Welcome to the 2016-17
St. Anastasia Catholic School Year
Welcome back to school! We can't wait to welcome the students back to this exciting new school year! 

The school continues to grow! Classes are filling quickly and we have waiting lists of prospective families in Pre-K, 4th, 6th, and 8th grades. This year, we will be working on the objectives listed below. We will bring special attention to orienting new members of our community, new procedures for parish administration, campus security, and health and wellness. 

2016-17 School Objectives:

  • Opening of the 90th Anniversary John and Betty Langel Playground
  • Focusing on Service Learning
  • Orienting Parents and New Students to our ePortfolios
  • Strengthening and Communicating our Enrichment and Resource Programs
  • Transitioning to New School Uniforms
  • Encouraging our Student Body to be Stewards of Life (healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and a healthy earth.)

For more information on curriculum projects and improvements for this year, please see Mrs. Richmond's Instructional update that will be posted on our website this week.

The school community is excited about new faculty members who are joining the school this year. Their profiles will be posted on the school website very soon so that you can learn more about their background, certifications, and teaching philosophies. Let's welcome:


Mrs. Jenna Crull - 1st grade
Mr. Gene Drum - 4th grade
Mrs. Tara McGowan - 4th grade
Mrs. Calise Munne - Middle School Social Studies
Mr. Stephen Gabin - Band Director

Pictured from left: Mr. Gabin, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. Munne, Mrs. Crull and Mr. Drum.

Part of the administrative changes that are being made to the parish, as a part of our Strategic Planning Process for the Church and School, involves the centralizing of Human Resources, Finance, Maintenance, Communications/Marketing, Development, Liturgy and Event Planning, and Information Technology Services. St. Anastasia Catholic Church and School has recently hired a new Parish Administrator named Jean Wroblewski who will be working to create centralized administrative services for the parish and to improve the efficiency of our operations. In addition, we are pleased that the church and school share a new Finance Director, Theresa Rondeau. Mrs. Rondeau is not new to our community and understands the needs of the school and church. Please welcome these two new administrators to our parish. If you are looking for Mandy MacAdie to address volunteer requirements or need to discuss financial issues with Theresa Rondeau, you can find both of them in the Rectory Offices as you enter the campus. Until the school and church migrate to one computer and phone service, we recommend that you call the rectory directly when you need the Finance Office or Mandy MacAdie at (772) 461-2233.

Your child's homeroom assignment and classroom pass for the 2016-2017 school year was mailed last week. If you did not receive it, please contact Theresa Rondeau at 461-2233 to reconcile your debts to the school. The amount owed will be deducted from your St. A Payment Account if not paid prior to the beginning of school. If your financial obligation is greater than $50, we ask that you go to the rectory to submit your payment. You will then receive your child's homeroom assignment and classroom pass.

Below is a list of upcoming events and meetings for the first week of school:

OPEN HOUSE - FRIDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1:30-3 p.m.
All families are welcome at Open House! This is an informal opportunity for families to tour the facilities, visit their classrooms, and meet their teachers and administrators. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring school supplies to school! Also, if your child does not have a St. A Payment Program Account, for purchasing lunch and attending After Care, please stop by the Media Center to set up your new account and to fill out important paperwork. Earn One Hour volunteer time for uploading funds to your account at this time.

NEW PARENT ORIENTATION - AUGUST 12th, 3-4 pm. - Parish Center
All new families are strongly encouraged to come to parent orientation that will be held in the Parish Center. All new families who sign in at this event will receive 1 hour of volunteer time.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHTS - AUGUST 23rd K-5th grades, 7:00 p.m. &  AUGUST 31st 6th-8th grades, 7:00 p.m.
Parents will receive important classroom information from teachers at our Back to School Nights. The evening will begin with a brief introduction and summary in the auditorium and continue in the classrooms. This meeting is for parents only.

We know that you will enjoy the remaining days of summer. We look forward to seeing everyone soon. Let us begin praying for a closer encounter with Christ and with each other as we get closer to the first day of school.


Important Back to School News
Please click HERE for important Back to School News including drop off/pick up procedures, sports, aftercare, uniforms and much more. 
Parent/Student Handbook
The 2016-17 Parent/Student Handbook is now available on our website or by clicking here. There are several forms at the back of the handbook that need to be signed and returned to school ASAP. You can easily download the forms below. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Playground Update
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, parishioners, friends, faculty, staff, and many others who have come together to make the building of a new playground this summer a reality for our children. It is an exciting time at St. Anastasia!

Due to weather delays, the Ribbon Cutting scheduled for Friday is canceled. We look forward to seeing everyone at Open House at 1:30 p.m.
Where in the World is St. A's?
Thank you to all the families who participated in the "Where in the World is St. A's?" Photo Journal. We had some great locations and photos! The photos are on display on the bulletin board in the hallway of the main building. Stop by and take a look during Open House!

Uniform News
Exciting Changes for Middle School Uniforms
We have some exciting changes to our Middle School uniforms this year. All uniform related questions should be directed to Mrs. O'Loughlin at doloughlin@saintanastasiaschool.org. Thank you.

