Rochester Rotary                                                                   4/6/2017
Rotary HEADLINE News
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Upcoming Committee Meetings

4/10/17 School No. 8 Scholarship Committee Meeting
8:00-9:30 a.m.
Board Room

4/11/17 Tuesday Luncheon
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Registration, Networking & Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Program
Floreano Riverside Convention Center

4/12/17 Friendship Committee Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Shadow Lake Golf Club

4/13/17 Campus Facilities Committee Meeting
8:00-9:30 a.m.
Board Room

4/13/17 Membership Committee Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Board Room

4/18/17 Tuesday Luncheon
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Registration, Networking & Lunch
12:30 p.m. -  Program
Floreano Riverside Convention Center    


Club Board 


Club President

Donna Dedee 

President Elect

Mark Armbruster 

Immediate Past President

Peter Sarratori  

Vice Presidents

Megan Alchowiak

Jeff Bartkoski  

Barb Cutrona 

Peter Glennon 

Ronald Pawelczak 

Meredith Smith

Julie St. Germaine

Pat Stack  

Mark Zawacki



Don Twietmeyer 

Assistant Treasurer 

Dusty Faske 


Maggie Brooks  


Jeff Halik 

New Member Liaison

Ray Isaac 


Carl Krause 


Rochester Rotary Staff


Tracey Dreisbach

Executive Director

Myrna Padilla

Executive Assistant

Heather Rossi

Event Director

Brandi Koch

Sunshine Campus Partner


Pam Reinhardt

Accounting Manager


United Way

camp email header 


Consider a donation to the Sunshine Campus through the United Way.  Remember to choose Donor Option #1098 for the Rochester Rotary Sunshine Campus.

Join Our Mailing List

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(585)546-7435, 180 Linden Oaks, Suite 200, Rochester, NY 14625


News of YOUR Club
15 Years of the Xerox Rochester
International Jazz Festival 

WHO: Marc Iacona,Executive Director and Co-Producer of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival and CEO & President of Simcona Electronics

WHEN: Tuesday, April 11th at the Floreano Riverside Convention Center

WHAT: In a casual, Q&A-style interview format, Marc will shares his perspectives on the last 15 years of the renowned local summer celebration. He will elaborate on stories from the festival's early years, call out some notable celebrity moments, and update us on the latest developments that continue to make the Jazz Festival Rochester's most attended summertime attraction.

Marc has been instrumental in developing Simcona's presence in the northeastern U.S., expanding sales teams from Canada to Florida, implementing new solutions for customers, and advancing the company's growth. Simcona is an electronics distributor headquartered in update NY that serves the northeast U.S. and Canada.

The Rochester, NY native and an alumnus of Rochester Institute of Technology is committed to helping build upon Rochester's vibrant creative arts scene and strengthen its economy.

** There will be a reception to recognize Paul Harris Fellows at 11:15 a.m. prior to the luncheon.  
A Note From President Donna

This Tuesday's Rotary Luncheon forum was outstanding! It represented exactly what we continue to strive for at Rochester Rotary in terms of our weekly programs-relevant, timely, topical and informative. Many thanks to Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren for not only taking the time to make a presentation, but for answering Rotarian's questions for at least 25 minutes. It was refreshing to watch her toss aside the formal remarks which had been prepared for her, and speak candidly about some of our community's most pressing issues...and then be open to such give-and-take from the club-knowing full-well that Don Alhart's "Facebook Live" was up and running! We are SO on the cutting edge of technology and breaking news at Rochester Rotary-Don had many viewers for our luncheon! Mayor Warren has indicated her willingness to keep the dialogue going with Rochester Rotary, as she understands she will always be amongst Rochester leaders who truly care about what's happening in our community, and how we can make a difference.
If you haven't been able to make it to a Tuesday luncheon in a while, would you please consider dropping by from time-to-time? While there are so many ways to be engaged with your Rochester Rotary friends, the fellowship and topical speakers on Tuesdays are also hallmarks of our great club! Looking forward to seeing you soon, on a Tuesday-and beyond!

