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Oct. 17-20,2016 *IIVS Booth*
Alexandria, VA Oct. 25-28, 2016 *IIVS Booth* Oct. 27-28, 2016 Arlington, VA 2017 IIVS Practical Methods for In Vitro Toxicology Workshop Jan. 16-19 Gaithersburg, MD Watch for more information. Aug. 20-24, 2017 Seattle, WA
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IIVS Announces Suite of Non-Animal Methods to Reduce Animal Testing for Skin Sensitization
In response to a newly published OECD Test Guideline, IIVS announces the addition of the Human Cell Line Activation Test (h-CLAT, OECD TG 442E) to its suite of non-animal assays to determine skin sensitization.
The assessment of skin sensitization has historically involved the use of laboratory animals; specifically guinea pigs and mice. In recent years, international research and validation efforts have paved the way for the use of non-animal methods.
"Industry has provided the field with very useful tools to help us move away from the use of animals for skin sensitization assessment," said Erin Hill, IIVS President.
The h-CLAT is the latest addition to our suite of assays, which includes DPRA, KeratinoSensTM and LuSensTM. Given the complex cascade of events leading to skin sensitization, an integrated testing approach combining multiple assays is recommended to assess skin sensitization most effectively.
The development of these non-animal methods has been supported by companies such as Procter & Gamble, Givaudan, BASF, Kao and Shiseido (DPRA, KeratinsoSensTM, LuSensTM and h-CLAT respectively). These assays have been through rigorous validation and now each have an advanced regulatory status.
In addition, integrated testing strategies and approaches have been proposed to the OECD to maximize the way in which these assays are used in combination with other resources such as the OECD Toolbox.
IIVS Makes Shortlist for Prestigious LUSH Prize
We are pleased to be among the projects and scientists that have made the shortlist for the 2016 LUSH Prize. LUSH, the maker of fresh handmade cosmetics, awards the annual prize to recognize achievements in non-animal testing in five main categories: Lobbying, Public Awareness, Science, Training, and Young Researcher. IIVS was shortlisted for the Training category while IIVS scientists, Dr. Kim Norman and Megan Lamm, made the Young Researcher (Americas) category.
"Education and training is a key component of the Institute's mission," said Erin Hill, IIVS President. "With nearly 20 years of experience in developing and performing alternative test methods, we are uniquely positioned to train others in these techniques."
IIVS Webinar on GLPs: Oct. 13, 10 am ET
Join our complimentary, one-hour webinar, "How GLPs Enhance the Quality of Both Regulated and Non-Regulated In Vitro Toxicology" on Thursday, Oct. 13 at 10 am ET.
Led by IIVS Director of Quality & Compliance, Amanda Ulrey, RQAP-GLP, the webinar will introduce key concepts of Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) designed to promote study and data integrity within an in vitro toxicology framework.
IIVS Webinar Explores Efforts to Modernize the "6-Pack"
More than 100 people participated in our one-hour webinar on June 14: "Regulatory Initiatives for New Approaches to Traditional Toxicity Testing".
Featured presenters included Jennifer McLain, Deputy Director of the OPP Antimicrobial Division and IIVS CEO, Rodger Curren. Dr. McLain provided an overview of the EPA's programs to reduce the use of animals in the "6-pack" acute toxicity tests, and offered suggestions on how stakeholders and the EPA can work together to accelerate progress toward the animal-reduction goals. Dr. Curren described IIVS' activities in developing OPP's current non-animal strategy for eye irritation, and recent IIVS investigations of in vitro methods to assess EPA's requirements for skin irritation.
The webinar recording is available to view from the IIVS website.
New Respiratory Toxicology Workshop Publications
Two new publications are available from our respiratory toxicology workshops.
A Workshop Report is now available from the April 2016 IIVS Workshop, In Vitro Exposure Systems and Dosimetry Assessment Tools for Inhaled Tobacco Products.
The 2.5-day workshop, held April 4-6 in Bethesda, MD, brought together stakeholders from industry, government and academia to discuss considerations for exposure and dosimetry for non-animal testing. Uniquely focused on in vitro testing, the workshop should provide guidance for conducting the next generation of tobacco inhalation studies.
Appearing in the the May 2016 issue of ALTA 44(2) is the proceedings from our December 2014 workshop, In Vitro COPD Models for Tobacco Regulatory Science.
This workshop was attended by more than 60 participants of diverse backgrounds, including FDA-CTP attendees and an FDA-CTP speaker. Conclusions from this first-in-series workshop prompted a second (technical) workshop followed by inter-lab exercises to establish standardized assay protocols.
Chinese Scientists Attend Practical Methods in Toxicology Training at IIVS
Chinese scientists from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Institute for Drug Control participated in a specialized in vitro toxicology training program at IIVS.
Led by IIVS Study Directors, the program included a combination of lectures and hands-on laboratory activities. The participants were trained on such in vitro assays as the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Assay (BCOP), 3T3 Phototoxicity Assay, the use of 3D tissue constructs for skin irritation testing, and more.
Training programs such as this are part of our mission to promote the use and acceptance of non-animal testing worldwide. Learn more about our training and other educational and outreach activities at www.iivs.org.
 IIVS CEO, Rodger Curren, and President, Erin Hill, participated in the EUSAAT 2016 Congress, August 24-27, at the University of Linz, Austria.
Rodger Curren moderated two roundtables: "Building a Career in the 3Rs" and "Implementing IATAs". He also presented on the use and regulatory acceptance of in vitro methods.
Erin Hill spoke on the gap between validation and (real) regulatory acceptance in implementation of the 3Rs, as well as collaborative industry efforts to optimize and standardize in vitro methods suitable for tobacco regulatory science.
IIVS also participated in the practical training course on alternative methods that followed the EUSAAT Congress.
IIVS Presents at 2016 Taking Action for Animals Conference
IIVS President, Erin Hill, served on the panel, "Developing Humane Alternatives through Technology" at the 2016 Taking Action for Animals (TAFA) conference, June 17-20 in Arlington, VA.
Hill discussed how the development of non-animal alternatives has assisted industry and regulatory scientists in moving away from traditional animal models for the safety assessment of new ingredients and products.
Sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States, TAFA is a premier national conference for animal advocacy.
OECD Releases New QSAR Toolbox
The OECD has just released Version 3.4 of the QSAR Toolbox. It contains many new features and functionality improvements, including:
- New metadata fields associated with ECHA CHEM chemical ID such as the number of compositions, additives, and impurities.
- Possibility of finding the location of the QSAR methods in the endpoint tree by clicking on the model.
- Inclusion of three new databases (Acute oral toxicity (ChemIDPlus), ZEBET database and Keratinocyte gene expression LuSens), one new profiler (DNA alerts for Chromosomal aberration and micronucleus tests) and one new metabolic simulator (in vivo Rat metabolism).
In addition, the QSAR Toolbox 3.4 contains updates of ten databases, fourteen profilers and five metabolic simulators, bug fixes and many other usability improvements. Learn more.
Read the Latest Publications of Interest |
Support IIVS through the 2016 Combined Federal Campaign
 IIVS is pleased to be part of the 2016 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) under the Animal Charities of America section.
Through the campaign, which runs from September through December, federal employees can contribute through a payroll deduction. Our CFC number is 10465.