Des Moines Area Religious Council and MovetheFood.org

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 DMARC and MovetheFood Community

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address to change in
February 2014!
We haven't moved yet! But the Des Moines Area Religious Council offices and warehouse are scheduled to move in early 2014. You can still bring donations to our 3816 36th Street, Suite 202, Des Moines, IA 50310, address and warehouse.
Please watch for our new address to be announced in early February 2014. To find out more or see photos of the building renovation for the Mulberry site, go to our online photo albums.
Thank you for your support!


Des Moines Area Religious Council / MovetheFood

3816 36th Street, Suite 202

Des Moines, IA 50310-4710

December 11, 2013

A few important news/calendar items slipped by the cut off for last week's eVoice. We didn't want you to miss out!
Sacred Pause: Refreshing Body, Mind and Spirit

Attention Clergy! Plan to attend this retreat to Pause! Scheduled during the natural pause in seasons between Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter, this retreat is Sunday, January 5-7, 2014, at the Christian Conference Center, 5064 Lincoln St., in Newton, Iowa.


Pause is about learning to respond to life's choices instead of reacting, to "focus on what is possible" or "make peace with not knowing." Kevin Pokorny will facilitate your experience in learning:

  • What is practical mindfulness for leaders?
  • Why Pause?
  • What are the Pause practices?
  • How can I integrate Pause practices in my ministry

Other facilitators are Kathy Reardon and Diane McClanahan.


The retreat will include a workshop and group time as well as space for individuals to choose from a variety of ways to nurture body, mind and spirit. Yoga, Massage, Spiritual Direction, Coaching, Energy work including Healing Touch and Reiki will be available along with free time for walks or a needed nap. The retreat will take place on the beautiful grounds of the Christian Conference Center in Newton, Iowa, where each participant will have a private hotel style room and bath. Arrive in Sunday afternoon and depart after lunch on Tuesday.


The fee for the retreat is $250, which includes the cost of the workshop, room and all meals. A number of additional services are offered for varying fees. Registration is limited to a total of 12 persons on a first come, first served basis. Registration deadline is Dec. 15, 2013. To register, contact Diana McClanahan at: 515-275-4006, or dmcclanahan@dmpcc.org.


Offered by the Institute for the Practice of Ministry at the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center.

"Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity; it is an act of justice. Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom."

-- Nelson Mandela

I Am African...
Memorial Vigil for Nelson Mandela is this Friday, December 13
The Des Moines African Leadership Council, along with Riziki Magazine, is holding a memorial vigil and celebration in honor of Nelson Mandela, on Friday, December 13, 2013, from 6-9pm at the Cottage Grove Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1020 24th St., Des Moines. There will be music, dancing and more! Everyone in the Des Moines area is invited to attend and join us as we celebrate.
In honor of our hero, we are asking you to join us in celebration of his life and asking you to bring a canned food item or household supply for the needy. We shall be supporting CROSS Ministries food pantry. Questions? Contact Nancy at; 515-277-6499.


World Food Prize Open House is December 14

You are invited to join us at the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates on Saturday, Dec. 14, and Saturday, Dec. 21, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for our Holiday Open House. Come and hear the spectacular acoustics in this historic building, and explore our world through photos.


There will be a live performance of seasonal Christmas music by the Grace Church Ensemble, as well as the opportunity to tour our new 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World international photography exhibit by Howard G. Buffett. These two elements will bring us together around an important theme at this time of year, to unite us all in the spirit of alleviating hunger that is still experienced by so many in the world.


Please share this invitation with all of your friends, colleagues, family members, and other community members and encourage them to join us. There is no admission charge and it is a wonderful opportunity to experience our beautiful building during this special time of year. We hope to see you there.


Please visit: www.worldfoodprize.org/visit, for directions and more details. 

Prayer Service on the Feast of the Holy Innocents is December 29

The annual Prayer service on the Feast of the Holy Innocents will be held on Sunday, December 29th, at 3:00 PM, at Grace Lutheran Church, 52nd and Urbandale Ave., in Des Moines. The service will emphasize deeply compassionate caring for children and that all children need peace. We will raise our prayers, and strengthen our resolve to end war in Afghanistan, prevent war against Iran, seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Palestine/Israel, and insist that "War is not the answer."


Put Down the ARMS

No More Silence: A Call for Remembrance and Resolve

The Iowa Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is sponsoring this event on the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy. The program will include brief speeches, a children's bell choir, refreshments and craft making following the program. It will be held on Saturday, December 14th, at 11 a.m. at the Ding Darling Shelter House, 2100 Saylor Rd., Des Moines.


Mailbox Special for Free!

We have 7 sets of Mail Box units. They are wooden cases, approx 4 feet square, with removable shelves - each unit has room for up to 60 mail slots.  If you would like one (or more) sets for your church, please let me know!  We would like to have them removed before Christmas. Contact Laurel Swanson, CCA, at the Lutheran Church of the Cross, Altoona, IA, 515-967-4818, www.lccaltoona.org.  

Crossing Borders: Migration, Theology and the Human Journey
Crossing Borders is an 8-week study of the history, biblical and theological foundations and human face of migration, January 7 through February 25. This study developed by Just Faith Ministries provides participants with a chance to find common ground and to discover more about themselves, their values, our God and the millions of people who are on the move in every part of the world.
Donation - $50 per person. To register contact Susie Paloma at the Center for Social Ministry 515-782-3054 or centerforsocialministry@gmail.com.
Sign up to Host a Health Insurance Enrollment Site in the Des Moines Area        
Faith and Community Leaders,


We have heard your concerns and those of your community related to enrolling in the Health Insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). We request your assistance with an initiative for assisting people who want to learn more about coverage and to sign up for affordable coverage in the Marketplace.


The CMS Faith-Based Liaisons are currently planning Super Sunday Enrollment Events (December 2013 - March 2014) for the Health Insurance Marketplace at faith and community-based organizations around the country.


If you are interested or know of church leaders interested in participating and serving as a host enrollment site(s) where people can get information and enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace, contact William Buck and Ann Marie Bouffard.  Please find below their contact information.


Ann Marie Bouffard

CMS Region VII Kansas City

Regional External Affairs

601 East 12th Street

Kansas City, Mo 64106




William Buck




Once you select a date for the event, we will send you talking points and electronic copies of bookmarks and flyers for sharing with friends and families of church members to spread the word about your "Day to Get Covered" enrollment event.  

Who are we?

The Des Moines Area Religious Council is an interfaith organization with a core membership of about 140 congregations from four faith traditions. Recipient of the 2013 LIVE UNITED Advocate Award from the United Way of Central Iowa, DMARC provides a common means of responding to basic human needs and a context for interfaith dialogue.


The DMARC Food Pantry Network consists of 13 separate pantry sites, a centralized warehouse, and numerous community partners. It is the largest food pantry network in Iowa. Pantry sites are located in West Des Moines, Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, and nine sites in Des Moines. The DMARC Food Pantry network helps meet short-term food needs when families do not have enough to eat. Once each month, families can receive a free, four-day supply of nutritionally balanced food. In 2012, DMARC assisted more than 33,000 individuals in the greater Des Moines community; half of whom were children and youth.


MovetheFood is a DMARC-led initiative to address the entire food system in Greater Des Moines, building on more than 36 years of the Food Pantry Network, catalyzing fresh generations, and engaging new constituencies to further support a vision for a day when everyone in Polk County has enough to eat.