Yours in Rotary Service,
President Donna
On Tuesday our Sunshine Kids Gala committee and our partners at the Rochester Auto Dealers Association presented the check from this year's Gala for $90,000 to the Sunshine Campus! Thank you to everyone that participated in and supported this year's event!

We were excited to welcome two of our newest members as well - Patricia Leva, President & CEO of Junior Achievement of Central Upstate NY and Bruce Brown, Director of Major Gifts at the United Way of Greater Rochester.

Upcoming Speakers
4/11/17 Marc Iacona, Executive Director and Co-Producer of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival and CEO & President of Simcona Electronics
"15 Years of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival"
Floreano Riverside Convention Center

** There will be a reception to recognize Paul Harris Fellows on Tuesday, April 11th at 11:15 a.m. at the Floreano Riverside Convention Center before the luncheon.

Dan Mason, General Manager of the Red Wings
Floreano Riverside Convention Center

Curt Smith, Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Rochester
Hilton Garden Inn Rochester Downtown 

Doug Rauch, Conscious Capitalism
Floreano Riverside Convention Center

17th Annual Law Day Luncheon & Henry H. Jensen Memorial Award presentation to RPD Officer Roy Adams
RSVP to Myrna in the Rotary Office at or 546-7435 x201 
Floreano Riverside Convention Center           
Thank You!
HUGE thank you to everyone that came out to Label 7 Napa Eatery & Bar last night to support the Sunshine Campus and thank you to the Women of Rotary for hosting the Celebrity Fun-raiser for us.

Thanks to our celebrity bartenders Paul Guglielmo, Steve Hausmann, President Donna Dedee and Lauren Burns - they helped us raise OVER $1,000 for the Sunshine Campus!!

Community Service Teams
Daystar Derby 

The Community Service Teams Committee is looking for volunteers to help out at the Daystar Derby on Saturday, May 6th. Volunteer times will differ depending on what shift you would like to sign up for.

Guest Check-In Shift - 1:00-5:00 p.m. (10 volunteers needed)
- Check off guest names on guest list as they arrive to the event, assign table and paddle numbers (these numbers are already pre-determined on the master guest list, volunteers are simply relaying the information from the master guest list to the guest).

Event Program Shift - 5:00-7:00 p.m. (25 volunteers needed)
- During the event program, each table (25 tables total) in the ballroom will need one (1) volunteer assigned to it. The volunteer will record table paddle calls and tend to any specific needs of the table. 

There will be two training sessions to go over the above volunteer jobs. The first date is Thursday, April 6th from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The second date is Thursday, April 20th from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Both trainings will take place in Daystar's conference room on the first floor, address is 700 Lac De Ville Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14618.

Register Here
Sunshine Campus Clean Up Day

We need your help to get the Sunshine Campus up and running for the 2017 season.

Bring your friends and family for a fun filled day Saturday, April 29th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Food and beverages will be provided.

Please email Brandi at to register so we have a head count for food and jobs prepared appropriately.
Projects Include:

- Cut tree tops and bring in to splitter - Need to dress in long pants and sneakers or boots.
- Lawn cleanup (20-50 people needed)
- Deer fencing put away (5 people needed)
- Power wash Splash Pad (2 people needed)
- Power wash Breezeway (2-3 people needed)
- Mulch trees (10 people needed)
- Clean cabins (4-6 people needed)
- Clean up pool deck (sweep, rake & weeds burned off with rose bud torch) (4 people needed)
- Clean paddle boats and put upside down on bank (2 people needed)
- Clean Whispering Pines (windows and sills, screens, floors and bathrooms) (4 people needed)
- Cut, split and rack wood (6 people needed) - Chainsaws Needed
- Train gardens (45 people needed)

We are also in need of team leaders for these different projects, if you are interested please let us know.
Champion Academy
Volunteer Opportunity 
The Champion Academy is looking for volunteers for school visits (Random Mentor Check-Up) at Roberto Clemente School No. 8. They are looking for volunteers for Wednesday, April 26th and Thursday, April 27th, the Random Mentor Check-Ups are from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 12:30-2:30 p.m. (each visit is one hour). All volunteers are required to complete a free background screening.