Please note the following changes and updates for the 2016-2017 school year:
  • 8th grade will ONLY wear white polos with blue trim;
  • 6th and 7th grade will be allowed to wear yellow or green polo shirts;
  • 6th, 7th and 8th grade will be phasing in khaki pants (for boys) and khaki skorts (for girls); navy shorts/pants and plaid shorts & skorts may also be worn this year;
  • Mass attire for 6th, 7th and 8th grade (worn on all Mass Days including weekly mass) - a white dress oxford shirt and tie for the boys and white oxford and an ascot for the girls;
  • Pre-K Girls will be able to wear a t-shirt dress and for boys, heather grey shirts will also be coming.
White socks with the khaki bottoms and navy blue socks with navy bottoms!

Click HERE for the 2016-17 Uniform Policy.

  1. August Hours as follows:
  • Monday, Aug. 1 through Friday, Aug. 5 --- 10:00 until 1:00
  • Monday, Aug. 8 through Thursday, Aug. 11 --- 10:00 until 1:00
  • Friday, Aug. 12 --- OPEN HOUSE DAY--- 10:00 until 3:30
  • Monday, Aug. 15 --- 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL --- 7:30 until Noon
  • Tuesday, Aug. 16 --- 7:30 til Noon
  • Wednesday, Aug. 17Thursday, Aug. 18 & Friday, Aug. 19 --- 7:45 until 3:30
Starting Tuesday, Aug. 23:
Store returns to normal operating schedule:
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Hours: 7:30 am until 3:30 pm
When School is in session ONLY
Summer Reading & 2016-17 Supply Lists
The Summer Reading Lists and Supply Lists for the 2016-17 school year are available on our website. 

Click here for the Summer Reading Lists.

Click here for the Supply Lists.
St. A's Payment Plan & Lunch News
Payment Plan, Lunch Menu & Price Update
The lunch menu for the 2016-17 school year is now posted to our website. You can also download it here. The price for lunch is $4. Students pay for their lunches and aftercare fees through the St. A's Payment Plan. Please make sure your account has funds loaded prior to the first full day of school, Wednesday, August 17. Click here to upload funds to your child's account. If you have any questions about your St. A's Payment Plan account, please contact Mrs. Lynch at jlynch@saintanastasiaschool.org. Thank you!

All St. A's Payment Plan accounts should be replenished by August 17. School lunches, aftercare and miscellaneous school costs are charged to the St. A's Payment Plan. We will have staff members available to help you load your accounts during Open House on Friday, August 12 from 1:30-3 p.m. in the Media Center. If you take this opportunity to upload funds to your student's account at this time, you will receive One Volunteer Hour! 
Sports News
Sports Physicals Must Be on File
Volleyball and Soccer Tryouts will begin during the first week of school. All students in 5th-8th grade who wish to tryout MUST have a current pre-participation physical form on file with the officer prior to participating. Click here for the form.
Varsity Blue Volleyball Coach Needed
We are looking for a Varsity Blue Team Volleyball Coach. If you are interested, please contact Coach Jo at (772) 519-1255.
Pre-K News
Attention Pre-K Parents! Pre-K has its own class page on our website that gives you important information and updates about all the happenings in Pre-K. Click here to go to the Pre-K Post.
PTO News
PTO Back to School Baseball Bash
The St. Anastasia PTO invites you to Kickoff the 2016-17 School Year with the Back to School Baseball Bash at Tradition Field with your St. Lucie Mets!

Saturday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m.
Tradition Field
525 NW Peacock Blvd.
Port St. Lucie

Tickets: $6 each
Tickets can be purchased Cash, Check (made payable to St. Anastasia Catholic School) or your St. A's Payment Plan.

Student Prizes:
The St. Anastasia student who sells the most tickets throws out the first pitch of the night! Each student who sells two (2) tickets gets a Free Jersey Day. Each student who sells five (5) tickets, gets a Free Mets souvenir. The Class that sells the most tickets wins a Pizza Party with Klutch, the St. Lucie Mets mascot.

Sponsorships Available:
Businesses may sponsor the event and receive: 
50 tickets to the game
Free table display near gate A
Recognition during game
Cost: $300

For more information, please contact Keri Hughes 772.607.4230 or kvsunfire@aol.com. For details, or to purchase tickets, contact the school at (772) 461-2232. Click here
for the order form. 

Thank you to the following sponsors so far!

Volunteer News
Information on Becoming an Approved Volunteer
It is the policy of the Diocese of Palm Beach and St. Anastasia Catholic School to complete a background and fingerprint check on any parent who wishes to be a volunteer at the school or a chaperone on school field trips.  The volunteer must also attend a Protecting God's Children workshop before they assume responsibility for a child or volunteer on a regular basis at the school.  Protecting God's Children is a workshop on child sexual abuse.  To request a volunteer application, please contact Mrs. Mandy MacAdie at mmacadie@saintanastasiaschool.org.
Before a parent may volunteer or chaperone they must also:
  1. attend a Protecting God's Children workshop.  Protecting God's Children is a workshop on child sexual abuse.  The schedule of workshops is placed in the weekly newsletter.
  2. read and sign the Diocese of Palm Beach Code of Pastoral Conduct for Church Personnel.
  3. complete a Volunteer Information Sheet;
  4. sign the Volunteer Handbook agreement.
Parents will not be approved to volunteer or chaperone until we have received the following:
  1. results of a fingerprint background check
  2. verification of attendance at a Protecting God's Children workshop.
  3. a signed Code of Pastoral Conduct. 
  4. a completed Volunteer Information Sheet.
The fingerprint background check is valid for 5 years. Please call or send a note to the office if you would like to request a Volunteer Packet. The packet will be sent home with your child.
Protecting God's Children Workshops
Upcoming Workshops

Please go to www.virtus.org to register for a workshop, unless otherwise stated.
Click on "First Time Registrant" (left side of screen) to begin the registration process.

