference was met by the seller holding a note for 12%.
Customer Testimonial
Corey Hinson- Placentia, CA
"The PPCLOAN team is extremely helpful and it is truly one of the easiest experiences that I could imagine when it comes to Allstate Agency loan financing. They are great in every aspect of the loan process and I would recommend them to anyone that is looking to expand or refinance their practice!"
Read more testimonials here.
PPCLOAN   ~   9303 New Trails Drive, Ste 375, The Woodlands, TX 77385   ~   800-456-2779   ~