What happens at a Random Mentor Check-Up?

1.  A staff member from the Champion Academy meets the volunteer at the Administrative Office of the identified school.
2. The volunteer is provided with the name of the student and a checklist of what to observe. 
3. The volunteer is escorted to the classroom, meets the teacher, who will identify the Champion Academy student.  
4. The volunteer greets student and (if time permits) encourages the student to have a good class and finish the year strong.  
5. The volunteer sits in the back of the class for the entire class and completes the checklist. 
6. At the end of class, volunteer thanks the teacher and returns to the Admin office to meet CA staff.
7. Visit is complete.  

To sign up please contact Veronica Wilson from Champion Academy at
Rotary Boot Camp
Membership matters....
Rotary Boot Camp is a quick "training" on all the "ins" and "outs" of Rochester Rotary. We ask that all new members attend one session -- as well as longtime Rotarians who need a refresher on their  Club.        

These sessions are both social and informative. Strap up your boots and save the date, we will save you a seat!

Tuesday, May 2nd at 4:30 p.m.
Rochester Rotary Board Room (180 Linden Oaks)

Please RSVP your attendance to Myrna Padilla in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x201 or
Law Day Luncheon - May 9th
2017 Henry H. Jensen Memorial Award Recipient Officer Roy Adams 

B2B Breakfast Meeting
Wednesday, May 10th 

Join us Wednesday, May 10th at 7:30 a.m. in the Rotary Office Training Room for a breakfast meeting hosted by the B2B Committee.
Guest speaker will be Rochester Rotarian Cheryl Nelan, President of CMIT Solutions of Monroe. Cheryl will discuss Protecting Your Data and Keeping the Bad Guys Out. 

Your entire business is on your computer. All the data about your clients, your vendors, your employees. You know your business would be lost without it. But, what is the risk that anyone would try to steal it? It's never happened before, so should you be worried about it?  Truth is, it is happening every day to small businesses just like yours.  Thieves have learned that your data is valuable and it is usually not as well protected as the big guys. So, what can you do about it?  How do you protect yourself and all your clients and employees from their data getting into the wrong people's hands?

Attendees will learn what other businesses are doing today to secure their data and protect their clients. The session will get past the hype and give real world examples as well as simple advice to help business owners take the right steps towards improving security and protecting against fraud. It will help owners understand the risks but also give them some ideas for how to manage it within their budgets.

Space is limited so we ask that you please register by clicking on the link below. The cost is $10 per person.

Register Here

80th Rotary Award
Recipient David Flaum

David Flaum Selected to Receive the 80th Rochester
Rotary Award

Flaum to accept the award on behalf of his wife Ilene and his family
Flaum Management Company CEO David Flaum will be the 80th recipient of the Rochester Rotary Award, the oldest, most prestigious civic award in Rochester.
Rochester Rotary is honoring David Flaum for his generous philanthropy and for his quiet and diligent work to elevate the quality of life for people in our community. He also is being cited for his commitment to Rochester Rotary Sunshine Campus. In 2016, he and his family established the Bob Witmer Campership Fund, a lifetime endowment to provide a free summer camp experience for one child per year.
Join us to celebrate Wednesday, May 31st
George Eastman Museum

5:00 p.m. - Registration
5:30 p.m. - Program & Award Presentation, Dryden Theatre
6:00-8:00 p.m. - Reception Celebration
(heavy hors d'oeuvres & cash bar)

Register Here
Sponsorship Information
Launch a Ball w/the Red Wings
& get a free game ticket 
We are excited to have been chosen again
s year as the charity that will benefit from the Red Wings "Launch a Ball" promotion. Folks who go to a Saturday game can buy a tennis ball before the game and throw them on the field after the game to try to win a prize. 

The proceeds from this promotion will go to the Sunshine Campus. In addition to being talked about during the games, the camp will be featured in radio ads on Warm 101.3, 94.1 The Zone and 93.3 Fickle.

