Allstate Management Monthly

Volume III, Issue X         



Welcome to April's Allstate Management Monthly! Highlighted in this month's edition is our article regarding a new growth concept for existing agents. Additionally, you will find a link to the recent release of the 1st Quarter Value Index and a customer testimonial. Enjoy!
New Concept
for Top Agents

AAVI 1st
Quarter Release




MergerMerger/Scratch Concept Brewing in Texas

There is an exciting new concept brewing in Texas that involves a merger/scratch combination opportunity for top-performing Allstate agents. For more details, check out the article here

ValueAllstate Agency Value Index

Be sure to check out the most recent Allstate Agency Value Index which discusses the new "Outside Buyer Incentive Test Program" and how it will affect agency value and growth.

While you're there you'll want to make sure you also read the most recent Value Index Editorial "What Makes Allstate Special?" This editorial is guest written by Eric LeBlanc, and is a follow up to a previous editorial, "Who Has the Greener Grass?" written by the author of the Value Index, Paul Clarke.
ProductivityProductivity Strategy- Timeboxing

There is so much to do! How am I going to complete this in an efficient way? One approach you could take is the productivity strategy called Timeboxing, which sets specific time limits to specific work activities. Rather than just stepping into the office and reacting to the things coming your way and drifting through the day, Timeboxing aims to proactively handle your workload by setting specific blocks of time to work on and complete specific tasks. For more information on Timeboxing, keep reading here
CustomerCustomer Testimonial

"I found the PPCLOAN staff to be extremely professional and focused on assisting me in putting together a financing package in a short turnaround time. Their knowledge and understanding of the Allstate agent program allowed me to stay focused on my training and the acquisition transition, while they structured the financing."

Scott Pauley
Xenia, OH 

Include a PPCLOAN Allstate Specialist at your next recruiting event!  Contact Eric at 800-456-2779.

Allstate Agency Value Index
- The 1st Quarter 2013 Allstate Agency Value Index has been released.  If you would like to receive our quarterly emails, please be sure to register here.
- Direct your agents to this free online listing of agencies if they are looking to buy, or just get an idea of what agencies in their area are selling for.

Knowledge Center
- Our highly interactive Knowledge Center provides presentations, informative articles, agency value index and financial tools.