Here is today's summary of economic development news, a free service of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama, representing Alabama's private sector investment in economic development.  If you enjoy NewsFlash, thank an EDPA Partner.


In this issue:



Alabama gains 1,400 construction jobs since last March
Bryan Davis Reporter-Birmingham Business Journal
April 21, 2015

Alabama's construction employment took a dip month-to-month in March, dropping 1,200 jobs during that time.


The state, however, did gain 1,400 construction jobs year-over-year in March,according to new data released by the Associated General Contractors of America.


The 2 percent jump in employment ranks Alabama No. 30 among the 50 states in construction employment for March.



Decatur company that supplies Polaris gets tax break

 By Seth Burkett Staff Writer |

April 22, 2015


An expansion of Vision Wheel that will create 18 jobs in Decatur and supply parts for the future Polaris plant in Limestone County was among two planned industrial investments granted tax breaks Tuesday.


Decatur's Industrial Development Board voted unanimously at a special public meeting in favor of non-educational tax abatements for the planned $4.75 million manufacturing and distribution facility at Vision Wheel on Sixth Avenue Southeast. The board also voted to give Feralloy breaks on the $2.8 million purchase and installation of a synergy leveler at its steel-cutting operation on Red Hat Road.


"The announcement of Polaris is big to our area, and it's big to Vision Wheel - they are one of our larger customers," said Vision Chief Financial Officer Ken Harris. "There's obvious potential there. We just don't know what that potential is yet."




[Decatur Daily]


Consuls general from Haiti to Germany gather for business opportunities in Alabama

on April 22, 2015

Representatives from more than a dozen countries visited Birmingham Tuesday to discuss economic opportunities in the first meeting of its kind.


Members of the Georgia's and Alabama's Consular Corps met jointly in Birmingham for the first time, said Michael Johnson, Honorary Consul of Germany and attorney at Birmingham law firm Butler Snow.


"Every one of them learned something new about Alabama, which is very important," Johnson said. "If you don't bring people together face to face, they can't make that personal connection. We'll build on this." 







Toyota honored for commitment to environmental excellence

on April 21, 2015

Toyota's engine plant in Huntsville was among North American manufacturing facilities recently honored for environmental sustainability by the EPA.


The automotive company has won its 11th consecutive Energy Star Partner of the Year award, the most by any automaker. Toyota said it has saved nearly $600 million, reduced 14 billion kilowatt hours of energy and cut CO2 emissions by 40 percent per vehicle since benchmarking began in 2002.


"While there's always room for improvement, achieving energy efficiency demonstrates that good ideas have helped us become environmentally responsible while making a significant impact to our bottom line," said Robin Haugen, general manager of Toyota's plant and environmental group









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