Rochester Rotary                                                                    11/1/2012
Rotary HEADLINE News
Exciting News
President John's Journal
Upcoming Luncheons
RPO Holiday Pops Concert
Reading Commandos Needed!
2013 Entertainment Books for Sale!
Are you a Veteran?
Hospitality Program
What's Going On Around District 7120?

Are we socially connected?


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Upcoming Committee Meetings
11/6/12- No Meeting
See you at the Eastern Cities Dinner!
11/8/12- Campus Facility Meeting
Rotary Board Room
11/8/12-Membership Mtg.
Rotary Board Room
11/8/12 -Adopt a School Committee Mtg.
School #8
11/13/12 Tuesday Luncheon
Locust Hill
Spoke Wheels
Club Board
Club President
John White

President Elect
Robert Attardo

Immediate Past President
Linda O'Neil

Vice Presidents
Tracy Armstrong
Paul Burgett
Timothy Cook
Lisa Norwood
Nancy O'Brien
Pete Sarratori
Patrick Stack
Ellen Wagner

Don Twietmeyer
Assistant Treasurer
Mark Armbruster

Gregory Kausch
Assistant Sgt-At-Arms
Beth Cross-Wilhelm

Rochester Rotary Staff 

Executive Director
Executive Assistant
Event Director

Sunshine Campus Partner Director
Spoke Header
News of YOUR Club

NO Meeting Next week  BUT we do have big news!



A message from Linda Garland

   In July of 1998, I had the distinct pleasure of joining Rochester Rotary Charitable Trusts and Rochester Rotary Club as an Assistant. On December 31, 2012, I will have the distinct pleasure of retiring from Rochester Rotary. To say the least, the years have been both rewarding and fun. I've had the opportunity to meet many Rochester Rotarians and Rotarians from near and far, many Tuesday Luncheon Speakers and Presidents of Rotary International and served under 9 Rochester Rotary Charitable Trusts President and 15 Rochester Rotary Club Presidents.  


Many things have changed and many things have remained the same.


In 1998:

  • Europeans agreed on a single currency, the euro
  • India conducts three atomic tests despite worldwide disapproval...Pakistan stages five nuclear tests in response
  • Iraq ends cooperation with UN arms inspectors...President Clinton orders air strikes
  • U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed...US cruise missiles hit suspected terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan
  • Russia fights to avert financial collapse
  • The World population is 5.918 billion


On a "lighter" side in 1998:

  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the year at 9181
  • Cost of a new house was $129,300
  • Average yearly income was $38,100
  • Average monthly rent was $619
  • Gasoline was $1.15 a gallon and a pound of bacon was $2.53 and a dozen eggs was $.88
  • Microsoft becomes biggest Company in the World valued at $261 billion on the New York Stock Exchange
  • BMW buys Rolls-Royce cars for $570 million
  • "Armageddon" is one of the most popular films
  • "Law and Order" is one of the most popular television shows
  • Apple Computer unveils the iMac


Thanks to everyone who has made the past years fulfilling and enjoyable and a "real trip".




President John's  Journal

US Senate Candidate Wendy Long couldn't make it Tuesday but she made every effort to do so. Her plane from NYC was cancelled early Monday and up until 7 pm that evening she was planning to leave the City at 5 am and drive here. Given all the unknowns, she was advised not to attempt the drive but she gets a ton of credit from Rochester Rotary for making such a valiant attempt.

The meeting actually turned out to be quite delightful. We simply had a Fellowship Day with round table discussions on topics of future programs, community service, School #8, and ideas for future fellowship events. I think it is nice once in a while to spend time at the tables discussing what can improve Rochester Rotary and listening to the voice of the membership.


Dan Dwyer, President of the Rochester AM Club, presented us with a check for $1,000 to support the Sunshine Campus. This has been a tradition for the AM Club for many years and we truly appreciate their commitment to allocate a good portion of their annual fundraising to the campus. Thanks Dan and thanks to all AM Rotarians!


On Monday evening, October 22nd, Sandy and I had the honor of attending the School # 8 Family Scholarship Dinner at Pier 45. If ever there is a question about whether we make a difference by our commitment to these students this night proved that we do indeed. I think with parents, siblings and Rotarians we had well over 50 in attendance. Co-Chairs Pat Coakley and Dick Moncrief orchestrated an elegant affair that honored the students and paid tribute to the support of their parents and Rotarian mentors. Thanks also to Joe Floreano for contributing to the dinner and the venue. Dr. Paul Burgett gave an inspirational keynote that spoke of the limitless opportunities ahead for the scholars and the need for them to pursue academic excellence.

