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Entrepreneurial Communities Update
September 2014 
In This Issue
Entrepreneurial Talent Assessment
Other Center News
Field News
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Just Released!
The second of five e2 University Assessment packages
now available! 
Click to find our 
to get  started or to order the full package now!

Registration Open!
Registration for our fall 2014 webinar series is now open.
Find more info HERE!

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This month, we are rolling out the second of our five Assessment Packages from our e2 University online resources - "Entrepreneurial Talent Assessment." To learn how to identify and help your community's entrepreneurs, visit our Assessment department now!
Entrepreneurial Talent Assessment Package Now Available!

The cornerstone of an entrepreneurial economy and society is entrepreneurial talent. Some entrepreneurial talent is new and developing - known as Dreamers. Other entrepreneurial talent is highly developed and can create significant economic development impacts. These entrepreneurs are called Serial Entrepreneurs. Our Assessment resource package on Entrepreneurial Talent explores nearly a dozen different kinds of entrepreneurs based on their stage of development. This information can be used by your community to identify, better understand, map and target your entrepreneurial talent. This assessment is foundational to crafting an optimal entrepreneurship game plan. For an overview of the resources within our Entrepreneurial Talent Assessment resource package download our 2-page overview.

The full resource package includes the Guide, sample assessments, tools and handouts you can use to identify, map and target entrepreneurial talent in your community or region. These are field-tested resources that have been used for years, fine-tuned and ready for your use.

Click here for a free copy of our Focus, Focus, Focus: Targeting Entrepreneurial Talent tool. For more information on the entire resource package as well as our other Assessment packages, visit our website.

Our e2 University Online library continues to grow. These resources provide practical and hands on tools that supplement our new book... Energizing Entrepreneurial Communities, A Pathway to Prosperity. Five e2 Resource Packages are now available: 
  1. Community Readiness 
  2. Energizing Your Community
  3. Organizing for Action
  4. Assessment Overview
  5. Development Opportunities Assessment 

And this month, we will be rolling out Entrepreneurial Talent AssessmentNext month, we will introduce our Entrepreneurial Resources Assessment package.


To purchase any of our complete resource packages, contact Dana at As always, we can provide you and your community customized assistance and consulting arrangements. For more on customized assistance contact Don Macke at
Other Center News
New e2 Webinars. This fall we will offer a new and improved series of e2 Webinars that will go deep into exploring the art and science of working with entrepreneurs. For more information about our upcoming e2 webinars, visit our training page.

Brookfield, Missouri. We have worked closely with Brookfield over the years. Brookfield is an area trade center community located in North Central Missouri. Brookfield has had some great years and, more recently, challenging years. Check out this Kansas City Star story to learn how Brookfield is fighting back to survive these challenges and come back strong and vibrant.
Field News
Rural Entrepreneurship Challenge is the "first national business competition focused exclusively on rural entrepreneurs." If you are working with rural entrepreneurs with creative new business ideas, please encourage them to participate in the challenge. Entries are due September 15, 2014.

Red Tape Blues. A while back the Economist provided a nice overview of how different states are dealing with government red tape and business development. To learn more, read the full article.


Unshackle the Entrepreneurs. In the same edition of the Economist as "Red Tape Blues," you can find a companion story that is worth a read titled, "Unshackle the Entrepreneurs." Read this article here.


Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. A piece by Daniel Isenberg titled "What an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Actually Is" (HBR Blog Network) offers a concise view of this idea of a community ecosystem. 
For more information about anything you've read in this newsletter, please contact 
Don Macke,
The Center for Rural Entrepreneurship's mission is to help community leaders build a prosperous future by supporting and empowering business, social and civic entrepreneurs. With our roots and hearts in rural America, we help communities of all sizes and interests by bringing empowering research together with effective community engagement to advance community-driven strategies for prosperity.

Our Solution Area teams empower community leaders to find their own answers to the economic development challenges and opportunities they face.