eVoice - May 6, 2014

Welcome to our newly redesigned eVoice. We hope the new design is more organized and visually appealing. Questions or comments? Email Communications Manager Luke Elzinga.
Sister Helen Prejean Lecture and Reception
Sister Helen Prejean, death row minister and the real woman behind the "Dead Man Walking" book and Oscar-winning movie, will be in Des Moines May 6 and 7, in conjunction with the Des Moines Metro Opera's production of Dead Man Walking during the summer of 2014. Ticket information can be found at desmoinesmetroopera.org.

Sister Helen will present a lecture entitled: "Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues" at Sheslow Auditorium on May 6 at 7 p.m. The Center for Social Ministry will be hosting a reception for Sr. Helen as a culmination of her two day visit at St. Theresa Catholic Church, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 7. Sr. Helen will be available for book signing and individual conversation. A light dinner will be served. Parking for the event is off University Ave, in the lower parking lot. The reception is free and open to the public. If you have questions about the reception, please contact Susie Tierney at the Center for Social Ministry office, 515-782-3054.
2014 IAC Protecting Faith and Freedom Award Dinner

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa invites you to its annual Protecting Faith & Freedom Award Dinner on Monday, May 12, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Community Choice Convention Center Ballroom (Iowa Events Center) in Des Moines. The program and dinner will begin at 7:00 pm. 


Keynote speaker is Leonard Pitts Jr., author of one of the most popular newspaper columns in the country and a series of critically-acclaimed books. The 2014 Faith & Freedom Award will be presented to J. Barry Griswell, former CEO of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines as well as Principal Financial Group. 


Individual reservations are $75. Young Professional tickets are $50. Table sponsorships are also available. For more information, please visit Interfaith Alliance of Iowa's website. Reservations are requested by May 5. 


RSVPs may be made online or by calling 515-279-8715.

CASA Youth Transition Program Seeking Mentors

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is excited to announce a new piece to their program! This new component will allow CASA to support delinquent youth who are aging/transitioning out of the system, by matching the youth with a CASA who will coach them on all issues related to a positive transition process. CASA will support youth who are ages 16 and older with appropriate advocacy efforts and coach the youth in a way which supports their needs during transition.


CASA in need of volunteers for this advocacy role.  If you know someone that may be interested in this type of volunteer work, please have them contact Jennifer Merical at jennifer.merical@dia.iowa.gov or by phone at 515-371-4986. Interested individuals can learn more about CASA on the Iowa CASA website, casaiowa.org.

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Des Moines Area Religious Council

 1435 Mulberry Street

Des Moines, IA 50309



Community Calendar
May 6

May 7
Reception for Sr. Helen Prejean

May 11

May 12

May 15-18

May 16

May 19-23

May 20

May 21

Host Families Needed for Foreign Exchange Students

Iowa Resource for International Service (IRIS) is seeking host families for their Youth Exchange and Study (YES) students for the 2014-2015 school year. For more information, please visit the IRIS website and contact

yessupport@iris-center.org, or call the office at 515-292-7103.

Job Opportunities

Campaign Update
We are grateful for the generosity of donors who have already committed

To learn more about the capital campaign or make an online donation, visit
or contact Kristine Frakes at kfrakes@dmreligious.org or 515-277-6969.

DMARC does not require participation in religious services as a condition to receive assistance, and does not engage in religious proselytizing or counseling. DMARC practices non-discrimination in accordance with applicable federal and state regulations. All services and programs are provided to consumers without discrimination in regard to family size or structure, religious or cultural beliefs, race, gender, age,
or disability.

DMARC Grand Opening, June 10

Save the Date! DMARC will be holding a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at our new location, 1435 Mulberry Street in Downtown Des Moines on June 10 at 4:30 p.m. Reservations can be made by emailing Linda Vander Hart or by calling 515-277-6969.
Johnston Partnership Launches Nutrition Education Programs
The Johnston Partnership for a Healthy Community is launching three new nutrition education programs for community members at risk for hunger.

The "Eat Smart, Live Strong" program is for senior citizens living in two of Johnston's senior housing communities: Cornerstone Commons and AHEPA 192. This is a four-part series that encourages fitness and teaches ways to eat smart while spending less.

"Healthy No-Cook Snacks for Kids" and "Healthy Food Box Meals" will be offered at the Johnston Public Library. Details of the programs with dates, times and locations can be found at johnstonpartnership.org.
Silent Saturday
"Learning to See as the Mystics See"


Join us for a day of silent retreat which will include times of shared silent prayer and meditation, wonderful food, and options to explore ways to "Practice the Naked Now."

May 10, 2014
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Covenant Christian Church
2700 72nd Street, Urbandale, IA
$25 registration, includes gourmet lunch


For more information, please contact Paul Witmer.
WorldSongs Concert

Celebrate Mother's Day at the WorldSongs concert on May 11 at 4:30 p.m. at Drake University's Sheslow Auditorium. 


WorldSongs is a celebration that will take you around the world, premiering a new commissioned work called "ENCORE." Performing will be HYC's Chamber, Cantemus, Chante, Cantilena and Canto choirs. A special event to honor your mother or caregiver! 


To purchase tickets, call 515-221-3922 or email heartlandyouthch@qwestoffice.net for more info.

ARAG Free Will Day
ARAG and Iowa Legal Aid are proud to offer Free Will Day for local citizens. The event will be held at the United Way Human Services Campus, 1111 9th Street in Des Moines, on Wednesday, May 14, from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registration and an appointment is required. Volunteer attorneys will provide free document creation of Simple Wills and Power of Attorney documents (healthcare and financial) to qualified participants.

www.ARAGFreeWill.com  to learn more and schedule an appointment.  
Women Helping Women Luncheon
The Women Helping Women luncheon will be held on May 16, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m at the Embassy Suites Downtown, 100 E. Locust Street in Des Moines.  
This year, Sandy Hatfield Clubb will share the inspiring story of her journey from near high school dropout to first female athletic director at an NCAA Division 1 institution in Iowa. This year's event honors Connie Wimer, owner and Chairman of Business Publications Corporation, for her steadfast commitment to supporting and promoting women from all walks and stages of life.  
Please register for the event by May 12th. Contact Kathleen Murrin for more information.
Who Are We?

The Des Moines Area Religious Council is an interfaith organization with a core membership of over 130 congregations from four faith traditions. Recipient of the 2012 LIVE UNITED Advocate Award from the United Way of Central Iowa, DMARC provides a common means of responding to basic human needs and a context for interfaith dialogue.


The DMARC Food Pantry Network consists of 12 separate pantry sites, a centralized warehouse, and numerous community partners. It is the largest food pantry network in Iowa. Pantry sites are located in West Des Moines, Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, and eight sites in Des Moines. In 2013, the DMARC Food Pantry Network assisted more than 34,000 individuals in the greater Des Moines community; half of whom are children and youth.


MovetheFood is a DMARC-led initiative to address the entire food system in Greater Des Moines, building on more than 37 years of the Food Pantry Network, catalyzing fresh generations, and engaging new constituencies to further support a vision for a day when everyone in Polk County has enough to eat.
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Disclaimer: The Des Moines Area Religious Council makes every effort to provide accurate and useful general information in its eVoice, but accepts no liability for the use of the material by individuals or organizations. We gladly distribute information from individuals, congregations, and other agencies, but our inclusion of such material should not be construed as being sponsored or endorsed by DMARC. Undated general announcements and employment opportunities are included for one month unless requested to be included for a longer period of time.