Bulldog Inverted

Calle Mayor Middle School PTSA Newsletter

eYapperOCTOBER 18, 2013
In This Issue
Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events





Oct. 15 STACKED Fundraiser 

Oct  18 Great Shakeout

Oct  21-25 Red Ribbon Week

Oct  27 Sketchers Walk

Oct  29 Blood Drive 

Oct  29 Fall Concert @

         Armstrong @ 7pm

Oct  31 Halloween Carnival




Nov 1 Movie Night @ Calle

Nov 1 Reflections Projects due

Nov 6 TCPTA meeting

Nov 7 AIA workshop

Nov 11 Veteran's holiday - 

            NO SCHOOL

Nov 12 PTSA Board meeting

            Rm 31 9am

Nov 22 Bulldog awards /

            Honor roll Recognition

Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving - 






Dec 4  TCPTA Meeting

Dec 5 Round One - Spelling Bee

Dec 10 PTSA Brd Mtg - 7:30am

 Jazz Breakfast, Association Meeting 6:30 in Cafe

Dec 17 Winter Concert @


Dec TBD Holiday Board Event

Dec 23 - Jan 3 Winter Break -


"Because we are alive, everything

is possible"

by Thick Nhat Hanh

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Hello Bulldogs!


IMPORTANT:  The President of the Torrance Council of PTAs has asked that I forward this email message to each of you.  Torrance Council is the PTA that oversees ALL PTAs in our Torrance School District.  


Please read:


Dear PTA members,

Recently some Torrance residents received a campaign flyer titled "P.T.A. Voter Action Guide". This flyer uses a logo that is very similar to the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) logo but this flyer is in no way associated with the PTA.  PTAs and PTSAs are not allowed to endorse candidates.


Janet Tajii (President, Torrance Council of PTAs)

Should any of you have questions about this flyer, do not hesitate to contact me.  Athenadsg@aol.com. Thank you!


NOW on to SCHOOL Business!


CALLEWEAR has ARRIVED!  For ALL students who ordered CalleWear, please pick up your order during LUNCH on Friday October 18th in Room #31.  If you can NOT pick up on Friday, stay tuned for times/dates next week in which you will be able to visit room #31 again and receive your CalleWear.  Thank you!  Alissa Materman.


RED RIBBON WEEK AT CALLE!  A message from our Red Ribbon Week Chair : Jeanne Yeo!

National Red Ribbon Week October 21-29th 2013.  Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country.  It serves as a way for individuals and communities to take responsibility for the hopes and dreams of our children through drug prevention, education and a personal commitment to live drug free lives with the ultimate goal of a drug free America. In addition, RRW commemorates the ultimate sacrifice made by DEA Special Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, who died at the hands of drug traffickers while fighting to keep our country and children safe from illegal drugs.

At Calle Mayor this year we are SO pleased and proud to bring your student even MORE access to information and education about Drug and Alcohol Abstinence.   Come and celebrate healthy lifestyle choices at Calle!


Student Pledge Day :  Monday October 21st at Calle.  "Ahealthy ME is DRUG FREE" Kick off event for parents and students: " The story behind Red Ribbon" Presented by a representative from the Department of Justice!  Tuesday October 22nd in the Cafeteria at Calle Mayor. 6:30pm - 7:30pm. (Students who attend with their parents get a "front of the line lunch pass" for future use! 

Special Information Session - Parents ONLY. Wednesday October 23rd at South High 6:30pm. "Teen Substance Abuse Parent Information Night" Presented by the Thelma Mc Millen Center Torrance Memorial. Grade by Grade Student Challenges Lunchtime on the Blacktop @ Calle Mayor Wednesday October 23rd and Thursday October 24th.  Activities and Demonstrations ... Students sign up for your class team!  Student Assemblies - Special Information Sessions at Calle Friday October 25th!  "Choices and Challenges" Presented by Behavioral Health Services (BHS) and the Asian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP Inc.) Student Volunteers are needed to Sign up if interested in the front office.

** On a Personal Note from me, Athena .....**  When I first came to Calle ... RRW was something I Chaired and I wanted to change what had been done before to really get the message to Middle Schoolers about Drugs and Alcohol and Substance abuse and addiction and abstinence.  So, I reached out to the Thelma Mc Millen Center and we began this journey to reach EVERY child.  Last year Stephanie Scruggs brought more of the message to our students.  Red Ribbon Week is more than passing out smarties to our teens and telling them to be "smart" and not do drugs. Middle School is the time to really talk to them and educate them about drugs and alcohol in our schools and communities and about making smart choices and what the effects are of the choices we make.   I'm so VERY thankful to Jeanne for ALL that she has done to really bring this message to our children and to have reached out to so many resources that are available to our school community.  I want to thank Mr. Mosley and Miss Bedrosian for being open to having assemblies and demonstrations on campus.  I think this is SO important and I could of never even IMAGINED that we could have brought all this to our students this year and it is TRULY and SOLELY due to Jeanne and her hard work on behalf of your PTSA and for the sheer, genuine benefit of our children.  Thank you Jeanne and to ASB for assisting with this through Kim Lee!  AMAZING! Please participate with your kids and open up any kind of dialogue about this week you can! 


Finally ... A CONTEST with the DAILY BREEZE!

The Daily Breeze is holding its first contest for the ghoulish, bloodiest, most frighteningly hauntiest stories from South Bay area kids. The Daily Breeze is hosting a contest for scary stories and it kicked off Thursday. We are asking children from across the South Bay area to submit their best scary stories or artwork and our staff will judge all the submissions and eventually pick a winner that will be published online and in the newspaper. The Scary Stories contest deadline is Oct. 21 to submit. All stories must be accepted online; a form is posted on our website, http://www.dailybreeze.com/scarystory 

The ground rules of the contest are: Two categories of entries will be accepted: blood-curdling stories and works of art that scream out for attention. You may upload a story or drawing or both online. Stories must be original. Stories must be no longer than 650 words.  Artwork must be original (no tracings). Artwork files must be 5MB maximum in size; JPEG format is preferred. Please use the entrant's name as the filename. Entries will be judged on imagination, creativity and theme. The Daily Breeze reserves the right to revise contest dates and procedures. The winning entries will be published in the Daily Breeze on Halloween, Oct. 31, and all the entries will be posted online. The age categories are:  Drawing: Five divisions are ages 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15-18. Writing: Four divisions are ages 7-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15-18. Entries must be received through the online form posted on our website; emailed or mailed entries will not be accepted. If you have any questions, e-mail our Digital News Director Daniel Tedford at daniel.tedford@sgvn.com. Don't forget to have fun and use your imagination! We look forward to reading your submissions.


And now ... a few words from President Theodore Roosevelt:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."  - Theodore Roosevelt.

Much love to EACH of you!

Athena Guinchard

CMMS PTSA President 2013-2014


Contact us at calleptsa@verizon.net.

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