eVoice - February 16, 2016
January Food Pantry Network Usage Report
The DMARC Food Pantry Network served 5,561 families and 14,158 individuals
in January 2016, an increase of 21.8% and 12.0%*, respectively. In January, the Network also saw 266 families use a food pantry for the first time ever.
*compared to January 2015
February Red Barrel News Now Available
The February issue of Red Barrel News is now available!
March 1 is National Peanut Butter Lover's Day, and Hy-Vee and Skippy are teaming up to support the DMARC Food Pantry Network. From February 28 to March 5, for every three pounds of Skippy peanut butter sold at the Des Moines area Hy-Vee stores, the team will donate a pound of peanut butter to the Food Pantry Network. Thank you, Hy-Vee and Skippy, for your continued support through this promotion!
Now Available: All 'Donations of the Month' for 2016
At the request of several groups and congregations, we have compiled a full list for 2016 of the Donation of the Month. You can download flyers for each below, or find them online at dmarcunited.org/movethefood/most-needed-items/. Any questions? Contact Communications Manager Luke Elzinga, 515-277-6969 x10 or lelzinga@dmarcunited.org.
  1. January: Hot Cereal
  2. February: Healthy Canned Goods
  3. March: Peanut Butter
  4. April: Diapers
  5. May: Fruit Cocktail
  6. June: Canned Seafood
  7. July: Fresh Vegetables
  8. August: Fresh Fruit
  9. September: Rice
  10. October: Chili
  11. November: Canned Soup
  12. December: Pasta
Des Moines Area Religious Council

1435 Mulberry Street

Des Moines, IA 50309



Healthy Canned Goods
  • Low sugar, fat and salt options
Community Calendar
February 20

February 26

February 28 - March 5
Peanut Butter Lover's Day Sale at Hy-Vee

March 5

March 12

March 19

March 20

April 10-17

DMARC does not require participation in religious services as a condition to receive assistance, and does not engage in religious proselytizing or counseling. DMARC practices non-discrimination in accordance with applicable federal and state regulations. All services and programs are provided to consumers without discrimination in regard to family size or structure, religious or cultural beliefs, race, gender, age,
or disability.

Community Announcements
Disclaimer: The Des Moines Area Religious Council makes every effort to provide accurate and useful general information in its eVoice, but accepts no liability for the use of materials by individuals or organizations. We gladly promote events and programs from partners that are connected to our mission, and related to the topic of hunger, poverty, interfaith relations, religious education or the arts. Our inclusion of such material should not be construed as being sponsored or endorsed by DMARC. Undated general announcements and employment opportunities are included for one week unless requested to be included for a longer period of time.
Up with People Presents 'The Journey'
Saturday, February 20, 7:00 p.m.
Sisam Arena at Grand View University

Up with People is a global education organization which aims to bring the world together through service and music. The unique combination of international travel, service learning, leadership development and performing arts offers students an unparalleled experience and a pathway to make a difference in the world, one community at a time.

The Journey, their newest touring production is designed to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Up with People, while acknowledging that their mission is an ongoing journey, and is as relevant in 2016 as it was in 1965.
Right Next Door Workshop: Connecting without Hurting
March 19, 2016, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Windsor United Methodist Church
6222 University Avenue, Des Moines

Many of us well-meaning people want to help people around us. We have found ourselves, though, sometimes pulled into another person's drama, and unable to draw healthy boundaries. That other person might lean on us for more than we are ready to give. We might find ourselves critical of their decisions, or trying to direct them, rather than being a calm presence walking alongside as a warm friend.

Women at the Well is sponsoring a workshop to help us explore how to connect with love and support, in a non-anxious, non-reactive way. Bill Selby, director of the Center for Pastoral Effectiveness of the Rockies, will lead this workshop, which will include some learning from family system theory, sharing of lived experiences, and some practice in staying present to one another in supportive, healthy, mutual, imaginative adult relationships.

For more information and to register, visit this link:  https://uevent.com/registration?code=A83EIHSLK1. If you have questions, please contact our administrative assistant, Dan Schott, at 515/822-4599 or womenatthewell@iaumc.org.
Who Are We?

The Des Moines Area Religious Council is an interfaith organization with a core membership of over 130 congregations from four faith traditions. Recipient of the 2012 LIVE UNITED Advocate Award from the United Way of Central Iowa, DMARC provides a common means of responding to basic human needs and a context for interfaith dialogue.


The DMARC Food Pantry Network consists of 12 separate pantry sites, a centralized warehouse, and numerous community partners. It is the largest food pantry network in Iowa. Pantry sites are located in West Des Moines, Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, and eight sites in Des Moines. In 2014, the DMARC Food Pantry Network assisted more than 41,000 individuals in the greater Des Moines community; half of whom are children and youth.


MovetheFood is a DMARC-led initiative to address the entire food system in Greater Des Moines, building on nearly 40 years of the Food Pantry Network, catalyzing fresh generations, and engaging new constituencies to further support a vision for a day when everyone in Polk County has enough to eat.
Disclaimer: The Des Moines Area Religious Council makes every effort to provide accurate and useful general information in its eVoice, but accepts no liability for the use of materials by individuals or organizations. We gladly promote events and programs from partners that are connected to our mission, and related to the topic of hunger, poverty, interfaith relations, religious education or the arts. Our inclusion of such material should not be construed as being sponsored or endorsed by DMARC. Undated general announcements and employment opportunities are included for one week unless requested to be included for a longer period of time.