To make this successful, we need your help.

We need eight volunteers for each Saturday night game this year, May 6th to August 26th. All you have to do is sell tennis  balls before the game, as a volunteer, you'll get to enjoy the game for free.   
Plus, there will be fireworks after each game!

The following are dates that volunteers are needed:

May 6th & 27th
June 10th & 24th
July 8th & 22nd
August 12th & 26th

To sign up, contact Brandi at the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x210 or
Volunteers Needed
Roberto Clemente School No. 8 
Parent-teacher conferences are one of the best ways that a school, a student, and a student's family can come together to evaluate the student's progress, set future goals for the student to attain, and build better communications and relationships with the student's family.

This year, the traditional parent-teacher conference will change at Roberto Clemente School 8: each student will attend and lead his/her own conference twice during the school year. Students will take ownership of their learning, reflect upon their progress, explain areas of strength and weakness, and perhaps most importantly, set goals for both academic and personal development.

In this student led conference, the student puts in a tremendous amount of individual preparation. Unfortunately, not all parents are able to attend their child's conference and listen to how he/ she is doing, and how they plan to do better. That's where Rochester Rotary comes in: School 8 faculty and administration feel that this is such an important endeavor, that when a parent is unable to attend, they are asking a Rotarian to sit in on the conference. Our job is primarily to listen, ask relevant questions, and help the student set practical goals for academic and character improvement.

Conferences will be held on the following dates:

May 22nd - 8th Grade
May 23rd - 7th Grade
May 24th - 6th Grade
May 25th - 5th Grade
May 26th - 4th Grade
May 30th - 3rd Grade
May 31st - 2nd Grade
June 1st - 1st Grade
June 2nd - Kindergarten

There will be two sessions each day: morning 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and afternoons 12:30-3:00 p.m. Can you be available for any day for any amount of time to listen? Is so, please contact Myrna in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x 201 or to schedule your time.
Community Service Teams
Volunteer Opportunities 
Tootsie Roll Bright Spot  


Your donation to the Rotary International Foundation will assist in Rotary Projects around the world. By pledging a $100 you become a Tootsie Roll member and will have the option of recognizing a person that you view lives by Rotary's motto "Service Above Self".

To make a donation look for the donation envelopes at the Tuesday luncheons or contact Pam in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x205 or Rochester Rotary will forward your donation to Rotary International. If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact Hank Ralston at 697-0880.
Thank you for supporting Rotary International. You will receive a donation acknowledgement directly from RI for your tax records.
April Birthdays
April 2- JoAnne Ryan
April 3- Meredith Lamb
April 4- Rich Gianforti
April 6- Dale Virgil
April 9- Megan Alchowiak
April 10- Jayne Van Zile
April 13- Aaron Hilger
April 14- Fred Quirin
April 16- Brad McAreavy
April 16- Kim Perry
April 18- Dan Davies
April 19- Tim O'Grady
April 19- Perry Bradley
April 19- Ian Macdonald
April 21- Paul Burbank, Esq.
April 21- Beth Cross-Wilhelm
April 22- Dan Duprey
April 22- Ellen Wagner
April 23- Dan Rundberg
April 25- Lauren Frank
April 25- Doug Hart
April 25- Mark Shortino
April 25- Pete Bonenfant
April 27- Bill Weber
April 27- Big Ro Williams
April 30- Beth Hartman

Birthday gift contributions made will benefit the students at our adopted school, School #8, Roberto Clemente School #8 scholarship students and community service projects with in our community. You may mail your gift to the Rotary Office or bring it with you to a Tuesday meeting.
Please contact the Rotary Office if your birthday is not listed so that we may update your information.
What is going on in the District?
The District 7120 Conference will be held May 19-21, 2017 in Erie, PA. The conference will include fun filled events like Splash Lagoon, Casino Night, golf, a cruise in Presque Isle Bay plus opportunities for camaraderie. For more information click on the link below.

District 7120 Conference

Grapevine - District 7120 Newsletter
2016 RPO Holiday Gala Pops Sponsors