Allstate Management Monthly

Volume IV, Issue II          



Welcome to the start of the third quarter! This month's Newsletter highlights the most recent Allstate Agency Value Index which explores why the moratorium on agency mergers has affected agency value. Also, scroll down to find this month's productivity strategy, the July Deal Highlights, and a customer testimonial.
2nd Quarter


Deal Highlights



BankerAllstate Agency Value Index- 2nd Quarter 2013

Be sure to check out this quarters Allstate Agency Value Index here. In addition to discussing agency value trends resulting from the merger moratorium, you will find a new valuation metric, and a revisited discussion on non-competes

RefinanceProductivity Strategy: Activity Batching

Rather than responding to the next thing on a list, or the next item that pops up in your mind as something to do, try compiling and organizing your activities by category. For example, set a time for responding to email, returning phone calls, focusing on a writing project, or working on a specific project. By batching your activities by category, you can avoid the wasted transition time of switching gears constantly throughout the day.
MayJuly Deal Highlights

An outside buyer in New York was provided with 96% financing to purchase an Allstate agency selling for 2.41 times Allstate annual commissions. The balance was met by a cash injection for 4% of the purchase price.

An existing agent in Georgia secured 100% financing to purchase an Allstate agency selling for 3.07 total annual commissions.

An outside buyer in California obtained a loan for 87% of the purchase price of an Allstate agency selling for 2.67 times Allstate renewal commissions. The balance was met by a seller note for 12% of the purchase price and a cash injection for the remaining 1%. 
CustomerCustomer Testimonial

"Steven Kemper and Tabitha Hughes provided exceptional service. Financing can be one of the most difficult parts of a business acquisition, but PPCLOAN actually makes it easy. I would never take my business elsewhere."

Nikki Kaur
Anaheim, CA 

Include a PPCLOAN Allstate Specialist at your next recruiting event!  Contact Eric at 800-456-2779.

Allstate Agency Value Index
- The 2nd Quarter 2013 Allstate Agency Value Index has been released.  If you would like to receive our quarterly emails, please be sure to register here.
- Direct your agents to this free online listing of agencies if they are looking to buy, or just get an idea of what agencies in their area are selling for.

Knowledge Center
- Our highly interactive Knowledge Center provides presentations, informative articles, agency value index and financial tools.