When you get the chance, thank a member of this committee for all their hard work and the importance of their work. With all of the tracking, mentoring, management of communications, liaison with school and family that they do, theirs is no easy task. Their hearts, however, are some of the warmest in Rochester Rotary!

Here are those we should thank:

Bob Attardo                                                      

Warren Bastian                                                                                           

Richard Bayer                                                                         

 Mark Boylan

Bernice Borrelli                                 

Eileen Broderick   

Paul Burgett

Pat Coakley

Douglas W. Cook

Beth Cross-Wilhelm

Kathy Dexter

Dan Dey

Tracey Dreisbach

Lila Ford

George Forsyth

Don Forsyth

Carl Gerard

Laurie Mahoney

Dick Moncrief

Tim O'Grady

Ellen Wagner

Bob Williams                                                          

Upcoming Luncheon Meetings
 11/6/12 - NO LUNCHEON
Join us at the Eastern Cities Fellowship Dinner Sunday evening November 4th at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.
Reservations can be made online at www.rochesterrotary.org

11/13/12 - Annual Veterans Day Luncheon
Guest Speaker: Larry Cappetto, Documentary Filmmaker
Locust Hill Country Club
11/19/12- Gather and Gobble Event!
Join us to kick off the holidays and wish our friend Linda a farewell!
 4:30 pm Rotary Office
RSVP to Brandi at 546-7435 X210 or brandi@rochesterrotary.org
RPO Holiday Pops Concert
Red Bow The Gala Holiday Pops with the RPO has been secured for Thursday, December 20, 2012 at Kodak Hall at the Eastman Theatre. This year we are excited to announce that we will be partnering with the Monroe Community Hospital Foundation in a joint effort to sell out the Theatre.

 If you have questions before you secure your tickets please be sure to contact the Rotary Office.
As part of your membership obligation, we ask you to participate in one of the following three ways:
1. Purchasing or selling eight (8) tickets at $45.00 each OR
2. Purchasing two (2) Patron tickets with preferred seating and program recognition at $150.00 each (this must be done through the Rotary Office) OR
3. Making a suggested donation of $300.00 to the Rochester Rotary Charitable Trusts, Inc.
You may choose one of three (3) ways to exchange/secure your tickets:
- Online at www.rpo.org (click on "Rochester Rotary RPO Holiday Pops" OR on the calendar date of Thursday, December 20th - follow the directions to "exchange your voucher")
- In person at the RPO Box Office located in the Eastman East Wing at 433 East Main St.
- By phone to the RPO Box Office at (585) 454-2100

Olympic  Gold Medalist Jennifer Shur will be our guest conductor for the event!



  You're Invited!



 Red Bow






Rochester Rotarians and their guests are cordially invited to theRochester Riverside Convention Center for an exclusive pre and postshow reception the night of the RPO Holiday Pops Concert. Valet parking will be available at the front door along Main Street. Transportation willbe provided between the Convention Center and the Eastman Theatre.The cost for the dinner reception per person will be $45.00 and includes:




  5:30-7:00 pm

Riverside Convention Center


Open Bar

European Cheese Display with Ciabatta Bread and Water Crackers

Handpassed Hors D'Oeuvres

Salad Station


Mixed Greens with a Variety of Toppings and Dressings

Accompanied by Warm Rolls, Bread Sticks and Herb Butter

Carving Station

Tenderloin of Beef and Turkey Accompanied by an Assortment of

Rolls, Condiments, Chutney and Parmesan Baked Potatoes

Pasta Station (Small)

Gnocchi with a Bolognese Sauce Accompanied by Grated

Cheese, Cracked Black Pepper and Sliced Martusciello Bread

with Butter

Shrimp Scampi with Butter, Garlic and Olive Oil

(Separate from Pasta)


7:30 pm

Holiday Pops Concert


9:15-10:30 pm

Riverside Convention Center

Desserts, cordials and coffee

Eastman Theatre




This dinner is for Rochester Rotarians and their guests - To sign up please RSVP with Brandi Koch in the Rotary Office , 585-546-7435 x210 orbrandi@rochesterrotary.org



(Thanks to Paul DeCarolis for donating the shuttle service to and from the Eastman Theatre.)



 Thank you Rochester AM!

 A big thank you to the Rochester AM Club. 


 They donated $1000 to our Sunshine Campus!




