Rochester Rotary                                                                   4/7/2016
Rotary HEADLINE News
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Upcoming Committee Meetings

4/12/16 Tuesday Luncheon
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. -
Registration, Networking & Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Program
Midvale Country Club

4/13/16 Friendship Committee Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Shadow Lake Golf Club

4/14/16 Campus Facilities Committee Meeting
8:00-9:30 a.m.
Board Room

4/14/16 Membership Committee Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Board Room

4/15/16 Business to Business Committee Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Board Room


Club Board 


Club President

Peter Sarratori 

President Elect

Donna Dedee 

Immediate Past President

Tracy Armstrong 

Vice Presidents

Megan Alchowiak

Mark Armbruster

Jeff Bartkoski 

Beth Cross-Wilhelm

Peter Glennon 

Nancy O'Brien

Meredith Smith

Julie St. Germaine 

Mark Zawacki



Don Twietmeyer 

Assistant Treasurer 

Dusty Faske 


Todd Baxter 


Barb Cutrona 

New Member Liaison

Ray Isaac 


Carl Krause 


Rochester Rotary Staff


Tracey Dreisbach

Executive Director

Myrna Padilla

Executive Assistant

Heather Rossi

Event Director

Brandi Koch

Sunshine Campus Partner


Pam Reinhardt

Accounting Manager


Sunshine Campus  
Tree House
More information can be found on the Sunshine Campus Website or you may call the Rotary Office.
United Way

camp email header 


Consider a donation to the Sunshine Campus through the United Way.  Remember to choose Donor Option #1098 for the Rochester Rotary Sunshine Campus.

Join Our Mailing List

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News of YOUR Club
Celebration of Fred Quirin's 100th Birthday
Join us Tuesday, April 12th at Midvale Country
Club we will be celebrating fellow Rochester Rotarian Fred Quirin's 100th Birthday! 

We will be celebrating Fred's birthday with the help of Past President Don Alhart who is putting together a fantastic program.

We anticipate this to be a larger than normal lunch and are asking that you please RSVP for yourself and any guests to Myrna at

Thank you to Past President Barry Culhane, Festival Chairman and Heather Cottone, Chair of Program & Logistics on a great presentation on "Imagine RIT".
This week we also welcomed on of our newest members Roland Williams, President and Founder of Champion Academy.

Upcoming Speakers

4/12/16 Celebration of Fred Quirin's 100th Birthday
Please RSVP you and your guests to Myrna at
Midvale Country Club

2nd Annual Spring Into Reading w/School #8
Floreano Riverside Convention Center

4/26/16 Erin Hamlin, USA Luge National Team, 3x Olympian and 2014 Bronze Medalist
Floreano Riverside Convention Center 

2nd Annual Spring into Reading with School 8

School 8 Logo
 April 19th, Floreano Riverside Convention Center

Tuesday, April 19th we have put together an exciting program with our partners at Roberto Clemente School #8. If you have not had the chance to go to School 8 or volunteer with the kids we are bringing the opportunity to you!
We will be joined by 60 second grade students from School 8 for lunch and an afternoon of reading (10 minutes), crafts and an update from School 8 about ongoing projects and how Rotarians involvement makes the school a better place.
We need at least 60 members to volunteer during the luncheon.
Rotarians are being asked to bring a book with them that the students can take home with them that day. The reading level should be 1st-2nd grade please click on the link below for a list of suggested books.

List of Suggested Books

To sign up for the luncheon please register with Myrna Padilla in the Rotary Office at  
Sunshine Campus Clean Up Day 
We need your help to get the Sunshine Campus up and running for the 2016 Season.
Bring your friends and family for a fun filled day Saturday, April 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Food and beverages will be provided.
Please email Brandi at to register so we have a head count for food and jobs prepared appropriately.  

Rotary Boot Camp
Membership matters....
Rotary Boot Camp is a quick "training" on all the "ins" and "outs" of Rochester Rotary. We ask that all new members attend one session -- as well as longtime Rotarians who need a refresher on their Club.
These sessions are both social and informative. Strap up your boots and save the date, we will save you a seat!

Monday, April 18th at 4:30 p.m. 
Rochester Rotary Board Room (180 Linden Oaks)

Please RSVP your attendance to Myrna Padilla in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x201 or

Thank You!
Thank you to all who volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House of Charities Household sale Drop-Off Days at Rochester Tech Park. They had 890 cars with donations go through beating last year's record for a Thursday.