St. Christopher Church (Hobe Sound)
Sunday, August 14, 2016
10:00 a.m. - 2 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Holy Family Church (Port St. Lucie)
Thursday, August 18, 2016
7:00 p.m. - 2 ½ hours
This session will be conducted in English.
Please pre-register to RSVP

St. Bernadette Church (St. Lucie West)
Friday, August 19, 2016
6:00 p.m. - 2 ½ hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

St. Joseph Church (Stuart)
Thursday, August 25, 2016
6:00 p.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Holy Redeemer Church (Palm City)
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Contact Janice Maniscalco at 772-286-4590 for the time.
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

St. Luke Church (Lake Worth)
Saturday, September 10, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

St. Joseph Church (Stuart)
Saturday, September 10, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

St. Peter Church (Jupiter)
Saturday, September 17, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Rosarian Academy School (West Palm Beach)
Monday, September 19, 2016
8:30 a.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Rosarian Academy School (West Palm Beach)
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
6:00 p.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Pastoral Center (Palm Beach Gardens)
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
1:30 p.m. - 2 ½ hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

St. Bernadette Church (St. Lucie West)
Friday, October 21, 2016
6:00 p.m. - 2 ½ hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Pastoral Center (Palm Beach Gardens)
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
1:30 p.m. - 2 ½ hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

Pastoral Center (Palm Beach Gardens)
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
1:30 p.m. - 2 ½ hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.

St. Peter Church (Jupiter)
Saturday, March 18, 2017
9:00 a.m. - 3 hours
This session will be conducted in English.
You must register online for this workshop.
Church News
Friends & Family Fellowship Ministry Hosts Middle School Dance
The Friends & Family Fellowship Ministry is pleased to host the 
2nd annual Back to School Summer Beach Bash for incoming 6th-8th Graders (students do not need to be St. A students) on Friday, August 19th from 7-9 p.m. in the Parish Center.

Cost: $10 each OR $5 plus a non-perishable food item to be donated to St. Vincent de Paul (Pay at the Door). Celebrate the new school year with your friends!
Anastasia's Attic News
St. Anastasia Catholic School's Anastasia's Attic Thrift Shop directly benefits our school. Your donations are so important to us. Please call for a pick-up of large items. Pick-up days are Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays. 772-467-1444. The drop-off box at school has moved a little to the west of the old location, but is still available for you! You may drop off items there or at the shop located at 3901 Okeechobee Road, across from Moonswiners (formerly Dale's Bar-B-Q).

Shop hours are:
Monday - Friday - 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday - 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Closed on Sundays

Every hour you work at the Attic will count for two (2) hours towards the volunteer hours you need at school!

The Attic is in need of working appliances to sell.

For more information, or to schedule a pick up of a donation, contact Maria Meyer at (772) 467-1444. Thank you for your continued support! 
August 2016
August 12 - Open House at 1:30 p.m.
August 12 - New Parent Orientation at 3:00 p.m. (Parish Center)
August 15 - First Day of School, Noon Dismissal
August 16 - Noon Dismissal
August 19 - Friends and Family Fellowship Ministry Middle School Back to School Beach Bash Dance at the Parish Center at 7:00 p.m.
August 23 - All School Mass at 9:30 a.m.
August 23 - K-5 Back to School Night at 7 p.m.
August 27 - PTO Back to School Baseball Bash at Tradition Field at 6:30 p.m.
August 31 - Middle School Back to School Night at 7 p.m.

*Volunteer Opportunity
Feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested in the information by clicking on the "Share This E-mail" button below. To sign up for this newsletter, 
please e-mail me at LTrabulsy@saintanastasiaschool.org or click on the "Sign Up for Our E-mails!" button below.

Thank you for your support of St. Anastasia Catholic School. We appreciate your feedback! Be sure and visit the school's website where all previous newsletters are archived for your reference at www.saintanastasiaschool.org. God Bless!
Linette Trabulsy
St. Anastasia Catholic School
Protecting God's Children Workshops
The Saint Anastasia Catholic School and Church Community is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, where Catholic doctrine and values are integrated with a challenging curriculum.  
Through effective and innovative instruction, a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and active participation in the Sacramental life of the church, we work together with our families to develop foundations on which our children can build their lives.

Inspired by the founding Adrian Dominican nuns in 1926, St. Anastasia Catholic School continues to seek the truth in the Gospel, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and the value of all human life.
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St. Anastasia Catholic School 