Rochester Rotary                                                                   2/19/2016
Rotary HEADLINE News
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Upcoming Committee Meetings

2/22/16 Sunshine Campus Promotion Committee Meeting 
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Board Room 

2/23/16 Tuesday Luncheon 
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Registration, Networking & Lunch
12:00 p.m. - Program
Joseph A. Floreano
Rochester Riverside Convention Center

2/24/16 School #8 Scholarship Committee Meeting
8:00-9:00 a.m.
Board Room

2/24/16 Marketing Committee Meeting
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Board Room

3/1/16 Tuesday Luncheon
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. -
Registration, Networking & Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Program
Midvale Country Club 


Club Board 


Club President

Peter Sarratori 

President Elect

Donna Dedee 

Immediate Past President

Tracy Armstrong 

Vice Presidents

Megan Alchowiak

Mark Armbruster

Jeff Bartkoski 

Beth Cross-Wilhelm

Peter Glennon 

Nancy O'Brien

Meredith Smith

Julie St. Germaine 

Mark Zawacki



Don Twietmeyer 

Assistant Treasurer 

Dusty Faske 


Todd Baxter 


Barb Cutrona 

New Member Liaison

Ray Isaac 


Carl Krause 


Rochester Rotary Staff


Tracey Dreisbach

Executive Director

Myrna Padilla

Executive Assistant

Heather Rossi

Event Director

Brandi Koch

Sunshine Campus Partner


Pam Reinhardt

Accounting Manager


Sunshine Campus  
Tree House
More information can be found on the Sunshine Campus Website or you may call the Rotary Office.
United Way

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Consider a donation to the Sunshine Campus through the United Way.  Remember to choose Donor Option #1098 for the Rochester Rotary Sunshine Campus.

Join Our Mailing List

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News of YOUR Club
Refugee Resettlement: A Journey of Hope

Join us Tuesday, February 23rd at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center where our guest speaker will be Marlene Bessette, President/CEO of Catholic Family Center, a subsidiary of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rochester.
CFC serves over 32,000 of the poor and most vulnerable individuals and families in Monroe County with a broad range of programs including adoption/family counseling, elder care coordination and transportation, homeless shelters/housing, employment preparation, mental health, chemical dependency residential and outpatient treatment and refugee resettlement. 

Marlene will provide an informational overview of the refugee journey; from the time they register with overseas refugee protection organizations through security processing and the logistics of entry to the United States. Closer to home, the history and current reality of resettlement in Rochester will be presented to highlight the community partnerships engaged to support these journeys from desperation to hope of new and productive lives.

Tuesday's meeting will start at noon to accommodate the annual meeting of the membership.  
Upcoming Speakers

2/23/16 Marlene Bessette, President/CEO of Catholic Family Center and new Rochester Rotarian
"Refugee Resettlement: A Journey of Hope"
- Please note this is also the Annual Meeting of the Membership
Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center

Dr. Leonard Brock, Director of the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative
"Anti-Poverty Initiative"
Midvale Country Club

Ward Stare, Music Director of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
Midvale Country Club

Sunshine Kids Gala 

For those of you joining us for the Sunshine Kids Gala on Saturday, February 20th at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center.

General reception starts at 6:00 p.m.

If you have any questions in regards to your tickets or sponsorship you can contact Lisa Luckner from the RADA office at (585)272-7232.

Thank You!
Thank you to all who volunteered on Wednesday morning to help paint the first floor of the Mary Cariola Children's Center on East Henrietta Road.

Omar Armbruster, the son of Mark Armbruster, is one of the volunteers who helped paint, below he is shown making a donation to Karen Zandi, President and CEO of the Center. He saved his money and wanted to make a donation to a good cause. What a wonderful example of "Service Above Self". Were thinking future Rotarian!

Euchre 2016!

B2B Breakfast Meeting

Join us Wednesday, March 9th at 7:30 a.m. in the Rotary Office Board Room for a breakfast meeting hosted by the B2B Committee. Guest speakers will be Rochester Rotarian Cheryl Nelan, President of CMIT Solutions of Monroe and Cynthia L. Drozd, Management Liability Practice Leader at First Niagara Risk Management.

Cheryl will discuss Protecting Your Data and Keeping the Bad Guys Out. Attendees will learn what other small businesses are doing today to secure their data and protect their clients. The session will get past the hype and give real world examples as well as simple advice to help business owners take the right steps towards improving security and protecting against fraud. It will help them understand the risks but also give them some ideas for how to manage it within their budgets.