Sunshine Camp logo 

B2B event at The Holy Childhood
Thank you everyone who came to the B2B Networking Event held at The Holy Childhood. Everyone had a great time.

Pictured are the winners of the pie eating contest-

Sam Merlo, Linda O'Neil, Cheryl Nelan & Carl Gerard.

Thank you to The Holy Childhood for hosting a great event!
Reading Commandos Needed!!

Reading Commandos StudentWe have a desperate need for Reading Commandos at School #8 this  year.  We barely have enough to cover the classrooms that have requested assistance.  The commitment is small and manageable (only about a half hour per week), but the reward is huge.  


For more details, please contact either Linda Szefc at lszefc@rochester.rr.com or 338-2616, or Bob Williams at rnw36@aol.com or 442-2484.

Volunteers Needed- JA in a Day
JA in a Day
We are still in need of abou 4 volunteers for JA in a day.  It is scheduled for November 15th. 

If you would like more information, please contact Bill Keenean at 336-5884 or bkeenan@rsdeaf.org.

Its a great day and really benefits the kids at School #8!!!
2013 Entertainment Books for Sale!
It's that time of year - the 2013 Entertainment Books are now2013 Entertainment Book  available!

These books get you coupons to everything from movies to food, groceries to vacations. For just $30 you can save hundereds of dollars all around the Greater Rochester area.

To purchase a book contact Sally Stookey at 385-3498 or sstookey@frontiernet.net
Are your a Veteran?
We will be honoring Rochester Rotarians who have been in service to our country on Veterans Day.  The Annual Veterans Day Luncheon will be held on November 13th at Locust Hill Country Club.  Our special guest speaker will be Documentary Filmmaker Larry Cappetto.

If you are a Veteran of the armed service, please let us know so we may honor you in our presentation.

We would like to receive the following information from you for our presentation this year.  The information is listed below:

Branch of Service & Dates of Service


Please e-mail brandi@rochesterrotary.org or call the office at 546-7435.

We hope you will join us at our special luncheon on November 13th.
District 7120 Governor Elect
Hospitality Program
For 42 years the clubs in District 7120 inspired by the Brighton Clubs Milt Mathews has hosted Governors Elect from all over the world. 
The Governors Elect and in most cases their spouse's spend four days with hosts from two different District Clubs.  They are coming from Australia, Argentina, England, Germany, India, Finland, Kenya, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, and the Philippines.  They are always interesting dedicated Rotarians.
To do our share for the District Program we need four host families to host a Governors Elect and their spouse for four days, January 8th to January 12, 2013.
Your guest will live with you for those four days and visit locals sites of interest, or sites related to their professions or businesses.  Host will be assisted by other club members in the daily driving and hosting activities.
Those of us who have hosted in the past have found it to be very rewarding, and have made lasting friendships in other nations, as well as corresponding visits. 
If you are interested in learning more about hosting or wish to make a commitment to host please call Heather Rossi at 546-7435 X204, Carl Krause 381-7489 or Don Cameron 721-1502 Co-Chair of the Rochester Club International Committee. 
November Birthdays


November 2 - Tom Mitchell

November 2 - John Bastian

November 5 - Don Cameron

November 5 - Kathy Dexter

 November 7 - David Flaum

November 9 - Donna Dedee

November 9 - Stephen Hoitt

November 11 - Christine Peters

November 12 - Al Swett

November 16 - David Durham

November 17 - Sal DeBiase

November 19 - Carl Krause

November 22 - Tim Cook

November 24 - Dave Hartney

November 25 - Jim Murrer

November 27 - Tobias Biedenkopf


Have you Proposed a Member Lately?

Do you know a friend or business colleague who would benefit from being a member of the Rochester Rotary? Bring them to a luncheon and propose them for membership! It is simple; visit our website at www.rochesterrotary.org and download a proposal card under "Club Committees". 

If you have any questions about membership, please contact Linda at the Rochester Rotary Office at 585-546-7435 x 201 or either committee co-chair, Mary Lewis Consler or Steve Abramson.

What's Going On Around District 7120?
Foundation Brunch
The Foundation Brunch will be Sunday, November 11, Noon at Belhurst Castle. The price is only $29 for a great brunch and  program.  This event is by reservation only. No walk-ins. 
Visit Rotary7120.org for more deatails.

2011 RPO Sponsors 


Sage RuttyIsaac

Penfield Plumbing Rochester Lead Works


Wells Fargo logo DeCarolis 

Bartholomew ABR Wholesale

USA Payroll 


Gold Sponsors: