March 2016 Volunteer News
April 10-17
We are happy to announce Spring into Action 2016: a week of food drives, fundraising, volunteering, and hunger advocacy. We have some events planned for the week already, but still have space if your group would like to get involved!
Can your group or organization help by hosting a food drive, fundraising event, or other activity for Spring into Action?
To submit an event for Spring into Action, visit, or email us at We'd love to hear your idea to help!
Combination Meal Packaging Event March 24
Lutheran Church of Hope and Meals from the Heartland have teamed up for another combination meal packaging event to benefit the DMARC Food Pantry Network to take place on Thursday, March 24The event will be held from 1:00 - 4:00 PM at Meals from the Heartland, 357 Lincoln Street, West Des Moines, IA 50625.

We will be packaging taco rice and chili macaroni combination meal packets that will be distributed throughout DMARC's network. Packaging events are a great way to help the community if you have a workplace team or small group looking for a volunteer opportunity!
Questions? Contact the DMARC office at 515-282-2026 or email
Two Volunteers Needed for Produce Shopping at Food Bank
We are in search of two regular volunteers to shop for fresh produce at the Food Bank of Iowa.

These two shoppers will be our 'listed shoppers' at the Food Bank of Iowa. Every Monday and Wednesday, they will be given 15 minutes to select fresh produce from the Food Bank's inventory. We are looking for one volunteer to cover the Monday shift and one to cover the Wednesday shift, every week.

You will go straight to the Food Bank of Iowa first, shop 15 minutes, load up the produce, and then deliver it to the DMARC Food Pantry Network warehouse. Volunteers should have their own vehicle (the food items can be 'messy' at times), and the ability to lift heavy boxes.

The produce shopping can be done anytime on Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 - 11:20 a.m. or 1:00 - 3:20 p.m.

If you are interested in volunteering as a regular produce shopper, please contact us at or 515-282-2026. Training will be provided.

March 12 is the next Sack Saturday!
Red Barrel Sack Saturdays are staffed by groups of volunteers from churches, schools, businesses and civic organizations. Events typically run from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on a Saturday morning and require a minimum of four volunteers (two volunteers per two-hour shift).

Sack Saturday volunteers encourage support of the Red Barrel program by working in local grocery stores and asking shoppers to:
  • Purchase Hunger Sacks for the red barrels.
  • Provide cash contributions.
  • Purchase and donate individual food or personal care items.
Can you help us on the next Sack Saturday, March 12? Sign up on VolunteerSpot below, or contact Red Barrel Coordinator John Robinson at 515-277-6969 x18 or