Kentucky Derby Party  

Join us for a fellowship Kentucky Derby Day Party on Saturday, May 7th at Midvale Country Club. The party will run from 5-7:30pm with heavy hors d'oeuvres to include; Chicken Wellington, Artichoke French, Lobster Mac and Cheese Tartlets, Mini Crab Cakes, Sliders along with coffee and a Kentucky Derby themed dessert.
Also included in the afternoon will be an opportunity to bid on " the winning horse", participate in the "Best Hat Contest", a complimentary Mint Julep, a cash bar and much more!
Come watch the race and enjoy an afternoon with your fellow Rotarians!
Tickets are $35 per person, please RSVP to Myrna at or 546-7435 x201.

Save the Date!
2016 Law Day Luncheon - May 10th 

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 10th and plan to join us as Rochester Rotary gives thanks to our law enforcement community. This annual meeting is a true honor for us to host, in addition to honoring the RPD we will also award the 16th Henry H. Jensen Memorial Award recipient. This award is given to a member of RPD who is nominated by their fellow officers.
B2B Tour at Monroe County Crime Lab

Join us Thursday, May 19th from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. for a behind the scenes tour of the Monroe County Crime Lab.

The Monroe County Crime Laboratory is operated by the Monroe County Department of Public Safety and serves an eight county region. The Crime Lab serves a population of over 1 million people. There are five "Forensic Units" at the Crime Lab and they are Forensic Biology, Trace Evidence, Drug Chemistry, Firearms and Digital Evidence.
The current facility was completed in 2011 and is the first Leadership in Engineering and Environment Design (LEED) Platinum certified forensic laboratory in the United States. The roof is covered with solar panels that provide some of the energy the laboratory uses.

Reserve your space today by contacting Myrna in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x201 or
"Beefur's Sunshine Treehouse"
books are here! 
Don't miss out on your copy! Contact Myrna in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x201 or to order your copy of "Beefur's Sunshine Treehouse" the cost is $10 per book.

What is the "Tootsie Roll Bright Spot"?  

Tootsie Roll Bright Spot - The Basics:

Rotary's Challenge - EREY - Every Rotarian, Every Year - to donate $100 to the Annual Giving Fund of the Rotary Foundation.

Rochester Rotary Makes it Fun
  • Pledge to give $100 - before June 30, 2016
  • You become a member of the Rochester Rotary "Tootsie Roll Family"
  • You get to name a "Tootsie Roll Bright Spot" - a fellow Rotarian, friend, co-worker - anyone -
  • That person is recognized at a Tuesday Rotary meeting with a gift of Tootsie Rolls - and public acknowledgement
  • YOU get a "Tootsie Roll Sticker" for your name badge to show your commitment to give $100 to the Rotary Foundation.
  • When you have completed that gift - you receive a Sustaining Member sticker for your badge from Rotary International

You can name a Tootsie Roll Bright Spot for every $100 you pledge.   


To make a pledge or for more information contact Rotarian Hank Ralston at 697-0880 or     

April Birthdays

April 1- Fred Halik
April 2- JoAnne Ryan
April 3- Meredith Lamb
April 4- Rich Gianforti
April 5- Jan Deisenroth
April 6- Dale Virgil
April 8- John Thoman
April 9- Megan Alchowiak
April 10- Jayne Van Zile
April 10- Steven Barry
April 13- Aaron Hilger
April 14- Fred Quirin
April 16- Brad McAreavy
April 16- Kim Perry
April 18- Dan Davies

April 19- Perry Bradley
April 19- Ian Macdonald
April 19- Tim O'Grady
April 21- Beth Cross-Wilhelm
April 21- Paul Burbank, Esq.
April 22- Dan Duprey
April 22- Ellen Wagner
April 23- Dan Rundberg
April 25- Mark Shortino
April 25- Pete Bonenfant
April 25- Lauren Frank
April 25- Doug Hart
April 27- Bill Weber
April 27- Big Ro Williams
April 30- Beth Hartman

Birthday gift contributions made will benefit the students at our adopted school, School #8, Roberto Clemente School #8 scholarship students and community service projects with in our community. You may mail your gift to the Rotary Office or bring it with you to a Tuesday meeting.
Please contact the Rotary Office if your birthday is not listed so that we may update your information.
2015 RPO Holiday Gala Pops Sponsors