Cynthia will discuss Cyber Insurance - Protecting the Balance Sheet. An ominous statement was made at a 2015 cyber security conference: "There are businesses that have been hacked and there are those that just don't know it yet." Attendees will be introduced to typical components of the cyber security/privacy liability insurance policies available on the market today - the 'the last line of defense' after the discovery of a systems breach or reportable incident.

Space is limited so we ask that you please register by clicking on the link below. The cost will be $10 per person.

Register Here 

Save the Date!

Fellowship hibachi night at UMI Japanese Steakhouse (located across from Eastview Mall) on Wednesday, March 9th, cocktails starting at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:00 p.m. (Attendees will receive separate checks that evening.)

Space is limited RSVP to Myrna in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x201 or

Hosted by Ellen Wagner and Jim Cavagnaro.

Home & Garden Show
Volunteers Needed! 
It's that time of year - It's almost spring!

The Sunshine Campus Promotion Committee is looking for volunteers for the annual Home and Garden show to sell raffle tickets and to do hourly drawings to benefit the Sunshine Camp. The dates are March 19th & 20th.

Saturday, March 19th
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
1:00-4:00 p.m.
4:00-6:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 20th
10:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
1:30-5:00 p.m.

The Home and Garden Show is held at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center. To sign up contact Brandi in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x210 or

The Sunshine Camp is looking for Nurses! 
We have a great opportunity for Nursing staff this summer. It is a very rewarding and fun two weeks!

Contact or apply online at

"Beefur's Sunshine Treehouse"
books are here! 
Don't miss out on your copy! Contact Myrna in the Rotary Office at 546-7435 x201 or to order your copy of "Beefur's Sunshine Treehouse" the cost is $10 per book.

Year End Giving Statement
If you would like a year end giving statement from Rochester Rotary
please contact Pam Reinhardt in the accounting office she can be reached at 546-7435 x205 or
What is the "Tootsie Roll Bright Spot"?  

Tootsie Roll Bright Spot - The Basics:

Rotary's Challenge - EREY - Every Rotarian, Every Year - to donate $100 to the Annual Giving Fund of the Rotary Foundation.

Rochester Rotary Makes it Fun
  • Pledge to give $100 - before June 30, 2016
  • You become a member of the Rochester Rotary "Tootsie Roll Family"
  • You get to name a "Tootsie Roll Bright Spot" - a fellow Rotarian, friend, co-worker - anyone -
  • That person is recognized at a Tuesday Rotary meeting with a gift of Tootsie Rolls - and public acknowledgement
  • YOU get a "Tootsie Roll Sticker" for your name badge to show your commitment to give $100 to the Rotary Foundation.
  • When you have completed that gift - you receive a Sustaining Member sticker for your badge from Rotary International


You can name a Tootsie Roll Bright Spot for every $100 you pledge.   


To make a pledge or for more information contact Rotarian Hank Ralston at 697-0880 or   


February Birthdays

February 2- Mark Zawacki
February 2- Dusty Faske
February 5- Frank Carpenter
February 6- Tony Sciolino
February 8- Don Navor
February 9- Brian McLaughlin
February 10- Nichole Gantshar
February 12- Rich Bucenec
February 12- Dolly Malik
February 13- Lee Juby
February 13- Judy Seil
February 14- Bliss Owen
February 16- Pete Noto
February 16- Frank Mehlenbacher
February 16- Barney Shaw
February 18- Bill Zell
February 19- Keri Glitch
February 20- David Cook
February 20- Patrick McGrath
February 21- Carl Carballada
February 22- Ray Isaac
February 22- J. P. Gleason
February 24- Mary Grant
February 24- Tammy Cohen
February 25- Gaynelle Wethers
February 27- Lynn Sullivan
February 27- Peter Pape
February 27- Lynn Carleton
February 28- Kevin Knapp
February 28- Carol Anne DeMoulin
February 28- Nick Robfogel

Birthday gift contributions made will benefit the students at our adopted school, School #8, Roberto Clemente School #8 scholarship students and community service projects with in our community. You may mail your gift to the Rotary Office or bring it with you to a Tuesday meeting.
Please contact the Rotary Office if your birthday is not listed so that we may update your information.

What is going on in the District?
2015 RPO Holiday Gala Pops Sponsors